Video Creator’s Channel Thomas & Stereo

Once Again, I Am Sitting Far Away From
you and will not smile today because I still have not fixed my front teeth man it’s gonna cost me a few thousand dollars to fix it and it had to break just after I quit my jaw so I got no more dental insurance just great anyways before we begin please be careful because there’s scammers out there pretending to be UK asking for money. For example, they will ask you to pay for shipping because you want something guys Thompson Stereo only gives up million dollar systems okay behind the scene. I spoke to other UK and yeah. We are all trying to bring awareness to this problem for those of you who have ordered the Galion TS120 do not respond to any emails asking for money and if you have not received an email from me. Yes please send.
Me An Email Finally, Ive Uploaded
a new video on The Galleon Channel please go check it out. Arendelle reached out to me a while ago, asking if I would be interested in reviewing their time. Now 1723s speaker I said yes because it looked a lot like a buchar S400 speaker. You have a big waveguard like the S400, a seal design like the S400 and a six-inch driver once again like the S-400. Now I’m not going to compare the S400 with the Arendelle in this video because that’s not the point of this video, but at the same time I am not going to leave you hanging After mentioning I have both in my house.
- scammers
- insurance
- send
- 1723s
- warrant
I Would Say This The Biggest
difference I noticed is the Erinder 1723s has a sharper top end it Sparkles more while the Buchar has a bigger and Fuller base both. That wall of diffuse sound characteristic The 1723s has a more neutral presentation to my ears and that’s pretty much a high level comparison between both now. Just before Arendelle shipped their speaker to me. They asked me if they can send me a subwoofer with it now I can understand why they were concerned because the Arendelle 1723s is a seal design and usually seal design speakers. Don’t have that extra oomph in the bass.
I Personally Was Not Concerned About
the bass because as an audio file I Don’t really need boomi chest pounding base. I’m more interested in nuance and control base which you know. I was expecting from the West 1723s speakers still I understand the concerns so I said, sure send me your submover now what I did not expect is. They sent me a gigantic 25 kilograms subwoofer. I was like what what I was hoping The UK guy unloading from the truck Yeah He was not able to do it himself as I was cursing and unloading it from the truck.
I Was Asking Myself Is There
absolutely no base whatsoever with those speakers that they need to send me. This Behemoth subwoofer that waits like a mini fridge. Do you know how much space that took up in my house. Let me show you how my storage room is right now mental note to myself next time ask for the size before accepting so my audio buddies today. We are gonna talk about the Arendelle 1723 Stein Mount speaker and it’s matching subwoofer UK no and I find it cute that they wrote conceived in Norway.
Born In China Raised By You
at the back of the speaker. I wonder why did they name it one seven two three s anyways. The 1723s is a two-way style Mount UK certified speaker with a one-inch soft Dome Tweeter house and a wave guy and it has a 6. 5-inch woofer. This is a 4 ohm speaker with a sensitivity of 84 UK.
The Frequency Response Is 65 Hertz To
20 kilohertz, but at 2 minus 6 UK. If you want to see the measurements go check the website your speaker costs a thousand, five and it comes with a 60-day trial period with a 10-year warrant tea well that’s pretty good fold the 1723 2s subwoofer. It is At 2 400 UK I like the finishing and it is a perfect match with the speakers. It has two let me repeat two 13. 8 inch driver Oh my God and because of magnetic Grille.
It Is Also A Seal Design And
has a 1200 watt of power. When I saw the specs I cannot help, but think about that scene from the movie Back to the Future with a big subwoofer foreign depending on the UK setting. You choose the subwoofer can go from 200 Hertz down to 17 Hertz. Now Auto. The subwoofer is not small.
I Like The Fact That It Is A
slim design, so how does the speaker sound. It is quite a lively sound. The top end is detailed and sharp for me. I like bright speakers like focal so the brightness is fine for me but I can see for some people they. might find it slightly on the bright side.
- pretending uk asking money example
- quit jaw got dental insurance
- begin careful scammers
- ordered galion ts120 respond
- interested reviewing time 1723s speaker
The Mid-Range And The Bass Are
quite linear. Lots of clarity. I would say this it’s a neutral sounding speaker and some people might find it slightly on the lean side. Because this is a seal design. You don’t have that fan bloated base feel but rather you get this really tight fast nuance and clean base.
The Sound Stitch Is Quite Deep If I
sit seven feet away from the speakers. I can feel the singer is about 10 feet away. Also perhaps it has a waveguide. I get that war sound feel spacious and layered. The layering is pretty good with these speakers so although not pinpoint precise.
