Video Creator’s Channel Shane Lee

Whats Up Guys Today Were Going To
be checking out another pair of subwoofers today We’ve got the XTz sub 112 edge, so shout out to Xtz for getting me this subwoofer for review like I said I got two of these in but we’re only going to unbox one today because they’re exactly the same inside the box. We will automatically see that we have the subwoofer grille. It’s made out of plastic and I think it’s magnetic. I think this ships all the way from like Sweden pretty nice packaging so far and to be honest with you. The packaging looks very similar to the rendal speakers and also the pearlescent speakers so maybe there’s a connection there somewhere.
Im Sure Some Of You Guys Will
know if you do leave a comment down below but inside the box. We get some white gloves and some documentation and. Then we also get the power cord and we get some screws so this comes in a nice little cloth bag with a little drawstring. Just like those other speakers. I mentioned it’s not too heavy either it’s about 53.
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- speakers
- packaging
- enclosure
9 Pounds, So Its Not Too Heavy So On
the front of the sub. We got a single 12-inch driver with the Xtc logo embossed on the front. This is a ported subwoofer, but if you want to use it as a sealed sub. It does come with a foam plug, but if you do want to use a ported, you can take out the foam plug. It’s got a nice little Xtz Cinema logo on the front and on the bottom of the sub.
There Are Some Little Little Feet
here, which I think are adjustable. So if you want to level it to your floor you can do. that as well or if you want to get some spiked feet, you can unscrew these and add some extra spikes or some sorbothane feet or something like that to add some extra padding to the subwoofer and if you could tell by looking at the top of the subwoofer. It’s in a trapezoidal shape, so the two side walls are not parallel with each other so that way. It’s got to sort of keep the resonances down the inner walls kind of slope inwards so size.
-Wise It Measures 17.
7 inches high by 20 inches wide by 19 inches deep. So it’s almost a perfect square except for the fact that it is kind of a trapezoid. It’s got eight layers of lacquered finish, which is matte black so if this is going to go in your home theater. It’s going to look very nice and and keep all the.
Away From Your Projector Screen Or Your
television screen so it’s got a nice flat satiny finish which is what I prefer so on the back here we get XLR connections in and out. We also get line in and out as well. RCas We also get a low pass which is fully adjustable from 30 Hertz all the way to 170. we’ve got phase, which is variable from 0 to 180 degrees. We get a gain which is your volume knob and there’s also a built-in peq which you can adjust the frequency here and also the gain here from a negative nine to a plus nine.
You Can Also Turn The Peq
on or off from the little switch. You can also turn on the low pass filter on or off whether or not you’re going to use this directly with your processor or receiver. You would turn. on or off there and there are three different presets for Eq. There’s a reference setting which will give you the most extension.
Theres Eq One Which Will Give You
a low frequency cut off so it keeps out the lowest frequency. So if you’re going to put this in a small room you’re not vibrating everything and then EQ2 will add a little bit of extra kick so I think a little boost in the mid–range. There’s also the auto on or always on selector as well. Then on the bottom main power switch and then the power inlet frequency response for this is 19 hertz to 160 hertz and this is powered by an ice power class D amplifier rated at 700 watts Rms or 1045 watts Max so like I said I got two of these in for review I also got some xtz speakers These are. 2S‘s you can either use these as atmos toppers or if you want you can mount these on your ceiling.
Im Not Going To Unbox These
because they only sent me some atmospheres. I’m still waiting on the rest of the speakers. I think they’re going to send me some M6s or M8s or something like that so in the meantime. I’m going to keep this over to the side we’re going to go ahead get this guy set up in the home theater and I’ll come back give you some thoughts impressions. I’m going to be placing one sub in the front corner of my theater and the other sub in the opposite right rear corner.
This Always Gives Me The Best Response
for my space. They’ll be hooked up to a chernobyl to 2 processor and I’ll be using as a PD signature media player and a cloud. Escape for all the demos you can find all the associated gear I use for this video down below. In the video’s description I’ll be turning off any room correction in the processor and using the subs built-in eq to fine-tune the response in myspace. The first demo we’re going to check out is Godzilla vs Kong on 4k Blu-ray.
If All You Want Is Bass.
This has got an ample amount from 40 hertz and below for medium-sized box. These subwoofers can dig pretty low and for a movie like this you want to have subwoofers that can capture the feeling of giant monster footsteps pounding into the ground. You could feel the vibrations coming up from the floor and radiate through your body. It’s a quiet sub until it’s needed to just snap into high gear with these types of action flicks.
