Video Creator’s Channel Parker The Basshead

Hey Whats Going On Guys Its Parker Here So
I made a video of me going to Walmart and buying the cheapest subbhu for their and then proceeding to blow it up and everybody I got a lot of views on it People seem to mostly like it so I figured I would make a video of me buying the cheapest subwoofer on Amazon and then proceeding to blow it up as well just a trigger everybody that is on UK trigger people seem to love to watch videos that trigger them which gives me more views so thank everybody anyway. I’m here on Amazon we’re just gonna type down sub-woofer one A 12-inch that’s what size the box is that I have and then we’re gonna sort by price lowest to highest okay so when we start off here you’ll see we have this sound storm and it is. dollars and seven cents. This is the 800 watt single forum subwoofer so let’s check it out real quick yes that is definitely 800 watts. Right there okay so let’s see what else We got we have a pyramid for twenty-six dollars and forty-three cents, so that’s 500 watts Oh yeah and then we have this boss sub woofer and now this is where it’s a little odd but if you go to see all buying options.
This Cheapest One Is Actually $25.
99, so that would be the cheapest option that I have seen so far, but let’s see what else we got on the first page here we have this pyramid amp subwoofer Sorry this pyramid sub woofer will say see all buying options so we got twenty-seven or twenty five plus shipping yeah, so that’s not gonna work and that’s eight home I don’t want. to 8ohm and then from there we got one that’s $38 $32, $32 $30, so it just kind of goes up from there as you can see so it looks like the very cheapest one would definitely be this boss right here so we’re gonna stick this one right here put a little sub. You know hopefully we be able to blow it pretty quick but we’ll see you know just got Zip the crap out of it and it should just explode right anyway so yeah guys I’m gonna pick this subwoofer up hopefully it’ll be here before too long and it soon as I get a little bit of time. I’m gonna throw it in the car and we’ll test her out and try to blow her up alright guys so the cheapest sub woofer came in.
I Actually Came In A Few
weeks ago when I’m just. Now getting some time to make the video. This is the cheapest 12 inch sub woofer that you can get on Amazon at least at the time that I bought it. There’s the boss C X X 12. Now I just want to say again that you know I’m not discrediting boss that being said I don’t really like boss, but this video is not a representation of the quality of their products.
- subwoofer
- woofer
- amp
- speakers
- subbhu
- make video buying cheapest subwoofer
- video buying cheapest subwoofer
- alright guys cheapest sub woofer
- subwoofer amazon proceeding blow just
- 12 inch sub woofer
Its Just Something Fun To Do
so here. It is actually not a bad looking sub pretty thick surround here so they should have a good deal of two leads they actually are kind of stencil leads they do go into the spider right there they don’t run just straight to the boys club. So this isn’t a single voice coil for M sub so we’re gonna be putting it into one of my boxes blowing her. up this little jail in here I can get 300 likes on this video. I will blow this guy up next so 4 ohms and several people have died right around there without at the amp Just here All my settings if you want to see now, I have to gain a little bit higher than I may need it.
But Im Gonna Be Keeping The Volume
on the radio pretty low just because I don’t really need all the sound from the speakers so as you can see the sub was moping pretty hard for a little you know $30 sub let’s play something a little bit different now I don’t think it’s gonna last a lot longer smoke coming out of here very cool this thing is burnt up really hard to do with one hand. Dang guys that is insane well. Let’s cut this thing open and check out the damage you so we had the cone off, which is a plastic cone by the way so the coils themselves actually didn’t blow or the leaves themselves actually didn’t go normally if you have a lot of clipping. These will go right in here somewhere but they didn’t but you can’t see it did get hot right in there although with a glue kind of melt and shoot off. Dang Guys look at that whoo those coils are gone so look at that they just burnt up.
Why Could That Be From Clipping Maybe You
know the point is video what’s blown up what the weeds under here didn’t go though Dang well Guys I would say that was a success just get a little closer look at it leads up here all the way we’re just just fine but yeah. All this just got see it’s leaving little residue all over me from the achar dang guys that was so crazy. There was so much smoke cool well anyway guys this little amp over here is great um gonna be getting a sub soon that this thing can really push let me know if there are any record recommendations on subs. You’d like me to get that around 1000 to 1500 watts UK Cuz that can do this can do. I think 950 at 2 ohms we’re like 1350 at 1 ohm so y’all let me know alright guys thank y’all so much for watching that was a lot of fun it’s all a ton of smoke got some great internals shredded anyway y’all let me know what you want me to make next If I get I think I said 300 likes on this video I will blow up.
The Jl Sub So Yall Please Give It
a like and also let me know what else what other videos you want me to make either on the g the audio system or on the Subaru or just whatever you want me to do anyway Y’all thank y’all again so much for watching please like comment and subscribe I am super close to a thousand subscribers so thank Y’all So much you all have been awesome yeah anyway guys more videos coming soon. I’m planning a big project. I’ve mentioned several times but I’m playing a big project for this Jeep The spring or over the summer might include UK so might include two of those amps. I don’t know we’ll see drop in the comment what you’d like me to do thanks.
Parker made a video of him buying the cheapest subwoofer on Amazon and then proceeding to blow it up as well . Parker made the video of himself going to Walmart and purchasing the cheapest one for $25.&99, so that would be the cheapest option that I have seen so far, but let’s see what else we got on the first page here we have a pyramid amp subwoofer for twenty-six dollars and forty-three cents, . that’s 500 watts, and then from there we got one that’s $38 $32, $32 $30, so it just kind of goes up from there as you can see so it looks like the very cheapest one would definitely be this boss right here so we’re gonna stick this one right here put a little sub.& It should just explode right anyway so yeah guys I’m gonna pick it up hopefully it’ll be here before I can blow it pretty quick but we’ll see you know just got Zip the crap out of it…. Click here to read more and watch the full video