Like Some Of The Speakers I Have
in the sense I can cut out the musicians. I find it good enough instrument separation is good as well as the center image so. Start with the negatives, The speakers are not easy to drive 84 UK Sensitivity I tried 7 amps from budget to high end. The lowest power am I try was with the topping D90 UK as the UK and preamp combined with the new 100 watt into 4 ohm topping. I think it’s called la-90 Power Amp I was at max volume with the D90 UK max volume with the amplifier and I was only able to reach 75 UK would measure 7 feet away from the speakers mind you.
There Was No Distortion From The
topping amp even at max volume and it sounded very pleasant with this setup. The speakers did not sound sharp at all no hint of sibilance and if you only listen at 75 UK. The smoothness of this topping LA 90 is actually a good match with these speakers both the Iota UK S83m. better have that extra Pa3 power and I had to raise the base a bit with the tone control because it sound a bit lean with this combo. It sounded good once I use tone control Best budget match the 90s with theNK] Ward-1 class D Power Amp.
The Base Was Strong And The Work One
was effortless driving these speakers. This combo sounded refined and control for me. This was one of my favorite pairing in short you need power with these speakers and your amp needs to be able to handle a 4-Ohm load. The next thing you have to be aware of is for some people it can sound a bit lean, especially if your amp does not have enough power to bring out that full base potential of these speakers. If your amp can yeah, that is fantastic now let’s move on to.
To The Positives If Youre Looking
for a speaker that’s great for both movie and music put this on your short list. I was watching a Star Trek strange new Worlds the other day and usually when I watch UK my brain switches off from my critical listening and just focus on the show now. What took me by surprise is during one scene where the crew was on this pirate ship. I was suddenly shocked by how well the speakers were able to render the space of the Pirates ship’s room now I have a dedicated home theater myself so I’m familiar with creating that UK sound but to able to do it with two speakers to create a UK space for a UK show I was impressed. Then I started paying attention to the sounds from the show and the clarity and precision were really good so I.
Think The Ability Of These Speakers To Image
and separate things well also really benefit movies. Why is this a wow for me is because it caught my attention love me listening for it. It means it meant that it did it so well that I cannot but help notice right now. I wish they have sent me that Center Channel too so I could have hooked it up to my home theater receiver and see how it performs in a home theater environment. You know maybe in the future next.
If You Never Listen To Speakers With No
Port, you should put it on your bucket list the new ones control speed and Clarity you get from a sealed design are excellent not. Many speakers on the market today are sealed design and one of the possible reasons. I think is in today’s world we tend to chase after. strong base output as opposed to Nuance base. However, if you get a chance to hear the 1723s.
I Am Sure You Will Appreciate How Articulate
and texture it is out of all my audio buddies only Lloyd got to try the 1723s and his experience was similar to my except for one for him. The top man was not sharp. Very pleasant for all Style music that is the only part where we disagree because as you recall. I said the top man is a bit on the sharper side and the measurement shows it in his case. He drove it with a 300 watt class UK and he told me with that kind of power.
The 1723S Had Enough Bass To
give the bukar S400 a run for their money. The problem hard to drive speaker is you need power to bring out the full base and in his case with 300 watts. He he was able to so once you have good strong bass. It will balance out with the top end. So yeah okay.
I Can Understand Why He Found It Not
as bright as I did what we agreed on is the detail image projected in the air was good. Oh he told me by the way to get rid of the speaker jumpers and I replaced it with my UK card as Speaker jumpers and wow It made a difference now talking about base regarding the subwoofer surprisingly for a 13. 8 inch woofer. It is not slow and pretty fast. Also just like a speaker.
The Base Was Very Articulate New Ones Deep
and effortless above all you don’t hear the subwoofer and yes I guess. That is the benefit of being a seal design. You cannot tell the bass is coming from the subwoofer, but rather it comes from like the background. This is a very musical subwoofer and maybe because of its size it is impactful when needed so a very good balance between movies and music, but that is not totally right because if I said that you might think it is a compromise between movies and music, but I would say if you got this sub just for music, you might be quite pleasantly surprised how well it integrates with your speakers, especially if your speakers are sealed like the 1723 oh that’s another benefit of seal design speakers.
Arendelle reached out to me a while ago, asking if I would be interested in reviewing their time . The Erinder 1723s has a sharper top end it Sparkles more while the Buchar has a bigger and Fuller base both . The Galion TS120 do not respond to any emails asking for money and if you have not received an email from me. Please send. me an email finally, I’ve uploaded a new video on The Galleon Channel please go check it out. Once again, I am sitting far away from you and will not smile today because I still have not fixed my front teeth man it’s gonna cost me a few thousand dollars to fix it and it had to break just after I quit my jaw so I got no more dental insurance just great anyways . The Buchar S400 speaker has a big waveguard like the S400 and a six-inch driver once again like the . S-400. The 1723S has a more neutral presentation to…. Click here to read more and watch the full video