Video Creator’s Channel EXOcontralto

When A Good Sub Comes Around Its
our job as enthusiasts to help expose it like what brands are making big moves and of course, big woofers in today’s video will get the best of both worlds and see how an entire lineup stacks up from resilient sound We’ve got something for people just starting out or those just looking to get as loud as they can so without further ado let’s unbox some double them all right so we’ll start out with the entry level 15 Nice rig and dagger action here the self–titled UK series now this is about 500 watts UK so it’s perfect for those who are just looking to get their foot in the door with a nice car audio system and not you know trying to blow people’s eardrums or anything like that and here is the nice 20-pound water nothing too too. Probably got a nice stamped steel basket, but she’s kind of she’s kind of lodged in there and see if we can bust her out there. She is bring her out. Here show a little bit of her skin that’s almost got like a nice UK kind of look to it see how that cone has that rigidity those little grooves in there that definitely adds some strength. I gotta say for an entry level woofer they definitely cramp some features into this design.
A Nice Double Stack Magnet With A
rubber bootie. It’s about 130 ounces total with a nice pull vent on the back, as well as ventilation along this basket, which is stamped steel. It’s got nice push terminals with floating leads going into the triple joint, which has tons of adhesive around it. You can see right in there. It’s kind of bulging out and shining.
Through All That Uk Glue, It Has A
three-inch for layer aluminum voice coil with about 18 millimeters of Xmax at 70%. The sub itself is not too too stiff. It has triple stack spiders and UK around 27 Hertz. It’s nice to see that even on some entry-level subs. Like this you have a nice rubber gasket instead of a hard plastic like you see on some other budget brands and it’s also nice to see that extra touch with the stitching into the surrounds.
Not One But Two Layers Of Stitching Hold
it right onto the cone and even though we’ve had some issues with flimsy poly dust caps this one’s actually pretty strong, so there we go a quick little rundown of this 500 watt UK series 15 but now let’s jump into the gold series, which we have a 10-inch version Let’s go grab. All right next up is the gold ten now. This is gonna be a little bit heavier ten pounds heavier, but you’re getting more performance at 1,000 watts UK now because we have the ten inch. Some things are gonna be a little bit different than the larger sizes which are the twelve and the fifteen and probably the biggest one is gonna be the goodness. The size of the voice coil.
Lets Go Ahead And Get This Bad
boy out tell you guys a little more Oh man here we go all right here is the bad boy ten look at this oh. I love me some baby behemoths. I’m dead and get the plastic off holy crap now you can see what I was talking about buy. This thing is very stout and something very interesting. The moving mass is almost the same as the 15 and that’s.
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- woofers
- amp
- sound
To Keep The Resonant Frequency Down Because The
parts are so much smaller and a lot of tight tolerances, and that’s why the voice coil is actually 2.5 inches. If you go to the larger sizes, it’ll bump up to a 3-inch coil, but that’s just because physically the woofer couldn’t accommodate for anything larger. They managed to squeeze in 22 millimeters of xmax and the Fs is slightly higher at around thirty-eight Hertz. When you get down to small drivers like this, it’s hard to maintain efficiency and low resonant frequencies.
The Suspension Is Very Stiff Almost
twice as stiff on paper as the 15 that we just checked out and a lot of that has to do with power handling because it literally takes twice as much power look at a little closer into the woofer. You can see that it has nice spacers between the basket. The top plate almost a good half inch of ventilation there which gives view to the nice voice coil, which is overhung by quite a bit coming off with a nice set of sewn in tinsel leaves and some exaggerated push terminals for wiring up multiple subwoofers. We’ll pull our skirt down here and show off our nice booty bound to have a nice big fat butt on this bad boy. You know what I’m saying gosh alright check that out nice trip we’ll slug there with a beefy backplate and if you look closely.
- watts uk inch things gonna
- entry level woofer definitely cramp
- resilient sounds uk got extra
- audio know trying blow people
- subwoofer mayhem look big
All Of This Insignia Is Actually Engraved On
to the next and that is the Platinum Series Oh boy literally twice as much wattage as the 1000 and we are at 2,000 watts UK. Now this is for the people getting a little bit more serious about their face. Things are going pretty serious there. We go and as you can see Ryan the gate, She’s much bigger 60 pounds of subwoofer Mayhem look at that it’s almost as big as my head. The motor is just absolutely huge very thick top and bottom plates and just like we saw last time more cooling with those spacers between the basket.
You Can See That It Has
a flat wound aluminum coil and that is eight layers and it has a UK of 29 Hertz. You can see the upgrades from our previous series. Now we have double tinsel leads sewn into the spiders and not only that we have four of them now stacked up at 9. 25 inches wide that’s gonna be a lot of travel. They’re.
