Video Creator’s Channel RobotUnderground

All Right So For Some Reason I
got my two two kit. I think I ordered two tens or I don’t whatever anyways. Two of the audio legions came in that I from the Javelin series What’s weird is. They have another series on there forget the name of it. It actually does less power but they’re asking more money for it.
- woofers
- woofer
- rms
- cheap
- javelin
I Dont Understand That So But
maybe I can give them a call and work out a deal on a bulk buy because I need cheap woofers like this for um something like a medium something above the kicker basics but not quite like a 300 watt woofer something so this is a 250 watt woofer. It’s American legion javelin . It looks fine. It looks the the tree. The cone is untreated, but sometimes that’s a good look for like a um a matte look looks.
Like Its Probably Just A Single Dust
cap no inner cap and it’s just glued down a little messy, but you know whatever it’s a 33 woofer. It’s a half price right now because audio legion I guess is closed in the doors um let’s see what else um I thought this was good the that’s the tool number on the gasket which is this is a nice gasket. It’s good enough for a steel frame. This is their brand into it which i’d love to talk to Larry the both Larry’s to find out you know who made this it’s got a bumped and vented double vented vented here and vented here back plate this thing’s got some got some good excursion. I was getting about at least one and a half inches before it started to get a little stinky They rated at 300 watts Rms.
Just had it hooked up to the big class D burned it in a little bit stretched out the butthole a little bit and this is the parameters. I got so that’s the wire the coils in series 33 point whatever 34 Hertz and then the vas is only 1. 4 cubic feet.
So Thats Fine Too So These Are
going to be nice. I’m going to probably I’m not going to even de-badge them. I don’t even think I want to go through that um oh. Maybe maybe we’ll do a jizz llama like a bigger cap and then put the gizmo logo on there or something like that and then just take off the back sticker that might be good.
Well Try Them Both Theyre Cheap
enough. I’ll put the link in the description so that you can try them out on yourself. They Also have some of the other higher end ones um which are not to me is not as good a deal, but I mean cheap woofers are cheap woofers. They’re nice and if you can figure out a way to rebadge them, then good for you.
I Wish More Companies Would Offer
oem solutions where it’s just a non-badged woofer just import it and then you let the user do it but nobody’s doing that. I don’t know why the only one is probably probably Dayton, but again Dayton wants to promote their brand right which is parts express parts express is actually the parent and then Dayton is the brand, but they want to promote Dayton too and it’s like stop doing that we need like some good beefy woofers that you can use for car or home that don’t say anything on them and then the rest of. Can can rebadge them, so I love you guys talk to you later.
- watt woofer 250
- cheap woofers nice figure way
- price right audio legion guess
- half price right audio legion
- 250 watt woofer american legion
Two of the audio legions came in that I from the Javelin series What’s weird is.& They have another series on there forget the name of it . It actually does less power but they’re asking more money for it.& I don’t understand that so but maybe I can give them a call and work out a deal on a bulk buy. I need cheap woofers like this for something like a medium something above the kicker basics but not quite like a 300-watt woofer something so this is a 250 watt woofer. I was getting about at least one and a half inches before it started to get a little stinky. I’m going to probably I’m not going to even de-badge them. I don’t even think I want to go through that.& Maybe maybe maybe we’ll do a jizz llama like a bigger cap and then put the gizmo logo on. I’m going to do a…. Click here to read more and watch the full video