Video Creator’s Channel HifiVega

We Have A Fight For The Ages A Rumble
in the jungle In the left corner. We have the Scar SDr 12 weighing in at 14 pounds and costing 90 dollars in the right corner. We have the CT Sounds Tropo 12 weighing in at 16 pounds and costing 120 dollars. Who will win this battle of the decade. You’ll have to watch the video to find out wake up it’s time to look at the enemy look in the mirror if he is no all right.
Were Gonna Do This Versus Series A Little
bit different this time. I’m not gonna pick the winner. You guys are gonna pick the winner and we’re gonna do it in an elite eight format. We’ve already got the first four contenders today. Of course we’re talking about the Tropo12 versus the Scar SDr 12.
Ive Already Got The Next Two Lined
up. You guys will see those in the next video and then the winner of each will face each other for once I will not be picking the winners. You guys will pick the winners by voting on polls as the videos released if you’re watching this video. Now there is already a poll in my community tab on Youtube for you to vote which one did you like better let’s start off with some overall measurements and see where each sub is at the mounting depth is right at six inches for the cT sounds and you’re about six and a half inches for the scar, right at 13 inches for the CT sounds and you’re about 12 and a half inches on the scar. Now we’ll check out the surrounding surround on each of them and see where we’re at 11 and one quarter of an inch on the.
Ct Sounds Right At 11 Inches On The
scar. The actual cone area is around nine inches on the CT sounds and around eight inches on the scar. As far as the surround width We’ve got about one inch on the CT sounds, and about an inch and a quarter on the scar right at an inch and three eighths. The scar is about an inch and a half on the height of the roll on the surrounds on paper. Both these subs are evenly matched.
- rumble
- polls
- contenders
- win
- battle
They Both Have A Stamp Basket With Good
venting. All the way around the CT sounds does have a mirror finish on the back, which I do like. They both have push pin terminals that can accept eight gauge as you can see here they both have sewn tinsel leads. One thing to note is the CT sounds does have dual tensile ease on. Each side seem a lot beefier than the single tinsel leads on this scar, but the true test will be when we actually get these subs.
Both Mounted On The Amp In The Vehicle
and see how they actually perform because we can go over specs and compare things all day long, but when we actually put them in a vehicle and see how they perform that’s When the rubber kind of meets the road and we see the difference in performance. So during this test, you’re definitely going to have to ignore the sound that this chair makes when it’s free air on there, but it makes less noise than having it on the bench itself that rattlish noise you’re hearing is definitely come from the chair not from the sub okay. The plan is to start off with kind of like a listening demo. You’ll see what it sounds like at moderate volumes something I would listen to every day. All right here is the spl testing.
Were Gonna Start With A Sweep And Then
try some individual frequencies and see what that does it is set up in the kick. We’re gonna get a kick score with the windows slightly cracked on both sides um all right our magic number ended up being around 45 hertz with this sub we’ll see what it is on the CT sounds, but we did get a 138. 5 not too bad, especially for a guy that you know really doesn’t do spl anymore so let’s let’s switch get the tropo in here and see if we see any difference in spl overall. I think that this sub-sounds decent it’s not like my favorite. Sounding sub but also it’s kind of meant to be loud and at 138 decibels it’s you know it’s kind of hard to decipher at lower volumes that’s where you can really kind of tell it’s it’s maybe a bit sloppier than the sub i had in here before which is the Savard wrap 12 but but just so slightly so I don’t think that’s enough to affect anybody’s purchasing decision So let’s switch subs and see what kind of SpL results and sound quality results we get differently all right We’ve got the CT sounds tropo in here in the back let me get you a quick peek at that and now we’re ready to do our test SpL testing listening test one thing I will say is I did have to bump the bass knob up three notches on this sub to get an equivalent level of bass.
