Video Creator’s Channel cheapaudioman

Hey, Im, Randy And Im The Cheap Audio
man here’s the cheap audio man. We don’t feel like audio equipment, subwoofers, speakers, amplifiers, Dacs, turntables, Cd players or transports interconnect wires, speaker wires. Power conditioners should cost more than participating in an Ironman triathlon where you have to pay like eight hundred dollars just to sign up and then you have to go somewhere and get a hotel room for like two days and then you have to transport your bike down there and then when you finish it you get a brag to everybody that you finished an ironman and maybe go get a tattoo so that you don’t even need to communicate to everybody that you participated in an ironman and these don’t or this doesn’t what is it it’s the emotiva Se12 flex subwoofer so grab a cup of coffee sit down and let’s talk about the emotiva Se12 Today’s sponsor is Mattel‘s foot shrapnel when you want to make sure that your pain threshold continues to rise when you walk around at night with no shoes on and it’s. Dark out grab yourself some mattel’s foot shrapnel It’s going to make you a better person imotiva Se12 all right let’s talk about some specs from memory 200 watt amplifier rated at 28 Hertz up to 200 Hertz that’s a negative 3 db. It’s big and the color is black and just to show you how big it is to for some reference.
- subwoofers
- subwoofer
- equipment
- ironman
- cheap
This Is A Kernel Of Corn Okay
that’s how big it is to a kernel of corn on the back. You have a phase switch 0 or 180. bass doesn’t sound good enough for it flip the switch if it sounds better, then that’s the phase it should be in if not switch it back. It has a variable low pass filter from 60 up to 200. I think yeah and it has a gain switch on the back and it has a low frequency input and.
- sc12 randy cheap audio
- participating ironman triathlon pay
- doesn emotiva se12 flex subwoofer
- feel like audio equipment
- power conditioners cost participating ironman
All That Good Stuff And It Has
a high pass filter Okay We’ll talk about that here in a little bit it’s big it’s big all right I’m going to bring out the SvS 12-inch subwoofer just to give you a reference ah So this is the Svs. It’s a 12-inch okay thing about the Sc 12, though not only a 12-inch down firing woofer, but it also has a 12-inch front 40 passive radiator. So it’s a passive radiator subwoofer okay what’s on the back UK on the back you have speaker level inputs so if you don’t have a subwoofer output on your integrated amplifier or tube amplifier or anything Don’t worry you just run a line speaker line from your amplifier into here and then you can run your speakers from here back to your speakers Okay you can also do it where you. run your line to the speakers and then just a little a little wire down to here either way it works. These are just grabbing a signal off of it okay over here.
You Have Your Low Frequency Input So
if you’re running a av receiver or something that’s already doing your base management for you you stick it in here all right then you have your RCa in and your RCa out. I mentioned that there is a high pass filter that you can apply to your speakers. So you already have a low pass filter in here to run the subwoofer. Now you have base management you don’t have to worry about doing it in your av receiver or your integrated amp. You have three switches.
You Have A 60 Hertz 80
hertz and 100 hertz high pass filter. The only way that you can get that to. work is by taking your source your source could be a DaC. Your source could be a pretty much a DaC with volume control. A pre-amp with volume control that’s pretty much it or an integrated amp with RCa outs, so it can act as a preamp or a Av receiver that has RCa outs for like the front two channels okay so what you do Oh also the Ta-100 which is an integrated amp from emotiva also has RCa outputs.
What You Do Is You Take The Rca
out you run it into here or RCa and you’re running in here. Then you run your RCa out back into either a power amplifier or another integrated amplifier. If you’re using two integrateds. Though a preamp ana integrated you got to set the volumes right, but that’s something basically what you do is you set your volume on your integrated. about 75 and then you run the volume from your preamp or whatever okay now you have base management that’s pretty cool because now those low frequencies so everything below 80 for the most part or below 60 or below 100 is not going to your your speakers, so they don’t have to work as hard opens up a lot of possibilities, especially if you’re using like I don’t know the ryzong A10 which is a six watt tube amplifier all right so a lot of power gets sucked up by low frequencies so if you’re eliminating those low frequencies when they’re going to your bookshelf speakers guess what that rice song doesn’t have to work as hard and which means you can get it even louder all right then you have your volume or your gain knob right here I always suggest you start around fifty percent then.
Adjust From There Then You Have Your Crossover.