Ive Heard Subwoofers Go Lower For.
the size and the way it pressurized my space. You might think these are a lot bigger than what they are even at uncomfortable levels. The pair didn’t break a sweat nor did I hear any unsavory noises coming from the enclosure or felt like the drivers were going to give out next up is fury on 4k. It’s a hard-hitting atmos mix and demands a quick responsive subwoofer let’s go you know recently, I’ve had a subwoofer that was like five times the price of the Xtz and it could hardly do this demo justice so for the asking price of the Xtz.
You Might Think Itd Do Even Worse,
but that wasn’t The case. The 1×12 is one speedy subwoofer that can belt out successive impact from all those machine guns blasting away. It’s very tight and tactile with immediate punch, which gives me a little bit of. Rel subwoofer vibe, Although I wouldn’t say it’s quite as snappy, but it’s close if you like that kick in the chest type of bass, then the Xtz can surely deliver and now we’re going to wrap this up with some infrasonics from edge of tomorrow. I’m not sure if we’re even on the air well.
These Are Only Rated Down To 19
hertz and it definitely sounded like it which is great, but it would have needed to go down lower to give you the type of teeth rattling extension. This movie calls for at the peak of the demo. These played crazy loud and vibrated everything loose in the next room. It’s that last couple seconds where larger subs can vibrate the air, which makes your skin tingle and sometimes even your insides so hitting single digits Aren’t something the Xtz subs can do I did take a. few measurements of my space keep in mind that these are my results in my room and will likely look very different for what you get in yours.
The First Measurement Is The Front Subwoofer
sealed. I got a small dip at 55Hz and it does drop off at the specified 19. going ported I’m getting about 2 db more output, but it does have a steeper drop off at 19 Hertz the same goes for the back subwoofer. It drops off at 19 Hertz but going ported. It does play louder with a steeper drop off at 19.
Using Both Together.
I’ve got a smoother overall response down to 19 hertz sealed but going ported it plays a bit louder with a much quicker drop off at 19. . So for all of these demos. I did use the subwoofers sealed at the time of this video.
The 1 By 12 Edge Is Selling
for 850 of all the under 1 000 subwoofers I’ve had in my theater. I can honestly say I think this is the best bang for Buck subwoofer out there. It’s got an adjustable peq which most subwoofers at this price. Don’t have and it’s even got XLR balanced inputs which even subs costing two or three times as much don’t have either it’s got great build quality, but the only thing that kind of bothers me is the blue portion of the logo on the front. I feel it distracts from the clean design, but that’s just me being picky Now.
I Have Tested Other Subs Under
a thousand dollars that may go lower, but they don’t hit quite as hard as this one I’ve had subs that hit harder, but might not go as low as this one so I feel. Like this is right in the middle as far as speed and tactile response with enough low end to satisfy most users out there. I find the size very unobtrusive and the color is perfect for home theater space. If you’re on a budget and want to get high-end performance with high-end features.
I Think Youll Have A Hard Time
beating the Xtz 1×12 edge So what are your thoughts on these Xtz subwoofers. I know they’re hard to come by in the us, but if you have heard them how do you think they stack up in the under 1000 category leave a comment down below and let me know as always guys thanks for watching be sure to tap the like button if you found the video useful and stop by our patreon page if you’d like to support the channel and get exclusive content subscribe if you. And We’ll see you again in the next video.
- subwoofer sealed got
- getting subwoofer review
- packaging looks similar rendal speakers
- thoughts xtz subwoofers
- subwoofer grille plastic think magnetic
XTz sub 112 edge is a portable subwoofer with a single 12-inch driver with the Xtc logo embossed on the front . It’s in a trapezoidal shape, so the two side walls are not parallel with each other so that way. It’s got to sort of keep the resonances down the inner walls kind of slope inwards so size.&-wise it measures 17.7 pounds, so it’s not too heavy . It does come with a foam plug, but if you do want to use it as a sealed sub, you can take out the foam plug . The packaging looks very similar to the rendal speakers and also the pearlescent speakers so maybe there’s a connection there somewhere. We’re only going to unbox one today because they’re exactly the same inside the box . We got some white gloves and some documentation and then we also get the power cord and we get some screws so this comes in a nice little cloth bag…. Click here to read more and watch the full video