Video Creator’s Channel Nemo Propaganda

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the channel today we are going to talk about and review. The Kef KC 62 subwoofer I’ve got a pair of them here one sitting in front of me. The other one’s behind me sitting on top of a Bacard s400 bookshelf speaker and as you can see they’re pretty small so this is one of the most popular subwoofers right now just came out recently it’s sold out everywhere the specs are hard to believe and it’s not cheap. They’re fifteen hundred dollars a piece. They’ve got dual six and a half inch drivers and a thousand watts Rms each and let’s talk about it so I was genuine, genuinely curious myself as a music lover, a bass lover and an audiophile could these extend as low as Kef claimed Kef claims 11 hertz extension they’ve got all kinds of trickery.
And Technology Going On Inside Of
them, but we’re not really going to get into that because you guys know I don’t really care so much about companies technology how they achieve their results and such I only care how does it perform in a real world environment and I’ll admit I want to talk about the tech it’s impressive there’s an active DsP the the subwoofers have they share the magnet structure. It’s almost like two motors two motor sections combined into one. It is impressive stuff, but who cares does it work in a real world environment does it extend as low as they claim yeah Yeah. It does kind of surprise the hell out of me. I’ll admit.
I Wanted To Discredit This Thing.
I thought I was going to hop on camera and tell you guys the specs are exaggerated. Kev’s charging an arm and a leg for this tiny subwoofer that can’t play loud and can’t dig very deep that’s just not the case. This digs deep. It extends low and it has authority down low how much authority at reasonable volumes in a room about my size about as much authority as a ported 12-inch sub with a lot of power Yeah I’m not exaggerating guys I’ve had other people come over and listen to them.
Ive Talked To Other People That Have
them and we are all blown away at how low these things extend and that’s whether you’re using one or two. It does not matter. I also use them upstairs in my living room where I have what I call a sound bar living room the section where the Tv in is recessed into the wall and you can’t put a sound system there at. What I do have up? There is a pair of bookshelf speakers sitting on top of a media console, and since this is so small. I took one upstairs for a while and I just put it on top of the media console and oh my God! It was the most effective 2.
- subwoofer guys don know tell
- love subwoofers 100 percent larger
- expensive comparing rail subwoofers
- audiophile extend low kef claimed
- kc 62 subwoofer ve
- subwoofers
- subwoofer
- speakers
- bass
- rms
1 Channel Pseudo-Home Theater Setup.
I have ever heard. I had so much bass upstairs in that room and it’s a larger room guys like and I was watching like older Tv shows honestly that don’t have like the best soundtrack. I’ll be honest. I was watching stargate Sg1 not the newest show by quite the stretch and not a high fidelity track for it either so if you have space restrictions.
If You Require Unique Placement Whether It
be on top of a media cabinet or even inside a media cabinet or on top of your. speakers for some reason you can do it with these now do keep in mind. They’re not light at about 30 pounds a piece, so I’ll admit my back does hurt a little bit right now from moving these things around so much, but let’s talk about how it sounds okay so they’re good okay they’re really good um they integrate really well with some speakers. It was some of the best integration I have heard if I’m being completely honest. Picard s 400 is one example.
The Bucard S 400 Is What I Like
to call an of a speaker when it comes to matching them to a subwoofer. They don’t like any subwoofer. I have ever connected them to SvS SB 3000, Svs, SB 2000, Rel, T5i, Rel, HT 1205, rhythmic L22, rhythmic L12, rhythmic F12, Se Bowers and Wilkins asw 608 it doesn’t matter the Bacard s. 400 Don’t like subwoofers for some reason until these these integrated perfectly Now Don’t get me wrong. I’ve you know all those subwoofers I had when I tried them on the S400.
It Wasnt Terrible.
It was always good but there was a but for example, the aperion Bravos 80 integrated very well with the Picard S 400, but it was its voicing was a little bit too much home theater. It was a little bit slow to respond and did bring down the quality of bass a little bit. Even though it did significantly increase its overall you know authority and sense of scale so and I had a but for kind of every subwoofer. I have ever paired the bookart S400 to again until these came along so that’s worth mentioning are you going to have that amazing excellent perfect integration with every speaker.
I Dont Know I.
Don’t have every speaker but I can’t tell you I was able to get excellent integration as well with the focal core 806 and the focal aria 906. So mid-bass is good it’s strong it’s articulate it’s detailed. It’s not going to be as detailed in the upper mid-bass region as something like the rhythmic of F12 Se or something like the rel t-series subwoofers those are just a step above in terms of how high you can blend their frequency response and how detailed they are in those upper base regions, but below that when we get into like the lower depths of base. This did in my room extend lower with authority more so than any subwoofer i’ve ever had here and that includes the rhythmic L 22, which is a double stack 12 inch where there’s two 12s in the cabinet and 600 watts Rms.
