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What Up Fellow Base Heads Today We Have The
Jensen 1200 watt J12W subwoofer, So these are some of the specs that’s a two-inch aluminum voice coil 40 ounce magnet a problem polypropylene Woofer Cone four ohms impedance here’s some wiring diagrams and some more specs. You know it works okay so right off the bat. We got an owner’s manual nothing fancy but still nice to have one by the way make sure to stay till the end of the video because we’re gonna be frying this subwoofer just like last time. I don’t know about you but I love unwrapping unboxing opening up any kind of audio equipment so as you can see it’s a pretty basic silver basic single stack magnet. Old school connectors black stamped steel um I wouldn’t say nothing too special but everything too cool so you guys you can see you got.
- subwoofer
- bass
- coil
- woofer
- magnet
The Venting On The Bottom Theres Some
sturdy enough connectors right there but nothing too special it still it would still make a really good road sub, though to be honest but seriously though I wouldn’t really trust this thing going all the way up to 1200 watts Maybe on a single burst it could but um I don’t know that so just be careful with this sub. This will definitely give you good rumbling thumping bass hope you got a good look at the sub because it’s time to go put it to the test and see what it can do UK ain’t nothing like a cheap prefab subwoofer box to test a brand new subwoofer in said nobody ever so um um if you made it all the way to this part of the video. It’s a frying time so oh. I hope y’all enjoyed that one because.
Oh Man That Was A Burn Right There
thanks for watching me commit stupidities do stupidities with audio and thanks to everybody who likes subscribes. Shares comments watches my videos thank you all so much and if you’re new to this channel subscribe because we are going to be doing more things that make no sense with audio because well you know this is contraption online. Of course I’ll catch y’all on the next video, but for now keep on basing bass heads CPa audio is out here.
- watt j12w subwoofer specs
- like cheap prefab subwoofer box
- subwoofer box test brand new
- jensen 1200 watt j12w subwoofer
- subwoofer specs inch aluminum voice
Jensen 1200 watt J12W subwoofer is a two-inch aluminum voice coil 40 ounce magnet a problem polypropylene Woofer Cone four ohms impedance . It would still make a really good road sub, though to be honest but seriously though I wouldn’t really trust this thing going all the way up to 1200 watts Maybe on a single burst it could but um I don’t know that so just be careful with this sub . We’ll put it to the test and see what it can do UK ain’t nothing like a cheap prefab sub woofer box to test it in said nobody ever so we’re going to be doing more things that make no sense with audio because well you know this is contraption online . Thanks to everybody who likes subscribes. Follow us on Twitter for all the latest audio updates. Back to the page you came from the post here:…. Click here to read more and watch the full video