Video Creator’s Channel Parker The Basshead

Whats Going On Guys It Is Parker Here And
in today’s video we’re gonna be putting this little guy to the test now. This of course is the Sundown audio Sa8 V3. I got this in the hundred dollar mystery box from Sundown back a few months ago It’s finally time to put her to the test. See what she can do so yeah Guys gonna play this thing gonna get some slow-mo of the insane excursion. This little a has got and then we’re gonna put it on the db meter See how loud we can get hopefully we can get to 140 something but who knows that’s a lot of volume for a little teeny fella like this anyway guys stay tuned four thousand, eight hundred and ninety-one all right guys let’s get y’all a quick little look at this monster 8-inch sub of course Sundown.
Above And Beyond As Always My Favorite
part is this big old surround looks like the surround on the X series subs just love it but of course, super stiff little dust cap super stiff little cone really nice basket that allows for some great excursion and then this huge old motor down here with tons of pole venting going around there a very crisp and clean look and of course some nice terminals and some big old leads guys. This thing is going to be awesome cannot wait to start testing it out now. Unfortunately, I did not have time to build a full box for the sub, but we do have this star box right here. This box is two cubic feet tuned to about 36 Hertz and I think for the test. It will do just fine so what we’re going to do we’re going to cut.
Out A Piece Of Mdf To Fill Up
this and cut out the hole for the sub and then we’ll try it out in this box guys we’ll see what we can get out of it well. Guys that fits in there perfectly so I guess let’s start screwing her down and getting the sub hooked up well. Guys it started raining out there but we got this little guy in here definitely looks pretty cool let’s kind of get over that massive surround. On this thing it’s almost bigger than it’s around on my scar over here anyway guys let’s see how this thing sounds super excited to see just how much volume and sound quality we can get out of a little eight-inch sub this little thing is awesome It’s so hilarious to see such a little sub move so much now it’s not incredibly loud, but I’m. To having the same power on you know a 12-inch sub or something it’s gonna just have a lot more cone area to really push some air, but for the little guy it sounds pretty good.
I Will Say The Quality On
it seems to be pretty excellent, so very happy with that but for a little guy it does seem to get down let’s keep testing it out june um that’s a teeny little eight inch sub. This thing is awesome I’m very impressed with how just loud it gets and you really can’t feel it in your chest. Now is it anywhere like having a bigger sub with more cone area No but it is still absolutely awesome guys so impressed with this little thing. So we’re gonna do some db testing now I’ve got the box more towards of course facing the back but it’s more. Towards this end, so we’re gonna try that and then we’re gonna push the bars closer to the door and try it again and just see which way is louder okay We’ve got my meter in the kick.
This Is The Spl Lab Mini Bass Meter
sorry. It’s a little hard to see there it’s a little bit dark and we’re we’re going to be playing a 45-Hertz test tone and we’re just going to see what it does okay and we have the radio at 12 We’re gonna see what it does so of course super low power but we got a 128. 8. Now we have the box closer towards the hatch. Let’s try it again at the same power and see how loud we get okay.
We Are Still At 12 And Lets See
if pushing it further back helps any so it looks like no we. Only got a 126. 8. We moved the box back to the original position. Let’s just see if we get back up to that 128.
8 Yep So We Got 128 That
time so having the box further back seems to be the best well guys. It’s time to start pushing this thing and see what it can do gonna just slowly be cranking up the power and keep doing a 45 hertz test tone and just see what we can get all right. We’ve got it cranked up a little bit. Let’s see what she does so. It maxed out pretty bad but we got a 138.
2 And That Was Only 1500 Watts.
I guess because the box is so big is just letting the sub max out super super easy. Basically the sub is unloading so we’re going to turn the power down a little bit and just try it. again and see what it does now We have the door open. We’re gonna see if that’ll help any nope just a 131 okay.
- surround
- louder
- audio
- tuned
- bass
This Time Were Going To Do A
rolling fade into the base just to see what that does put a ton of power into it right there guys 4 890 watts all right guys well even though we hit almost 5 000 watts. We still only got about a 137 so not too special, but unfortunately put a little bit too much power to that bad boy and she is stuck inside there so we’re going to pull this out and see what happened. I don’t think the sub blew but maybe the spider came undone and it just got stuck back there or something who knows let’s get her out and see so it’s stuck in there Real good let’s see if the coils are. toast or if they’re any good so this coil is still fine and this coil is still good as well. So coils are still good.
So Maybe A Spider-Tor Or Something
and it just got itself lodged down in the gap. So who knows I don’t know if we’ll be able to pull it out or what guys it is in there really good. You can see that all the leaves are stretched kind of tight but not too tight well. I don’t know guys we’re gonna see if we can get this thing out all right guys where it is back out everything feels clear that being said it feels super soft now way softer than it was and I was looking through the holes. It looks like the triple joint.
Just Got Stuck In The Little
gap you know between the outer and the inner part of. Your motor so didn’t actually look like it damaged anything none of the spider seems torn or anything but it now is just Super Super soft well. Guys very relieved to say that it is still good to go sounds fine Spider and all that definitely did not come detached. So first off a few props to sundown for building a great sub. The majority of subs once you max them out that bad they are toast you’ve torn out a spider or something like that This guy is still good though guys.
I Cannot Believe It.
I thought it was done for but we’re not. We are still rocking and rolling so very excited about that we now just have a really nice broken in sub so probably not a great sub for a super high power build but just to have a little everyday really cool eight inch. Sub this guy is awesome well guys I appreciate you all watching we’re really bummed.
We Did Not Get To 140,
but hey maybe if I had a box built specifically for the specs. For this sub maybe we could do it. I don’t know again the box. We had here just way too big and the sub unloaded really really easy anyway guys.
I Thank You All So Much For
watching please like comment and subscribe. I’ll leave some links and it is in the description to where you can pick up this sub-ebay and amazon links. Those are affiliate links So should you purchase it through the channel. It really helps out the channel A lot also guys check out these other couple videos that are gonna come up here in a minute.
Im Gonna Have The One Where I Got
two six and a half inch. Subs and we got 145 plus Db from that which was epic Guys and then I also got a video of getting to Walmart Subs and just going ham with them too so definitely check one of those out anyway. Guys really really appreciate Y’all stay tuned for more comment coming soon.
- monster inch sub course sundown
- sound quality little inch sub
- sounds super excited just volume
- audio sa8 v3 got dollar
- big old surround looks like
Sundown audio Sa8 V3 is Sundown’s 8-inch sub of course Sundown . Parker calls it a “super stiff little dust cap super stiff little cone really nice basket that allows for some great excursion and then this huge old motor down here with tons of pole venting going around there a very crisp and clean look and of course some nice terminals and some big old leads guys.& Unfortunately, I did not have time to build a full box for the sub, but we do have this star box right here.& This box is two cubic feet tuned to about 36 Hertz and I think for the test. It will do just fine so what we’re going to do is going to cut out a piece of MDF to fill up this and cut out the hole for a sub and then we’ll try it out in this box . Stay tuned four thousand, eight hundred and ninety-one all right guys let’s get y’all a quick little look at this…. Click here to read more and watch the full video