The Tenth Leads Are Bolted On
to the terminals with an extra touch of adhesive to make sure that nothing moves around and the spider assembly is also. sandwiched with a plastic ring bolted in as well as glued around the whole frame bubbling suit with the double stitching as well, but with a slight difference around here much fatter and you can tell that it has a lot more availability for some good deep excursion. She’s fairly stiff to the touch, but once you start throwing columns and power to it. This thing’s gonna start moving like crazy you can tell there is lots of attention paid to the details like all of the glue in the joints, making sure that everything is up to snuff before sending it out the door and overall I’m pretty excited about these resilient sounds so UK but that’s not all you to this we have got one more to go The extra big onyx series we’re gonna dive into right now yep. This is a lot bigger alright H whoo.
82 Pounds Of Sulfur.
This is the Onyx 15 dual to everything across the board has been upgraded on this woofer and this isn’t even the biggest that they have. I think there’s a team edition, but this is pretty much the biggest before you get into the team series I already feel the emanation just like saying H again a little bit excited here because this is what I think Oh yeah crap I didn’t know I was getting a t-shirt sweet I’ve been running out of clothes man I need some frickin car audio hood nice and packed up and dude. They gave me a banner thank you guys. This is gonna need to to hands on exceeds not for the faint-hearted.
Oh Here We Go Baby Check
out that box holy Oh my God look at the motor. Oh my goodness I feel privileged to have this. Is one of the best samples I think I’ve gotten ever since the Alford audio 15 That big Big boy you got a big four-inch voice coil more layers flat-wound it’s got triple tinsel ease now from the double and those are also sewn in bolted onto the terminals spacers or ventilation just like the other series as well as the sandwich spiders which now instead of four. There are five of them stacked on top of each other at 9. 25 inches thirty millimeters of Xmax and boy that pulpy paper cone with the extra stitching I love how they kept that consistent throughout every single line and I wouldn’t be true to myself.
If I Didnt Take This Damn Booty Off.
Oh man we’re gonna be looking at another triple-layer slug sandwich right here yeah look at that whoa those are one-inch slugs guys it looks to be about. We have it the resilient sounds lineup, but it wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t Chuck a little bit of power to these now would it We’ve got our test stations set up upstairs with our Jy 80 amp hour battery, so let’s chuck some juice to these the Rs gold platinum and Onyx series and just give a little farewell goodbye on this little Expo on this little expose video a friggin Chokin over here we’re gonna be chucking the 12 into our girlfriends to carve our girlfriends no she’s my girlfriend and just having a fun time with that it’s actually my car now all right let’s hop upstairs into the test station and get some of these rubies. The test station is all set up and ready to go. We’re gonna do roughly two minutes of testing per woofer so this video doesn’t get too too long.
And Well Break It Up Between Music
and test tones, starting out with a custom sweep from 60 Hertz all the way down to 20 Hertz that should be a great start to stretch in these legs will start off subtle and then work our way up to bigger excursion wow that’s kind of quiet isn’t it check that out already moving quite a bit and she has a nice soft presentation. I gotta say we zoom in there awesome and this shelf is really helping to because the pole vent can breathe on the bottom flexing just a little bit that has a beautifully soft excursion. Let me go ahead and turn it up one more click and see what we can get out of her. Oh yeah she’s moving whoo check that out you can hear the vents do you hear those vents pump in the air out. Right there you can definitely hear those are working we’re gonna give it one more notch here.
I Think This Is Gonna Be All
I’m gonna turn it up too though right here well look at that I can’t believe that’s only freakin what 18 millimeters well that’s at 70% so I may be giving it a little more right now So let’s go ahead and chuck some music on it and we’re gonna use this top 100 bass songs on my Youtube channel and we’ll turn it up all the way all right we’ll stop around there just a quick little music test man she is stretching out real good. I got to definitely give her some admiration for that not so bad for a entry level 15 and a what like a buck 39 or something like that so let’s jump up to the Gold Series and see. What else we got in store for today? Let’s make her jump again listen to that excursion. We’re getting a lot of flex here on the metal grate, but they just mechanically these woofers.
We’ve got something for people just starting out or those just looking to get as loud as they can so without further ado let’s unbox some double them all right so we’ll start out with the entry level 15 . The sub itself is not too too stiff. It has triple stack spiders and UK around 27 Hertz.& It’s nice to see that even on some entry-level subs.& Like this you have a nice rubber gasket instead of a hard plastic, like you see on some other budget brands.& Here show a little bit of her skin that’s almost got like a nice UK kind of look to it see how that cone has that rigidity those little grooves in there that definitely adds some strength.& You can see right in there. It’s kind of bulging out and shining.& Through all that UK glue, It has a three-inch for layer aluminum voice coil with about 18 millimeters of Xmax at 70% at 70 percent ….. Click here to read more and watch the full video