Video Creator’s Channel Parker The Basshead

Is A 50–Minute Sub Really Louder Than A
12-inch sub and if so how much guys we’re gonna put them to the test and see if that myth is really true. Let’s get into it before I get into it. Guys time to announce the next giveaway on the channel, so I do all my giveaways over on my facebook page, so go check that out in the description below what we are giving away today is first off we have two death boss Machete like our 12-inch subs and the winner is also going to be getting a 25 down for sound gift card guys so super exciting to shout out to down for sound for wanting to hook one of y’all up so to be entered all you gotta do guys is one be subscribed to this Youtube channel two go like my Facebook page and then. The post that I’ll make on the page about this giveaway guys All you gotta do cannot wait to ship this out to one of Y’all all right so we have got two of the scar Evl. Sub of course, I have a 12-inch version and a 15-inch version.
Both of these are dual 2 ohms. We can wire both to 1 ohm. So we can get pretty much the exact same input going to these guys and reason. I went with these one they are pretty much identical subs as far as motor and coil and suspension, so that is perfect only big difference of course baskets and obviously the cones so it should make it for a pretty comparable test.
I Know Some Subs.
Sometimes the 15s will have a bigger and stronger motor than the 12s. Not really the case here guys second reason. Is I do have scars boxes so that’ll be perfect We’ll know we’ll at least have pretty much optimal boxes for each of these guys. For doing these tests.
Now Im Not Going To Go Over
these subs that much guys. I have a full review on the evl. Should you want to go check that out did that review about pie two years ago. Now have a 8 000 watt amp so we’ll really be able to push these guys to their very max to see what the output is. They both have three-inch coils both have 160 cents out motors.
Of Course Both Dual 2 Ohms Now.
Some of these other specs are a team but off like the fs is a little bit higher on the 12 than it is on the 15. that is somewhat normal bl very very similar guys same for sensitivity only. one point off there guys overall very very similar subs. Now guys this is scar’s 12 inch and 15 inch box.
Now This Is Two Cubic Feet To Do
36 Hertz so almost in spec for the sub. I think it calls for 2. 2 cubic feet tuned to like 37 Hertz. I believe whereas this guy is 3. 8 cubic feet tuned to 31 Hertz and these hub calls for a box that is three cubic feet tuned to 34 hertz.
So Both These Boxes Are Pretty Close.
This one’s a little bit big. This one’s a barely teeny bit small just take that into mind. These boxes are not 100 percent perfectly just back also for all your nuts out there guys. This video is purely for entertainment purposes.
Only This Is Not Real Science Or Anything
guys I’m just doing this for fun because i enjoy it both subs. are in the boxes now? This multimeter always seems to read a teeny bit low, but this guy says it’s sitting at point eight ohms, and this one over here says 0. 6 ohms. So both pretty close all right. I’m gonna let both these guys break in for a few days just to make sure that these fires break in a little bit so we don’t instantly tear out a spider or something running some big bursts through these guys so we’re gonna do that then Y’all will get the testing all right.
Ive Left The 12 And The 15
both break in for a while so I’m going to show you how we’re going to do this test guys first of all both subs are going to be over at this far end the port over on this far side both boxes are going to be 16 inches back. All the doors will be closed. All the windows will be closed. We’re then going to see how loud we can get each sub at 35-40 and 45 hertz. For all my tests.
We Are Going To Be Using
the spl labs mini bass meter and we’re gonna have it down here in the kick on the passenger side corner just show how much power we have going through these things we have the SmD AmM1 now this is set to Dyno mode. So So it’ll show us the max, but it will only show us the max up to clipping So should the amp clip a teeny bit. It will stop it when it gets to there. So it sometimes can make that a little hard for showing the actual power that we’re putting to the sub. But so long as it doesn’t clip we should be fine and for an amp.
We Have This Par Amp Base
8k 8 000 watts at 1 ohm well of course keep the settings and everything the same for both tests. It’s a old testament app. I don’t even know if you can get it anymore, but it seems to work pretty well for the videos, so we’re going to first do 35. Hertz do it kind of low power just to show you how this thing is gonna work there. You go put super low.
Power Through It, We Got A 121.
put 627 watts and we got a 130. 4. Okay pushed her real hard there 4785 watts and look at that fellas. We got a 137.
9 Okay.
We’ll give it one more shot a little bit more power there 4879 watts, but we actually lost a little bit on the score. Guys got a 135. 8 all right same test but at 40 Hertz started off kind of low 284 watts, 129. 7 27.
Ah look at that though it likes 40 Hertz. We got a 139. 6 3973 watts and we got a 139. 9.
