Video Creator’s Channel Williston Audio Labs

Oh! Many Audio Amplifiers Have Been Very
popular on my channel I’ve tested these for many years in the past, even before I got my amplifier Dyno check the link in the video description, I’ll have a link to all the many amps I’ve tested over the years today. We’ll look at knob sound or Doke audio who’s been around for a little while they’ve been around since 2013 and I love their company profile. They say we design produce and sell high quality products at favorable prices to those who love music and fashion. They have dozens of amplifiers listed on their website anywhere from thirty-five dollars U. s up to fourteen hundred dollars U.
- amplifiers
- amplifier
- amp
- amps
- subwoofer
S Two Amplifiers Even So Pretty Impressive Lineup
here maybe We’ll try one of those more expensive ones later, but for today we’re going to look at the M1 pro by Doke audio and i. Don’t have the upgraded version which I’m showing here Mine Doesn’t have that extra antenna but at the time of this video 94 dollars for this mini amp, which is kind of pricey so let’s open the box and see what’s inside here again. We have this 32 volt 5 amp power supply which is 160 watts and again. This thing is rated a little higher than that here. You can see all the different components included some paperwork power supply and the amplifier not a whole lot on the front of the amp.
Youll See The Power Input Selection
switch go from off RCa to UsB to Bluetooth UsB and bluetooth controls for previous necks and pause UsB input for up to 32 gig flash drive base and treble controls for tone adjustment as well as a large volume potentiometer. All the potentiometers feel really nice on this amp. So I really like that? On the back you can see we have RCa line level inputs. These are the standard style RCa not Tiffany. Beside that we have an RCa line level subwoofer output.
So You Can Power A Or Send
signals to a power subwoofer and then we have the speaker outputs which are on binding post very nice very nice quality there and we have the power input to use. The included 32 volt 5 amp power supply as far as the size. The amp is very compact for the width 4. 5 inches or 114 millimeters for the depth 6 inches or 152 millimeters that includes the knobs and the speaker outputs and for the height 1. 5 inches or 38 millimeters.
What Makes The Samp Unique As Far As
many amps goes. It does have the subwoofer output that’s not a standard option on many amps as well as a UsB input for playing MP3, WMa, ApE, FlAc or WaV files also has the TDa 7498E chip, which the chip itself is rated 160 watts plus 160 watts. Max power. We know how max power goes. According to St.
Who Designs A Chip.
It says it has that output power 10 percent thd 4 ohms at 36 volts again. The power supply is 32 volts 5 amps, so we don’t even have we only have 160 watts for the power supply. Here’s a comparison to the other foci audio that I tested before dimensions wise exactly the same and has some nice potentiometers as I mentioned before here. For controlling the base treble as well as the volume and the other thing is on the back if you use these dual banana.
Plugs They Will Not Work With This
amp. I really like these ones from stinger check the link in the video description. I’ll have a link to these as these accept up to eight gauge wire and so I went with the single versions of the Stinger here again except eight gauge and these fit perfectly into the amplifier. So now that we have the amp on the bench let’s wire it up using some 12 gauge ofc speaker wire and we’ll get it plugged in here pull it up to the dyno and let’s try it out now let’s fire up the good old smd do more engineering amplifier Dyno to do our RMs power output testing of this amplifier before we do that make sure you check the video description for links to Wilson audio Merch smash me a thumbs up and subscribe if you like this content. More like it coming all the time now Let’s talk about the dyno tests.
Theres Three Different Tests Certified Uncertified
and dynamic certified test takes us up to one percent ThD uncertified takes us up to the clipping point and dynamic is the dynamic tone mimicking Ihf202 standard first up let’s try 8 ohms stereo. There are no ratings provided from the manufacturer let’s try it out on the dyno and see the 1 kilohertz test track here. Both channels are measured and we got 55 and 52 watts. You can ignore the voltage on the right side the we have the dyno plugged into my battery bank, so it’s not going to show the actual voltage of the amplifier. It’s just showing the voltage that’s provided to the amp dyno for powering.