I always suggest starting about 80 or 80 Hertz and then adjusting from there. You have your power and then you have your phase switch okay and then you put the you put your your power in here okay so how does this thing sound the se12 sounds awesome it’ll shake your room. It’s real big and you have two 12-inch drivers. Although one’s not one’s a passive radiator okay you’re moving a lot of air with this product.
Some May Argue That 200 Watts Is Not
enough for a 12-inch subwoofer or not enough to fill a large room. I say you’re wrong. I had this in my living room, which is a big room open concept super high ceilings. One I was running one of these subwoofers and I had no problem filling the room with base now depending. placement you’re going to have areas where you sit where the base seems more pronounced but anywhere that I sat.
I Felt Like It Was Just Fine.
I used this with Prometheus, which is a fun movie that I like other people Don’t like it, but that’s Okay. I use this with jurassic Park. I use this with hobs and shaw lots of explosions in hobbs and shaw. I wouldn’t recommend it to watch for entertainment, but I would recommend it for using testing subwoofers.
Okay Then I Switched To Music
now when I switched it to music. I brought down the levels a little bit more so that it wasn’t so intense It blended just well texture and tone is great. The problem that I have with some ported subwoofers is. I feel like they can’t quite keep up with the music, especially when you’re listening to some pretty. Fast stuff like metal or things like that Dumb by Nirvana has a very nice baseline.
I Felt That The Tone And
texture and clarity of the bass was excellent. I also listened to Highway to Hell by Ac DC. That base is much tighter if I you can kind of tell you can kind of test when you get it dialed in right because it’s it’s tight and it doesn’t seem over accentuated and that’s kind of that song. I actually used to kind of set the subwoofer up because if it’s too I know that I’m setting it too high and that’s that’s not neutral for me now if you want a big old bump in there you can put a big old bump in there okay so I think it sounds great miles Davis so what off of kind of blue record I got the stand-up bass. I heard in the stand-up bass clarity, great tone wonderful wonderment.
If You Have The Room For This Thing
not to mention it’s cabinet’s really inert too very nice. If you have the room for this and you want to put you want to have a lot of flexibility with putting high pass filters and doing base management through your subwoofer. No brainer. It’s 399. I think that’s an extreme value for a subwoofer that can do everything that this thing can do it’s amazing if you have the room for it no-brainer look at this subwoofer.
Theres Not A Lot Of Subwoofer.
There are some out there that can do high-pass filters but not like this not with three variable frequencies on it not with a passive radiator now that are going to move this much air okay. This is a great subwoofer and a great value comes in. long as it’s black because that’s what emotiva does and I like it all right. If you want to support the channel, You can do it in a variety of ways.
This Will Be Linked In The Description
if you purchase it through that link. I do get a commission. I get I get commissions on most of my links most not all of them. Also you can sign up for Patreon Patreon. com cheap audio man Every Sunday night.
We Do Patron Only Zooms We
did one last night Also we have a patron only Facebook group and then sometimes I’ll do one-on-one patron zooms and then I’ll do maybe a couple. You know small group zooms and things like that it’s a lot of fun and you support the channel Okay. You can also sign up for Amazon music HD for free. There’s a link in the description click. Link scroll down the bottom click Try HD You get three months for free and I get a couple of dollars.
Also If Youre Looking Into Putting Together
a Dui diy speaker kit and you may be a little bit um intimidated by maybe putting a crossover together gluing up the enclosure or whatever I’ll put it together for you alright. So just contact me and we’ll work out the details all right. So don’t binge watch anything unless you’re using your SC 12 sub to watch some awesome movies or Tv shows that have really big bass extension and explosions in outer space, preferably in outer space. If there’s explosions in outer space or if it’s a submarine movie you’re gonna want the SC-12 okay Binge listen to your favorite music and fill your soul with happiness with the SC12 and with that i’m Randy I’m the cheap audio.
We don’t feel like audio equipment, subwoofers, speakers, amplifiers, Dacs, turntables, Cd players or transports interconnect wires, speaker wires . Today’s sponsor is Mattel’s foot shrapnel when you want to make sure that your pain threshold continues to rise when you walk around at night with no shoes on and it’s going to make you a better person . The emotiva Se12 flex subwoofer is a 200-watt amplifier rated at 28 Hertz up to 200 Hertz that’s a negative 3 db.& It’s big and the color is black and just to show you how big it is to for some reference.& This is a kernel of corn okay, that’s how big It’s a . size on the back.& You have a phase switch 0 or 180.& Bass doesn’t sound good enough for it flip the switch if it sounds better, then that’s the phase it should be in if not switch it back….. Click here to read more and watch the full video