Video Creator’s Channel Robert A. Edinger

I Needed To Change The Speaker On
my Koh sub-woofer here begin a lot of distortion for a while, but I don’t want to spend a lot of money for the cone. What I’m gonna try to do is I’m gonna try to replace the speaker with just a regular inexpensive car audio subwoofer speaker What I ended up getting is this right Here just an El Cheapo pile red label. So let’s open up this box and see what this cheap speaker looks like. I only spend about 15 bucks for this on the Amazon and I know that the price has changed and actually the the blue speaker was more expensive than the red one and I really don’t care about the color because I mean the girl is gonna be hiding it anyway so and I like red better so I’m glad to regulars it’s cheaper lots. papers and stuff and there is our code no damage here so far so good It’s just like a plastic comb so here it is no frills just a plain no speaker 600-watt supposedly UK 1 0 rd 4 ohms.
So Thats What Were Looking For To Replace
this speaker with so for 15 bucks. Sure we’ll give it a shot and we’ll see how it sounds but first I want to show you what this thing sounds like so I’m gonna pull off this grille here and then we’ll get unless into what we got right now there we go hopefully that’ll be enough to get this off here There we go well. There’s the cone and right away. I can see we’ve got some oh yeah. The surround is cracked all the way around so let me play something through here and I’ll play after I replace the.
- subwoofer
- speaker
- woofer
- cheap
- inexpensive
Well Play The Exact Same Program At
the exact same level, and we will see if there’s a difference. So here. We are the original Kl8 speaker that is completely shot that’s enough. I think you get the point so let’s go ahead and change out. This speaker hopefully.
It Goes Smooth And Hopefully Everything
just lines right up and we’ll just get a direct change out, so let’s go ahead and take out the screws here all right. Let’s pry this thing loose it looks like it’s going to come right out of there so here We are here’s the speaker that’s in the subwoofer and it looks pretty cheap and so let’s just unplug these wires and hook them up to the new speaker make sure the polarity is right all right. Let’s bolt this thing in here and see how it does it doesn’t look like it’s. Going to fit No it doesn’t fit I’m gonna have to cut some material out around this box well that really sucks I just want to have to do any carpentry work.
- subwoofer looks pretty cheap
- speaker expensive red really don
- inexpensive car audio subwoofer speaker
- change speaker koh sub woofer
- replace speaker 15 bucks
Unfortunately, I Had To Trim Some On The
inside of that hole to get this speaker to fit in there let’s go ahead and hook up our wires yet again and now let’s get this speaker foot in alright. We’ve got the speaker in everything’s in finally now let’s give it a shot. I’m gonna play the same music that I did the last time at the same levels and let’s see if there’s a difference. I’d say that’s pretty good.
Im Impressed With That Theres No Distortion
and I like that real well. So we replaced a home-theater subwoofer with a El Cheapo car audio subwoofer for $14 in some odd cents and I’d say I’m pretty. With that so thanks a lot for watching guys and I’ll catch you later you.
I needed to change the speaker on my Koh sub-woofer here begin a lot of distortion for a while . I only spend about 15 bucks for this on the Amazon . I really don’t care about the color because I mean the girl is gonna be hiding it anyway so and I like red better so I’m glad to regulars it’s cheaper lots. We’ll play the exact same program at the exact level, and we will see if there’s a difference.& So that’s what we’re looking for to replace this speaker with so for 15 bucks.& Sure we’ll give it a shot and we’ll see how it sounds but first I want to show you what this thing sounds like so I’m gonna pull off this grille here and then we’ll get unless into what we got right now there we go hopefully that’ll be enough to get this out of there there we gone . We’ll see if it sounds like it’s a difference, and it goes smooth….. Click here to read more and watch the full video