Video Creator’s Channel Jacob Viral2

- zb5
- specs
- build
- amp
- built
Use Discount Code Jacovyle To Save When You Shop
at Sky High Car Audio explicit audio and others links in the description thanks for watching and enjoy the video still break it in Wow man it’s Windy too 59 at 30. 459 wow that’s good really wow that’s really good man for like 20 20 to 38. It’s like a 58. wow that’s a bigger beyond that it tanks yeah that’s good you really built into this wow Nice push that Demo Man thank you even even yeah we changed it up dude what I was in here. Now four Zb5 18.
Okay Two Scp-6K Max 95 Amp
hour so what’s the specs on that six orders it’s like a one so like a 1.1 ratio 1. 2. The rear is two to 28 yep. The front is 2 to 56.
- 56 okay cubes sub ject
- really built wow nice
- high car audio explicit
- radio push brand new ton
- zb5 18 okay scp
It’s about five cubes per sub ject who built. I did build it Nice nice work all right looks good wow foreign foreign keep your hand on the radio like push on it to be like Hey Matt keep your hand on the radio push on it There’s no brand new but ton thank you thank you okay thank you foreign thank you for watching everybody as well as thank you Channel supporters if you want to become a channel supporter check out the links in the description to show support as well as thank you everybody for supporting the channel also if you haven’t already use discount code Jacob vile when you shop at Sky High Cardio, explicit audio and others and also if you haven’t already check me out I am on social media Facebook, Instagram, Tick Tock and UK as you are seeing here go ahead and hit that like button if you haven’t already I. Really appreciate it and subscribe stay tuned for more daily videos and I’ll see you all in the next one foreign.
Use discount code Jacovyle to save when you shop at Sky High Car Audio explicit audio and others links in the description . Thank you for watching everybody as well as thank you Channel supporters if you want to become a channel supporter check out the links in . the description to show support for supporting the channel also if you haven’t already use discount code Jacob vile on Sky High Cardio, explicit audio, and others to show your support for the channel . I’ll see you all in the next one foreign.& I did build it Nice nice work all right looks good. Check me out I am on social media Facebook, Instagram, Tick Tock and UK as you are seeing here go ahead and hit that like the like button . I. really appreciate it and subscribe stay tuned for more daily videos and subscribe to the channel. Use discount codes Jacob vile when you don’t want to use the discount code to show you support the channel’s new additions to your car.&…. Click here to read more and watch the full video