Now Thats.
volumes around 75 to 80 Decibels having an active DsP does mean as you dig into that volume knob the bass is going to start to roll off to be able to give you louder and louder bass so at some point you will lose that amazing extension that I’m talking about I thought it was going to be a big issue before this came. I thought you know these are probably going to sound great at low volumes, but the minute I turn them up like sonos speakers that active DsP is going to kick in and just take away all the fun that didn’t happen to me. Though I never really noticed the active DsP kicking in and rolling off the base unless I did it on purpose and what I did is. I basically turned the volume up in my system I had a Db meter out.
And Once It Got To The
point where it was uncomfortably loud, which is about 90 db in this room. I started to notice it but I don’t listen that loud now would you notice it sooner the active DsP in a larger room. I’m guessing you would but if you have a larger room. I don’t think you need something so little you’re probably just better off getting a full-size subwoofer so guys. I don’t know how else to tell you how good these sound they extended low they had tons of like authority.
They Integrate Well They Have Good Base
textures and good base details. So let’s move on to some comparisons so these are expensive oh and by the way everything I’ve said is true whether you’re using one or two. The difference between using one or two is using two gave me more of a sense. scale more headroom not that I really needed it just more like a deep bass overall and the low end was even further reinforced, but I’ll be honest. I didn’t it’s like it didn’t need any more of anything.
Having Two Was Like It Just
took something that was great and made it even better. But one is just fine one is fantastic. One is phenomenal um the guy I actually bought these off of he even said when he sold them to me. He was like I don’t know if I needed to honestly. He’s like one was honestly fine in my room and I agree with him.
So Comparisons Lets Talk About One Of
these versus two Rel T5is why well because two Rel T5is are twelve hundred dollars. One of these is fifteen hundred dollars still more expensive, so let’s keep that in mind the Rel T5i. is going to blend a little bit better in those upper-base regions. It’s going to be just a touch ahead in terms of textures and like base detail just again just a touch. This is no slouch in those categories.
Though Everything Outside Of That The
KC-62 is better and it should be it is quite a bit more expensive and again. We’re comparing two rail subwoofers to one of these one T5i is 600 one of these is two and a half times that price so there’s no surprise. The KC 62 is better I love using the rel T5i pair. This simply brings more of everything to the table so let’s move on and talk about the rhythmic F12 se one of those compared to one of these now that’s a subwoofer that is one thousand, one hundred dollars. This is one thousand, five hundred dollars.
Still More Expensive, The Rhythmic F12 Se Much
like the rel can blend a little bit higher up and its frequency range will have a little bit better base detail in those upper base regions and overall was just a touch ahead in terms of textures, but again. The Kc62 is no slouch in those areas We’re kind of splitting hairs At this point. This actually did still extend lower in my room and I’m sorry rhythmic. I love your subwoofers and 100 percent in a larger room. The F12 se will probably take this thing to town.
I Dont Have A Larger Room Though And
I listen at lower volumes and at lower volumes. I was able to get this to integrate better and extend lower so you know this is one of those scenarios where I’m not necessarily saying this is actually better than the F12 sc because. The F12 SC is a 12-inch driver. It has a larger cabinet. It is a very different design.
Well Call It A More Traditional
design, even though it’s not traditional at all having its servo technology, but if you have a larger space to fill you probably want to go with that larger subwoofer but again my room 10 feet wide 12 feet deep, 9 feet 9 foot ceilings and I would rather have a single KC 62 over a single F12 se let’s talk about this versus two rail HT 1205s. Two real HD 1205s are 1400 we’re only about a hundred dollars apart now compared to one of these it’s much like the rhythmics in a larger room Yes I would take the dual HD 1205s. I don’t have a larger room and I don’t listen to music at like 90 9 500 decibels. This sounded better. It actually like at lower volumes.
This Extends Lower Than Almost Anything Ive
heard it was very impressive. Now it’s not going to extend as low as something like a PB16 ultra let’s not get crazy over here. Okay you know um but I really want to drive home this.
Kef KC 62 subwoofers have dual six and a half inch drivers and a thousand watts Rms each . Kef claims 11 hertz extension they’ve got all kinds of trickery going on inside of them, but we’re not really going to get into that because you guys know I don’t really care so much about companies technology how they achieve their results and such . I only care how does it perform in a real world environment and I’ll admit I want to talk about the tech it’s impressive there’s an active DsP the the subwoofer have they share the magnet structure.& It’s almost like two motors two motor sections combined into one.& I’ve had other people come over and listen to them. It extends low and it has authority down low. How much authority at reasonable volumes in a room about my size about as much authority as a ported 12-inch sub with a lot of power Yeah I’m not exaggerating guys I’ve got other people…. Click here to read more and watch the full video