It Seems To Be Where Its
wanting to max out at 40 Hertz. You see the ohms rising a little bit higher there, but we got 469 watts and look at that broke into the 140 got a 140. 5 so guys I have this all the way maxed out have not changed. These settings on the stereo but again at your different frequencies. Your ohms are going to rise differently and just the overall power output is going to come up somewhat different.
Its Not Going To Be Consistent
on the last test. We only rose to 2 Ohms Heroes at the 2. 4 so we could not squeeze quite as much power out of this guy, but hey we still got a louder at 40 hertz than 35 now. We’re gonna try 45 hertz. See what we get there 137 watts got a 127.
See the zones are really rising at 45 hertz, but 477 watts and we got a 132. 1 3443 watts. Ah look at that broke up into the 140s. Guys got a 140.
- subs
- sub
- amp
- louder
- decibels
5 Okay.
We got it maxed out here let’s see what happens road to 2. 7 Ohms. We got 3433 watts and we did not gain anything guys. We got a 140.
Here are the results. The score increased a good deal at 40 Hertz and was the exact same at 45 Hertz So we know this box and sub combo likes to peak above 40 Hertz time to run the exact same test on this 15 here and just see if we’re able to blow those numbers out of the water or hey maybe it’ll just be close. Maybe even the same who knows all right the 15 is in here port all the way to the side just like the 12 and we are 16 inches away from the hatch just like the 12 as well and all doors and windows will be closed. Let’s get to testing okay everything is hooked up again did not mess with any of the controls over up there we’ll only be adjusting from my base knob back here the meter in the same spot.
Lets Start With 35 Hertz On Low Power
and then go up from there 261 watts got a 123. 654 watts 127. 8, 27. 69 watts and we got up to a 137. 2 4777 watts just about on par with what we peaked at with the 12-inch sub, but look at that guys We got a 139.
- 50 minute sub really louder
- know subs 15s bigger stronger
- subs guys scar 12 inch
- inch subs winner going getting
- minute sub really louder 12
7 Definitely Beating What We Got With The
12-inch sub at 35 Hertz give it one more shot just to see if we can get above 140. That was 4589 watts. Ah look at that though guys a 140. 5 at 35 Hertz we’ve already tied with 40 and 45 Hertz that we got from the 12 inch. Box 40 Hertz super low power to start with 264 watts, 128.
1 1028 Watts Got A 137.
4 3634 watts and we have our highest score so far Guys a 140. 8 all right. We’ve got our knob maxed out let’s see if we can approve anything over that 4020 watts but look at that 141. 7 last portion of our test time to go to 45 Hertz turn this to some pretty low power.
Lets See What We Get 287 Watts
and we got a 133 1027 watts and a 134.2 2679 watts, and we got a 139. 8 3762 watts. Oh my goodness that is way louder. Though guys look at that 143.
8 Weve Got This Guy Maxed Out Once
again. We have not changed anything up there let’s see if we can squeeze anything more out of it or if that was the best we’re gonna get definitely push some more. power to it guys 3979 watts, but hey just a 143. 7. Let’s check out the results guys for these.
We Actually Had A Little Less Power Here
with the 15 at 35 Hertz, but we got 2.6 db higher on the score, so that is awesome over here very close in power at 40 Hertz and we got 1. 2 db higher with actually a little bit less power. So the 15 definitely putting in work doing better over there and then we were actually able to squeeze more power At 45 Hertz we got a much much higher score 3.
3 Db Higher.
Guys that is quite quite the jump now I know 3. 3 db may not sound like much of a jump, but when you get above 40 Hertz every db gain is quite quite large, much bigger than a db gain below 40 Hertz y’all decibels do not rise. Linearly, they basically rise at a exponential rate sort of so it’s much harder to go from 40 to 45 hertz than it is to go from 35 to 40 hertz and so on and so forth.
So Yes, We Did Have 400
more watts at the 45 hertz, but we jumped quite an impressive amount as far as the decibels. I know a lot of people do use the spl lab meters. They seem to be pretty consistent. Seem to be pretty good guys and hey.
These Are The Results Now Once Again.
This is not 100 a you know pure science down to it. This is for entertainment guys.
Is a 50-minute sub really louder than a 12-inch sub and if so how much? We’re gonna put them to the test and see if that myth is really true? The winner is also going to be getting a 25 down for sound gift card . To be entered all you gotta do guys is one be subscribed to this Youtube channel two go like my Facebook page and then go to the post that I’ll make on the page about this giveaway guys. All you must do cannot wait to ship this out to one of Y’all all right so we have got two of the scar Evl.& Sub of course, I have a 12 inch version and a 15-inch version . Both of these are dual 2 ohms. They both have three-inch coils both have 160 cents out motors. Both have a 8 000 watt amp so we’ll really be able to push these guys to their very max to see what the output is. The winner will also get a 25…. Click here to read more and watch the full video