Video Creator’s Channel Z Reviews

Id Like To Use The Following Few Seconds
Just remind everyone that the Content UK system the UK uses somehow manages to find Rage Against the Machine to be copyright infringing content, which means lawyers have gotten to it so please enjoy not listening to rage machine for this intro and enjoy the rest of the video Yeah We don’t know how that one goes anyway This which is gonna bother me hearing myself but this is the jet Elec 73-70 a, which is thus least sexy name ever it’s also a $4,000 subwoofer now I’ll pop these on the monitor I can’t listen to myself like that how do you people do it so. The Owner of this subwoofer is the same owner of the Genelec Monitors and you often just send those back to me and that kind of wish he did. But at the same time I get to play man science our little delivery room because I have these studio 5-30s hooked up to some emo UK Pa1 monoblocks. All of this running off of a mini UK UK back there and so I can quell those and run this thing here’s the deal. This subwoofer is not for you it’s not for most people four thousand dollars ok.
So I Have Over There My Point One
sub that I keep in this room is a 15-inch rhythmic servo-controlled sub and for a point one that’s perfect it’s literally perfect I might may never replace it ever so what the hell is this for because it’s only at 12. Inch is a $4,000 12 inch sub and ya Genelec is Genelec, so you know you gotta be like all you’re paying a premium for but no no no Why are you buying this subs. He’s the guy who owns it. He knows what he’s buying it because he bought the jelly-like monitors and because those changes literally the fabric of space and time they just went and I was a girl bleep not to spend $10,000 stereo and if you’re gonna spend $10 on a stereo gentle Liqu is not a bad way to go about it. You have to know what you’re getting high.
I Wouldnt Stand Right There.
Chewbacca like that’s it’s the dangerous spot there girl move so as proud as I am of this setup because it is there’s all these wires have a purpose everything here is a purpose so I’ve got my loins. The speakers and the sub-I’ll mix in the low end that my UK records because theNK] can will move around and find the sweet spots that thing There is being utilized about 4% of what it’s capable of doing and it’s not about make loud boom boom go It’s about integrating low end into your audio without any bleep now I actually contacted Sweetwater and apparently they don’t give out. This is the best part of the review you’re welcome everyone you’re welcome internet I don’t restart because the Chewbacca’s decides to rape me on screen general. It doesn’t give out items for review.
They Dont Think Its Necessary And
I respect that that’s number one and number two you’re gonna really just walk through the newman’s she’s like a ballerina a little skinny ballerina all you’re probably hearing her breathe through the microphones. It’s not fun. fun They don’t give out their stuff because they know who it’s for and they don’t want they don’t need to give it to celebrities or people in UK bleep like me so this is a really interesting chance to hear something of this caliper. Now I’ll say this I started using it as a point once up. Let me just keep slipping through tracks along not so that’s over recorded is how look at that can we cook with the loudness war for a minute because stones hello pilots bleep off that’s bleep I also don’t want to get this video Nee monetize which you play a song for more than like eight seconds and boom You know you know we can get receive any money for advertisements that’s great Hmm now she’s sitting there I used it as a point one.
I Took This Sub This $4,000 Very Painstakingly
crafted finish sub and I use it as a point once up and it made me feel dirty on the inside because it’s not what it’s for, but it did prove to me One thing. It proved that you can get a 12-inch sub to destroy your house just as easily as a 15-inch sub granted. This one is a little bit more money than most but yeah it’s not designed for point one. I mean you can actually in gentle axe whole thing it will if you look at the way you could set it up. You can put it as the subwoofer for in any situation, but what this is specifically for is for editing music in an environment that’s controlled and then using there UK network box which is this with their UK microphone, which is in.
The Corner There To Room Correct Instantly Basically
instantly and then the owner who I remember what I was talking about if you go back and watch the gentleman curve you. I said man you should really buy this because here’s the software here’s Genelec software Snotty girl here’s Genelec software and just like on the Genelec monitors. You plug it in with a cat5 cable you plug that in UK then you plug in one of these which is I’m gonna review this right now. This is the 93 10 am made in Finland and it’s the Jetta like volume Knob ready for a miniature of you holy bleep. This is nice rubberized 3 points.
Its A Big Heavy Knob.
It’s got a little little divot. You really can’t tell like where it is unless you place it properly right now. It’s all the way up so that would. Be I guess there was what you want the divot and you can lower it down and you could see on the app I’m down 120 decibels.
Then I Come Up And Then 80 To
80 and a half 80-79 and a half. I have pretty finite controls. It’s just a three and a half millimeter, so it’s running off a resistor just measuring a resistor in this but I gotta say for over $100. This is the worst bleep wire. What are you doing Genelec like I praise Genelec for not using like expensive power cords.
Theres $6,000 Speakers But Come On Guys.