It Lets Try Uncertified Which Is Up
to the clipping point and virtually the same numbers 54. and 53 watts so that’s decent power for a mini amp going to you know some smaller bookshelf speakers or even some tower speakers 53 and 52 watts using the dynamic burst test again that’s pretty decent power four Ohms. This is where it’s rated 160 plus 160 max. I know what most people are already going to say take max and half it and that gives you your Rms rating well. In this case it turns out to be pretty true 82 and 85 watts again that’s Rms certified to 1 thd.
This Uncertified Test Takes Us Up
to the clipping point of the amplifier. Once it hits that point where no more clean power 89 and 84 watts so a little bit more and then dynamic burst sends a pulse tone into the amp and it’s right about the same not much difference here 87 and 84 watts. Now look at those results that we just showed you it’s not 160 by 2 obviously and you can pause this if you want to see it and I do have some additional tests at the very end of the video. After the credits so if you want to see that make sure you stick around until the very end. Now let’s hook it up to our Elac” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>elac speakers and the pulp powered subwoofer and see how it sounds we’ll be using tracks from the Youtube audio library loaded onto a Usb drive so all right as it’s playing with the sub I’m gonna turn it off.
See If We Can Kind Of A Thump
zero turn off up. Let’s turn it back on see if it starts back where it was it does remembers exactly where it was very cool, so I’m not seeing a bluetooth device listed here. When I have the thumb drive plugged in so let me switch this pull the thumb drive out Let’s flip it back to Bluetooth and let’s see if we show up a device shows up here there it is bluetooth hi-fi audio and bluetooth High folio we’re connected let’s play a song here from bluetooth So now let’s open up the case and find out what’s inside this amp we say chips and dip switches and sounds for the you big dummy inside the amp. You’ll notice a really large heat sink in the middle to keep that amp chip nice and cool as well as some output filtering there and I did notice these elena caps which I’m not sure these are true. Elena caps 16 volts 470 microfarads because these are high grade caps.
These May Not Be The Real Ones Again.
Some more filtering there for the. The good stuff This thing has solid construction Aluminum UsB RCa bluetooth for inputs base and treble controls speaker binding post for connecting your speaker wires. A subwoofer output RCa line level for connecting a powered subwoofer and good sound quality Overall especially with that poke audio subwoofer connected things could be better. It’d be nice if it had a subwoofer volume control does not have a remote control at almost a hundred dollars.
I Would Consider This Kind Of Pricey
for a mini amp and I wish they’d just give that RMs rating of 80 watts by two at four ohms. Because that’s what this amp truly does as far as many amps I’ve tested. This may be one of my favorite ones. Due to the RCa line level subwoofer output the nice sound that it sent to the elac speakers again check video description for the link to. Those Elac bookshelf speakers and the polk audio subwoofer.
Those Are A Great Combination.
You can pretty much add whatever amp you want and those sound great so thanks again for watching until next time Big d i’m out of here Duke Audio M1 pro 2. 67 ohms. It’s not rated anything under 4 Ohms Let’s just try it certified first one kilohertz all right 81 and 77 uncertified update clipping 2. 67 ohms 82 and 78 dynamic burst 2.
- kind pricey mini amp wish
- amplifiers popular channel ve tested
- dollars mini amp kind pricey
- amplifiers listed website thirty dollars
- oh audio amplifiers popular channel
671 Kilohertz Whoa 113 And 108.
Duke Audio M1 pro not rated anything under four ohms. Let’s try two ohms. Just the dynamic burst test one kilohertz hopefully it won’t hurt the amp let’s just see what we get all right in and out of protect their 135 133 watts you.
Many audio amplifiers have been very popular on my channel I’ve tested these for many years in the past, even before I got my amplifier Dyno . We’ll look at knob sound or Doke audio who’s been around for a little while they’ve been around since 2013 and I love their company profile.& They say we design produce and sell high quality products at favorable prices to those who love music and fashion . At the time of this video 94 dollars for this mini amp, which is kind of pricey so let’s open the box and see what’s inside here again. We have this 32 volt 5 amp power supply which is 160 watts and again.& This thing is rated a little higher than that here. We’ll try one of those more expensive ones later, but for today we’re going to look at the upgraded version which I’m showing here Mine doesn’t have that extra antenna but at the time it doesn’t has an upgraded version of the amp. Doesn’t have an extra antenna…. Click here to read more and watch the full video