Video Creator’s Channel The Car Audio Guy

- amplifiers
- peak
- amplifier
- battery
- edge
Welcome To Another Episode Of The Car
audio guy. In this episode we travel to the Shutter Gang meet in Oxfordshire to check out something special. This is Darrell and he owns one monster of an edge build. This build has six 15-inch add pro subwoofers in a sick border box. In the booth.
There Was Four Edge A Uk 10,000
point one D bass amplifiers given a total of over 40 K UK to power. This monster. There is a 1000 and power lithium battery bank, which is also known as the TOm bomb. In each door. There is six edge pro six and a half inch mid-range drivers which are powered by an edge four channel UK 2000 2k amplifier for the highs.
Theres Pre-Edge Pro Tweeters In Each
door, which are powered by an edge to channel UK 350 amplifier. This gorgeous build Build was done by TOm Crown, a crown customs. He specializes in big competition builds and custom lithium battery Banks make sure you check him out over a crown customs on Instagram and Facebook UK at the time of filming this. This bill currently holds the world record of having the loudest peak school ever recorded ground-pounding 160 2. 71 UK at 33 Hertz.
- powered edge channel
- uk 2000 2k amplifier highs
- uk power monster
- record having loudest peak school
- tom bomb door edge pro
I Think Its Time We Grabbed A Demo
of this monster as a building Gotham as a building God. I think she killed sweaty my’s. Oh my God that was absolutely brutal. The edge pro series is really putting out some work when them high notes hit the belt has ever had the breath knocked out of me.
Lets See How It Performs At
the old hair trick as a building that the UK series looks to be no slouch when it comes to the old hair. Dowels Edge Build is an absolute monster flexing panels, moving hair, destroying room mirrors and making me wince to the base. There’s nothing that this bill cannot do incredibly impressive how about Dowels Edge Build performs check out the full Edge PRo Series for yourself online, which can be purchased from our customs that’s all for this episode keep begging and I’ll catch you in the next one.
This is Darrell and he owns one monster of an edge build . This build has six 15-inch add pro subwoofers in a sick border box . It has six edge pro six and a half inch mid-range drivers powered by an edge four channel UK 2000 2k amplifier for the highs . Dowels Edge Build is an absolute monster flexing panels, moving hair, destroying room mirrors and making me wince to the base . This bill currently holds the world record of having the loudest peak school ever recorded ground-pounding 160 2.71 UK at 33 Hertz.& I think it’s time we grabbed a demo of this monster as a building God. Keep begging and I’ll catch you in the next episode keep begging for the next one. Check out the full Edge PRo Series for yourself online, which can be purchased from our customs. The next episode of the car audio guy. Back to Mail Online at 0203/0626/0707 . Back to the page…. Click here to read more and watch the full video