Video Creator’s Channel ARS24 – Onlineshop

Woah What The Hell.
. . how cool is that Wow, why didn’t something like this exist before Just stick it in between and you’re done! So far we have always shown you how to tap the signal for an active subwoofer in the car on the original car radio, using an AaC. 3 with free cable ends.
This Is A High-Low Adapter That Turns Speaker
outputs from the car radio into a cinch output and even has a remote cable ready to switch on the subwoofer. First of all, for all those who already have a sound system in their vehicle, for example, the UK Harmann Kardon, Beats or Dynaudio,. All these sound systems have nothing to do with what we do today, because today we use the sound taps on an original Standard sound systems take care of this and make it considerably easier to retrofit an active subwoofer for a standard sound system so that there is finally bass in the car! Now again, for those who want to add more bass to their standard sound system in the vehicle,. There is a wide range of active subwoofers that have a built-in amplifier integrated in the housing. It does n’t matter whether you take an underseat subwoofer or a flat woofer, one that fits in the spare wheel in the trunk or should be installed instead of a spare wheel, we always have the same.
Of Course, All These Subwoofers Need The Music
signal that the subwoofer is supposed to play. IT’s coming from the car radio! Your original car radio is never intended to be plugged in anywhere, but original cables come out of the car radio, go into your vehicle to the speakers and we always have to jump on them. So far we have always done this with our UK Our high-low adapter, which had to be mounted on free cable ends on this plug. With such electricity thieves or similar things. .
We Thought Something About It, So Now
we say that it might not be so ideal, we want to make it much easier for you.! We now have the plug and play variant for this tap, so that it is incredibly easy for you to do something here on the car radio! Simply plug in and you’re done! The continuation. The high-low adapter I just showed you is our new UK High Low Adapter Molex,, which is the abbreviation for this type of connector called Molex. We find it again on our counterpart,, which is installed in the vehicle. This has the possibility that the whole thing can now be plugged in with reverse polarity protection.
Our signal connection is already given. We also have the preparation for the power supply on our plug, which we can plug in here with the plugs without having to touch the cable on the vehicle. Now just plug in our UK It can now also conjure up a top signal for you from the front loudspeaker outputs of the original radio and does not cause any problems when connecting,. Unlike perhaps the other one or the other high-low adapter that causes problems with the car radio, without it generating an error message are.
Already done all that with the UK and now have a cinch line with a high-quality signal and also a remote line to be able to switch on a subwoofer. While we are on the subject of switching it on, you must of course ensure that your active subwoofers have a separate power supply, to the battery or wherever it is necessary. IN. This case we are talking about the signal tap on the original car radio.
We always have a 5-m brake line in our set, which you can attach here and also attach to the subwoofer. ALso, a five meter long remote cable with connector to be able to extend this cable at the remote connection to the subwoofer. THis is always included in the basic set. WE have three different sets and what I just showed you is always included as a.
As A Basic Component In Each Set.
Because there are different vehicle plugs, We now have exactly three different variants of vehicle adapter plugs, resulting in three different sets. . One Quadlock connector as a complete variant, power quadlock connector as a complete variant and with UK connector as a complete variant. .
These Three Sets Are Available And Which Are
now distinguished by the connection plug. Now let’s go to our car connectors and let’s start with our UK connector. That’s basically the case for all German premium vehicles up to around 2005. They all have an UK connection and can therefore dock me on it. But if you drive a UK or any other Japanese car, you could use this connector for that as well.
All You Need Is A Suitable T-Cable Set,
which is adapted to the vehicle in question and we can also plug it in here with our UK connection. Thus, The UK cable kit is the variant that can also be used for all other vehicles. . Now we come to the quadlock connector, namely the normal quadlock connector. THis is for all vehicles of the German premium cars from 2007 to 2014 which were used with a normal Quadlock.
As Of 2017, Its Safe To Assume
that’s actually a power quadlock. NOw you are wondering what is the difference between a quadlock and a power quadlock You can actually see that pretty clearly. The shape, i. e. the plug itself, the housing is exactly the same, only.
The Power Quadlock Has Two Connections
with it. Two TWo thick pins where a thicker power cable is also responsible for the power supply of the car radio. THe power Quadlock does not have that compared to the normal quadlock. . IT just has the power supply via the same pins as the others.
The Power Quadlock Has Two Extra Thick Pins.
So if you’re not quite sure about the years of manufacture, because you simply have 2015 and 2016, but we’ve talked about them now. IT’s always these years when it’s not entirely clear whether there might still be an UK connection in the car in 2006,, but some models already have Quadlock or only between 2014 and 2017,. There are also vehicles that already have the new power UK in it. Some vehicles in 2017 actually still have the old one inside.