This is literally like what I’d get on an am/FM car transponder like I feel like this is going to be the failure point of this one hundred and something dollar volume knob and it shouldn’t be it shouldn’t be come on Allah I love. It I’m sorting-love you gentle axe Oh, Don’t, Don’t, Don’t bleep with me plug this into the control box, which is blinking. They tell me it’s doing things hi. This is what we’re obviously invading true Versailles It’s Mother’s Day Chewbacca was a mama.
- owner subwoofer owner genelec monitors
- subwoofer lot bleep ve
- subwoofer people thousand dollars ok
- subwoofer review easy
- run thing deal subwoofer
You Were A Mama Yeah You
were I shall look at the what I’ve done love my cat here There stand on that for a second. I have set the crossover up and I can’t see it because it’s off-screen. I said the crossover up with the mini UK UK to cut the low-end off from these while these amps and therefore these UK at where are we a pre-high bleep cutoff they start going down at they start dropping at 100 Hertz and they hit the cross match at 68 Hertz. The reason for that is I want to use this sub. Its purpose, which is the low end of music not embalmed boom boom, but like actually making up for all the low-end.
You Could Possibly Ever Want Out Of A
speaker that’s why it’s in the center that’s why it’s here Now The mini UK is actually acting as my UK as well, so that just goes a mini UK UK link in the description of course the fact that I can use a UK in a 200-dollar unit for this sort of thing, and still you know be super impressed usually want to do a subwoofer review. It’s very easy. I put on a movie I play the 16 Hertz sound from edge of Tomorrow. Everyone goes wow it’s noisy and then I move on the problem with this sub is that would be disrespectful because there’s a lot going on in this sub like what I got. On here This is so internet perfect the locking on the sub that I can’t access because I only can give it mono.
- subwoofer
- speakers
- bass
- infringing
- speaker
Its A Mono Sub Were Gonna
look at the side panel Sue it I’m gonna disconnect it. I’m gonna play one or two more just quick herbs of disconnect. I’ll slide it over here and we will look at its belly. We’ll turn it over like like the wallpaper and we’ll look look at its downstairs. First things first move this everything’s Goddamn disaster everything’s a disaster Chewbacca that’s my cat Chewbacca by the way I’ll get some bass tracks on here.
Oh Deadmau5 Does He Do Anything
blow nd. I think he does I think you might have some life all right. She’s me Chewbacca I did this to me it’s like John Wick you did this to you gonna power This off plug it unplug. This unplug theNK] network connection pick up my cat throw my cat one of the nicest subs by the way to move around because it’s just it’s over 100 pounds by the way for a 12–inch. You can see it’s a rather interesting shape.
Its A Sandwich With What You Looks
like a tube. It looks like a tube. It’s not a tube. This is not a tube. This is a conch-shell and I’ll show you what I mean we should probably look at the control at the fascia first boom 12-inch behind an aluminum grill.
You Could Probably Take This Off
and actually barbecue on it, which would be like that as an audio person on the Youtubes. I feel like I need this we’re just four screws and I could put a metal grade. Oh my god there’s your 12-inch paper cone paper $4,000 paper. Here’s the sandwich the front side of the sandwich again is a barbecue grill. The back side of the sandwich is nothing you felt stupid nothing.
These Bars Are Literally Whats Clamping
us together So if you just look at it like this you go wow They made a tube and I shoved it on there where’s the port one. I unbox that I can find the port that’s because I wasn’t thinking with portals let’s go past this will rotate it let’s give it to the old rotation. This happens on this side now this how do I describe that on a subwoofer that’s a lot of bleep you’ve got manual switches if you’re not using that $500 add on because this is 4,000 that box to do the room correction and the software control is an additional 500 that volume knob is an additional 100 and funny so. It’s like getting extras on your like Fattah Hawaiian Lexus, but if you don’t buy that you can use these, which is bass roll-off selection phase selection digital UK on or off because there’s a digital thing here Alleppey channel A or B here’s your UK in which you can see I’m using an UK adapter that goes to UK because well.
This is the jet Elec 73-70 a, which is thus least sexy name ever it’s also a $4,000 subwoofer now I’ll pop these on the monitor I can’t listen to myself like that how do you people do it so. I’d like to use the following few seconds Just remind everyone that the Content UK system the UK uses somehow manages to find Rage Against the Machine to be copyright infringing content, which means lawyers have gotten to it so please enjoy not listening to rage machine for this intro and enjoy the rest of the video . Yeah We don’t know how that one goes anyway. This which is gonna bother me hearing myself but this which is . But at the same time I get to . play man science our little delivery room because I have these studio 5-30s hooked up to some emo UK Pa1 monoblocks. It’s like a mini UK PA1 monoplocks. And so I can quell those and run this thing…. Click here to read more and watch the full video