Video Creator’s Channel Spec Of Tech

Whats Going On Everybody Baird Here Again With
speck of tech welcome back to my channel today I got a jam-packed video for you I’m going to do the full review of my dual UK UK subwoofers by power sound audio You can see one of the beasts behind me here to my left but before we get into that if you’re new here make sure you subscribe tick the little bell icon, so you can be notified when my next video drops and if you’re interested in these power sound Audio UK UK make sure you check out all my other videos. I did an unboxing I’ve done some Roux. I’m actually gonna be doing another rule video in the future here that’s going to cover a little bit more variety of measurements for those that are interested so stay tuned for that in the future all right so. This video, We’re gonna be covering the build quality the sound quality We’re gonna cover the performance along with some room measurements. We’re gonna do a couple little demos to show you some of the excursion on these bad boys and then I’m gonna give you my final thoughts and what I think of these subwoofers all right so before we get into it.
Lets Cover Some Of The Specs Of
these subwoofers I have covered that in a previous video, but I might as well give you all the information in one place which is on this video. They weigh 211 pounds each all right so The drivers and these subwoofers are a dual 18-inch neodymium magnet driver. The Neodymium magnet just gives it a much more powerful motor than your standard magnet. The amplifier is an ice power amplifier with 1920 wattsNK] and 4,300 Watts peak. peak power and each subwoofer is 28 inches deep, 20 inches wide and 48 inches tall.
They Are Ported Design With A Downward
firing six-inch flared port. All right guys that’s enough specs if you do want to know more you can go to the power sound audio website and just check out the UK UK alright guys So I’m going to start with the build quality. So I have no complaints regarding the build quality of these subwoofers Everything has been top notch as far as I can tell I’ve had no issues with the cabinet no issues with the feet no issues with the drivers no issues with the amplifier everything’s been working perfectly without any issues. The paint is a textured almost like a direct paint with it’s got a little bit of a shimmer to it, but it is black I’ll roll some footage of. The truck I’ll try and get the texture in the footage here for you guys to show you what the what the paint is like, but it is a tough finish like it’s it’s not gonna be your fancy glossy black like a UK 16 ultra.
- amazing subwoofers performance watched
- specs subwoofers covered previous video
- guys going bit demo subwoofers
- going decent excursion subwoofers ll
- review dual uk uk subwoofers
Its More Of An Industrial Design.
I guess would be the way to put it. It still does look nice. It’s just not quite as I guess premium as say a UK 16 ultra but that’s not I don’t think what these subwoofers are going for they’re not necessarily going for the aesthetic look. They do look nice like I said, but they’re they’re more geared towards performance alright and the grille is a thick piece of wood covered in acoustically transparent material.
Its My Opinion A Pretty Standard Grille It
works. It attaches to the subwoofers with six metal pins so you can. See that the subwoofer does have six grommets rubber grommets inserted into the cabinet and the grille just attaches that way. It does have nice tall feet to accommodate the downward firing port. I have not heard any port noise coming from the port at all.
Its Been A Really Nice Solid Clean Sounding
experience alright. So now we’re going to talk about the sound quality of these subwoofers. I have no complaints whatsoever from the sound quality aspect of these subwoofers they’re very clean. They’re very tight. I’ve had a few friends down that have come to just to hear them audition them and they had no complaints as well.
Their Comments Were That They Were Very
clean and very tight and for dual 18-inch drivers. It’s pretty impressive how clean and take these subwoofers are one of the friends that I had down is a musician so. He was listening for that tight punch type bass from these subwoofers and he was very pleased and he’s actually considering getting these subwoofers themselves so for those of you that will be using him for music. I don’t think you’d have any complaints whatsoever and for those of you using them for home theater. These things provide astonishing amounts of be so you know gonna have any complaints as well so I can’t say anything else about the sound quality other than that it is amazing and the other thing that’s amazing with these subwoofers is the performance for those of you that have watched some of my previous videos.
In My First Impression Video.
I did say that I thought possibly the P V 16 ultras had a little bit more powerful bass in the low-end. I did give that impression with a caveat that it had been. a month and a half since I had the P V 16 ultras I had sold those before getting the UK UK, but since doing Roux measurements, I can tell you that is absolutely not the case. The UK 3612 outperformed the P V 16 ultras by far in the low frequencies.