You are not sure which kit is the right one for you, just give us. A call, we will of course be happy to advise you. 08331-990300. Now let’s do a really detailed practical example again.
Here you can see the components that are included in each of the sets and which set you choose is clear whether you have either a quadlock connection, a power quadlock or an UK connection. Accordingly, you select your suitable set. We have a Golf 6 car radio as an example, which means we need the Quadlock connection, which you can also plug in directly here. .
Then We Can Clear Away The Two
plugs completely.. Now we have the connection on the side that is plugged into the vehicle and here we have our tap, which comes out of the car radio. Let’s plug it in right here. ! One signal, one time the power supply black to black that is ground, yellow permanent plus on the red power supply.
From The Uk At The Uk.
We then have the outputs that carry very good signals for our cinch line. . You can now lay the cinch line in the car up to the subwoofer where you installed the subwoofer in the vehicle and can usually plug in the cinch line directly. Now.
Our Remote Line Is Still Missing, Which
we can connect here. The white cable here is the remote output line and we can now run it with the extension cable with the blue remote cable to the subwoofer’s remote connection. In principle, this would make the entire signal line and remote line traceable. THe power supply of each woofer can of course be seen separately and normally. The video here is really just about the remote and the signal line.
You have another woofer that looks like this,. For example,, it also has these cinch inputs, which you can plug in again directly. As a rule, of course, you have the power supply for every woofer, which should be connected to ground and the battery. NOw.
We Still Have This Remote Line Here, Which
is not connected to a connection terminal. Like with the other woofer, but as a piece of cable and we always include the appropriate crimp connections in the appropriate UK set so that you can always make the right connection, no matter what kind of sub you have. You can always completely connect your things with it. . IF.
You Have A Vehicle From An Older Year
of manufacture, then you take the UK connection and the plug in exactly the same way as you just did it and can then also operate these vehicles and connect the whole thing here with UK For. For all other vehicles that have neither UK nor UK. The UK connector is the basis to go on to connect any other vehicle, no matter what the connections are in there. . We usually have these T-cable sets that we now plug in.
It Can Be Connected In The Same Way
that the loudspeaker plugs and the power plugs are connected through so that they go into the line in such a way that it now also fits in any other car with the appropriate T-cable set. For all bargain hunters among you, there is now another variant where we can even do away with this whole issue completely and you just take this base unit, quadlock, power quadlock or UK connection and lengthen the cable accordingly with a MOlex connector. Just take the output from the signal. WE are still at high level. Here, i.
the speaker output,. The cinch line. That would then be the UK that does it differently. .
- switch subwoofer sound vehicle example
- internally woofer car radio
- tap signal active subwoofer car
- course subwoofers need music signal
- easier retrofit active subwoofer standard
We Run The High-Level Cable Directly Behind
the subwoofer and also plug it in with our Molex connector.. IT also fits in almost all active woofers. Fits here! IT also has a Molex connection for a high-level in, which means we can save on the high-low adapter if necessary. .
This Means We Dont Have The
100 percent certainty that the car radio will never give any error messages, because the UK does that really well. But we can simply infect it directly. Now I practically only need the base unit Quadlock Power Quad Logo UK connection with the corresponding Molex connection cable and if you use it like that, you don’t need a remote cable either, because the built-in high-low adapter is the stripped down version of our UK Yes, always installed in such cases with active. Remote line internally in the woofer. The car radio is now also recognized and does not need electricity unnecessarily when the car radio is off.
So That Fits Very Well From The
variant. OF course, these Molex connection cables are also available for purchase in our web shop. . I give you the link below in the video description text.
This Is Then Available As A 2.
75 meter piece. . You can take that twice if you say, okay, I want to go in up to the trunk.
- subwoofers
- subwoofer
- speakers
- woofers
- loudspeaker
Or such a woofer with two 2. 75 meter side actually looks super together at the bottom of the car radio and then insert the cable and then you are served the same way. That would be the low-cost option for those who say I want to spend as little as possible.
They Could Count On This, Too.
Admittedly, the content of this video. is totally complex at first, and if.
THis is a high-low adapter that turns speaker outputs from the car radio into a cinch output and even has a remote cable ready to switch on the subwoofer . Just stick it in between and you’re done! The original car radio is never intended to be plugged in anywhere, but original cables come out of car radio, go into your vehicle to the speakers and we always have to jump on them . We now have the plug and play variant for this tap, so that it is incredibly easy for you to do something here on the car . The UK Harmann Kardon, Beats or Dynaudio sound systems have nothing to do with what we do today, because today we use the sound taps on an original Standard sound systems take care of this and make it considerably easier to retrofit an active subwowoofer for a standard sound system so that there is finally bass in the car! There is a wide range of subwoofers that have a built-in amplifier integrated in…. Click here to read more and watch the full video