So I Dont Know If Thats
a good or a bad sign for the SpL test. We’ll see here shortly so let’s jump into all that and then we’ll see what I think about afterwards so all right so we’re on to the SpL testing we’ve got this same setup Windows cracked on both sides here. We’re gonna start with a frequency sweep. See what we get there and then we’ll go on to the individual frequencies and we’ll see what we get there where we got like a 138. 5.
- watching video poll community
- tropo12 versus scar sdr
- fight ages rumble jungle left
- contenders today course talking tropo12
- bracket face winner versus
Well See If Were Louder Not As
loud. Then after that I’ll come back and share my thoughts so for the SpL test. We were about two tenths of a db lower on the frequency sweep and one tenth of a db lower on the frequency and the magic frequency was about 46 Hertz here and that gave us a. 138. 4 very very close now as far as the sound quality.
I Think That Theyre Actually Very Close Very
comparable not a huge difference in sound quality. I think if you’re trying to get loud on a budget. These are going to be the ticket for you. If you’re doing a full-on sq build maybe not these probably after subs for you and you’ll probably spend a little bit more money, but that being said I think for the average joe either one of these subs would be great. It just depends on what setup you’re gonna run Maybe the CT sounds needs a little bit more power to get loud, but in this case I wanted to give it the same power that way we have a baseline comparison to compare them to directly with the same power and as I said on the listening test, I had to.
Up The Base Knob Three Clicks Just
to kind of even it out so that may be the case here but nonetheless they’re very close and I think either one of them is a pretty solid sub for the money all right. I finished all the tests. I gave you the results. I gave you my opinion on the sound quality now it’s up to you to pick the winner of this did you like the ct sounds troppo 12 at 120 dollars or did you like the scar sDr 12 at 90 which one would you pick for your personal ride which one do you think deserves to win this head-to-head this versus series to move on to the final four bracket to face the winner of the next versus video. It’s up to you so I’m counting on you make a good choice and remember to vote you.
The Community Tab Of My Youtube Channel The
poll is live now as you’re watching this video and I will let it run for one week and then after one week. I’ll stop it and whoever has the most votes wins so I hope you all enjoy videos like this if you do let me know in the comments below. I hope you’re excited for this series. I think it’s going to be fun different way of head-to-head or comparison videos that I typically do where I pick the winner. I’m not picking the winner you’re picking the winner.
Its Going To Be Interesting To See
it’s. It’s a bit weird to not have full control over who’s winning, but it’s also exciting so I hope to catch every single one of you in the next video, and don’t forget to vote on your winner for this video see on. One all my Patreon supporters are the greatest, but the six dollar or more members get a special shout out that is 2001 monolithic Gene Nava Joaquin Juarez El Fuego Audio Travis, Mclendon, Brandon, Hannah, William Burke Box Boy Audio sound solutions, Jesus Tires, Dennis Carmel Jr. Scott Dilbeck, D Stewart, David Koslick, Scott Mccord, Matthew Tolberg, Depot Base Core Nut Trucker 9000 Bobby Burkett, Kevin Lautner, James, Shielders Baba and Thomas Marshall for as little as two dollars a month.
You Can Get Access To Exclusive
Patreon only stream, as well as a bunch of behind the scenes footage, all kinds of fun stuff. If any of this interests you please check me out at Patreon. com you.
We have a fight for the ages a rumble in the jungle in the left corner. We have the Scar SDr 12 weighing in at 14 pounds and costing 90 dollars in the right corner.& We’ve already got the first four contenders today.& I’m not gonna pick the winner. You guys will pick the winners by voting on polls as the videos released if you’re watching this video.& Now there is already a poll in my community tab on Youtube for you to vote which one did you like better let’s start off with some overall measurements and see where each sub is at the mounting depth is right at six inches for the cT sounds. The actual cone area is around nine inches on the . CT sounds and around eight inches on . the scar.& As far as the surround width We’ve got about one inch on the CT sounds, and about an inch and a quarter on the scar right at an inch to an inch of the surround . The scar is about an…. Click here to read more and watch the full video