Video Creator’s Channel Toids DIY Audio

Were Back Again With Another Video And
we’re gonna be talking about this little amplifier. It’s a mono amplifier that has a built-in low-pass that you can use this as a subwoofer. Only Board I picked one of these up to try on a project. I’ve got going on I thought I’d show it to you tell you what my thoughts are on it so let’s check it out. This is the UK three one one six D two mono board.
Now It Uses A Texas Instrument Uk A
three one one six D2 chip in it. Now that chip is usually good for two channels up to fifty watts each so it usually sends they left the right full range signal up to 50 watts. Now. This is a mono board and because of that they bridged it and so you actually get one output which is right here. output is 1 by 100, meaning that you get up to a hundred watts out of this particular output.
Now That Is Pretty Cool.
The other great thing about it is. It does have a lot of different input options as far as the voltage. It can take anywhere from 8 volts all the way up to 25 volts. So you can use about any power supply for it.
You Can Even Use It In
your 12-volt builds for those of you who are looking for this for car or for those of you who might be using this in a portable unit. Now. I did say that this is a mono board and the reason why it’s a mono board is because this is designed for a subwoofer and with that in mind they did put a 70 Hertz low-pass on this board, meaning that everything after 70 Hertz. slope downward and so that it’s really good from 70 Hertz down to zero Hertz, but this board actually says 70 Hertz down to 5 Hertz. A couple other features on this board.
- amplifier
- subwoofer
- mono
- channels
- instrument
It Does Have A Tension Ometer With The
on/off switch on it so there is no off here instead the off is turning the potentiometer all the way down. It shuts off the burn and then of course when you turn it on it acts as a non-and volume switch. It also comes with this knob here and this knob is actually kind of nice because it is aluminum style nominal is very thin in cheap aluminum knob I mean this doesn’t weigh anything. In fact a penny weighs more than this, but it’s much nicer than some of the plastic ones, so that’s a nice little added touch keep mine. This board only cost about.
- board designed subwoofer
- amplifier mono amplifier
- think little amplifier section questions
- signal 50 watts mono
- board designed subwoofer mind
$12 So Theres Really Not Much
to it in that regards so this now let’s go a little bit more in depth and to do that we’ll go ahead and plug it up alright guys. Now everything is hooked up you noticed a couple things one. This is very very loose on the board that probably needs to be restored that’s just usually what you get when you get a really cheap quality component. You also notice that plug this power adapter in now What this does is it adapts from two point one to two point five. Now I think they really missed on this they used a two point one by five point five millimeter power jack on here granted it does take the range from anywhere from eight to 25 volts, but really any power supply over 12 volts.
Almost Always Uses A Two Point Five By.
five point five millimeter jack, so you know I thought that was a miss now a lot of you guys will actually just solder the power directly onto the board and bypass this anyway which is what you know I’d be doing with if I use this board, but I still think that’s amiss because the people that don’t want to solder right you have to buy this other contraption for any of you that want to use a high voltage power supply so first thing I don’t like about it now there’s a couple other things that I don’t like about it second thing I don’t like is you can actually get some interference from this subwoofer and it really depends on what your source is, but I get a lot of interference from this 3. 5 millimeter jack, which is of course it’s only input since it’s just a. One channel board so no Bluetooth for any of you guys that we’re wondering that it’s just just this jack, which really is all it needs but let’s go ahead and bring the microphone closer to the subwoofer. So hopefully you can hear this alrights me actually pressing on the 3.
5 Millimeter Jack, But Whenever You Add Any Type
of input to that that type of noise is there I have to get really really close to it before I notice it so I don’t think that’s actually going to be an issue. However, it is something to know that it is it is there otherwise. It’s a pretty good board, but there’s one other thing that I think you really need to be aware of and that’s the 70 Hertz cutoff. I do believe it does cut off around 70 Hertz. There’s no problem with that however, the 70.
Hertz Cutoff Is A Very Low Slope,
so typically with a subwoofer when you cut it off. It’s a 12 decibel slope, meaning that it cuts off relatively quickly so that you’re not getting any of the other frequencies in here This unfortunately cuts off I’m gonna say probably a three decimal slope, but you know I don’t have that for sure you know whether it’s a three or six decimal slope, but it seems more like a three decimal slope now that’s not a problem. You’re using like a subwoofer like I am. This is a tank band W5.
Its Not As Big Of An Issue.
I Should say however, if you were trying to use like a mid-range as a subwoofer that might become more problematic now this because it’s it’s cutting off early already doesn’t have as big of from but we can play like a 1 kilohertz signal and still get that out of it so what I’m going to do is I’m gonna go ahead and leave you with playing some music with this and we’ll turn up and down this just so you can kind of see how powerful is because I do think it’s a very powerful handle so let’s go ahead leave you with some video footage and totally you guys think about this little amplifier in the section below and if you have any questions about it let me know hearing so 20 Hertz is a freezie range which you feel more than here guys hope you enjoyed. This video and if you did Don’t forget to like the video share with your friends and as always subscribe thanks guys and until next time.
Only Board I picked one of these up to try on a project. I thought I’d show it to you tell you what my thoughts are on it so let’s check it out.& This is the UK three one one one six D two mono board. output is 1 by 100, meaning that you get up to a hundred watts out of this particular output. The other great thing about it is. It does have a lot of different input options as far as the voltage.& It can take anywhere from 8 volts all the way up to 25 volts.& So you can use about any power supply for it.& You can even use it in your 12-volt builds for . those of you who are looking for this for car or for those of us who might be using this in a portable unit. It also comes with this knob is actually kind of nice because it is aluminum style nominal is very nice because of the knob is very easy to use. It is aluminum-style nominal…. Click here to read more and watch the full video