- subwoofers
- subwoofer
- demos
- bass
- audio
Im Getting A Pretty Flat Response With These
UK 36 12s down to 8 Hertz, whereas the P P 16 ultras. After about 15 Hertz. They roll off pretty steep and that is an extended mode for the P V-16 ultras so one thing that I thought might have been contributing to my initial impression of the UK 16 ultras, possibly providing more low frequency or more powerful low frequencies. Was the fact that maybe these subwoofers are a little bit cleaner, a little bit tighter that I can’t say this for sure because I can’t compare. them side-by-side with the P P 16 Ultras I no longer have them, but I was just one thing that crossed my mind that that’s a possibility as to why I was thinking that all right guys so I’ve already done a Roux compression test video for these UK UK so I’m not going to give too much detail onto and to the Roux aspect of things.
But I Did Want To Show That Ive
done a Roux measurement without Odyssey and a room measurement with Odyssey. So I’ll put flash that up on the screen here. You can see that without Odyssey. It does seem to perform a little bit better than running the Roux measurement with Odyssey. So I’m Gonna play with that a little bit more and see if I can get a better response with Odyssey and if not I may just leave Odyssey off of the subwoofers alright guys so there’s not much else.
I Can Say Regarding The Performance.
These subwoofers are true performers like I said I’m I’m flat down to about 8 Hertz what more can you ask for I know that there’s some of you that that like bass below that but for me personally 8 Hertz is more than enough and if it’s within 4 decibels down to 8 Hertz. I’m happy and these subwoofers provide that for me so I’m very happy with them performance-wise okay guys so I’m going to do a bit of a demo here for you. These subwoofers are not high excursion subwoofers so you’re not gonna see as much excursion as you would with subwoofer. TheNK] 16 ultra it does have enough obviously to provide some extreme bass so excursion isn’t everything it does help in some cases or in subwoofer.
Some Subwoofers But The Way These Subwoofers
were designed. They’re not in need of that high excursion that you need in some other drivers alright. I know that these two songs have been overdone. Everybody uses these for subwoofer demos but for good reason because it does show a lot of excursion. So I figured what kind of subwoofer video would my video be if I didn’t include curtain shaker and bass.
I Love You So.
In these next two demos you’re gonna see curtain shaker, which again provides a decent amount of excursion with the subwoofers so here I’ll let you take a listen people with closure all right so this next demo is going to be bass I love you again. again you’re going to see some decent amount excursion for these subwoofers so I’ll let you take a listen here alright die so now it’s time for my final thoughts. So these subwoofers I do believe are a little bit cleaner and a little bit tighter than the UK 16 altars that could just be the fact that I haven’t heard my UK 16 altars now in about two months, but after spending more time with these for the last month or so I do feel like they are a little bit cleaner. Not to say that the UK 16 altars weren’t clean.
They Do Provide A Phenomenal Amount
of base that’s clean and tight as well. I just feel that with these pearl drivers that you do get a little bit cleaner base out of these take that with a grain of salt that’s just my opinion that’s just. The way I feel after spending some time with these subwoofers and as far as output goes with these subwoofers again. They do have more output than the UK 16 ultras based off the room measurements that I took now again that was with the settings that I had and that is specific to my room so again. You can take that with a grain of salt.
But I Would Be Fairly Confident In
saying that anybody going from a UK 16 ultra to this subwoofer is going to get better performance, especially in the low frequencies. Another thing I would say regarding these subwoofers is that the mid bass is more powerful. It does have more of a punch, so I did I do have one of these subwoofers behind my seat so and when I had the UK 16 altars I had one of them behind my seat. as well and these definitely do provide more of a punch to the chest or like a kick to the seat Almost then the UK 16 ultras did again.
They Performed Very Well.
They did give me a some good punch. They didn’t give me some good vibration in the back of my seat. These just give you that much more with the UK UK I haven’t experienced any boo meanness whatsoever I did give him a test with turning the gain up to about 3/4 or 75% and again the the bass.
I Mean There Was An Excessive
amount of bass and everything was shaking. But I didn’t feel like it was it was booming or distorted or just it was still tight and clean. Even though I had the gain turned up to 75% so one thought that I did want to include in my final thoughts here. Is I did
Baird here again with speck of tech welcome back to my channel today I got a jam-packed video for you . I’m going to do the full review of my dual UK UK subwoofers by power sound audio . We’re gonna be covering the build quality the sound quality the performance along with some room measurements. We’re also gonna do a couple little demos to show you some of the excursion on these bad boys and then I’m gonna give you my final thoughts and what I think of these sub woofers all right so. I’m actually gonna be doing another rule video in the future here that’s going to cover a little bit more variety of measurements for those that are interested so stay tuned for that in the . future all right . The amplifier is an ice power amplifier with 1920 wattsNK] and 4,300 Watts peak power and each subwoofer is 28 inches deep, 20 inches wide and 48 inches tall. They are ported design with a downward firing six…. Click here to read more and watch the full video