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JL audio subwoofer review you guys have been asking for years here we go so this is the E110 model. Now JL audio doesn’t send subwoofers to Youtube reviewer so I bought this bad boy with my own money with that being said. I bought it on the used market, but I wanted to make sure what I reviewed today. What I told you guys about the subwoofer would be current so I got a hold of jail audio.
I Told Them What I Was Doing
that I was going to review this model on Youtube and I asked them like hey you know this being a few years old can I send it to you guys and if there’s any parts that are you know have been updated and stuff like that just give it a refresh for me and they. Were like yeah cool No problem. We got you so I thought that was super cool and I just wanted to give them a shout out for being a team player like that so this model, despite this color being discontinued now all its internals, its guts, its design is identical to a brand new unit. You would buy at a dealer showroom today. So with that said let’s throw the main specs on screen so you guys could check that out.
Ill Tell You About Some Standout
features. I’ll tell you what it sounds like we’ll do some comparisons and then we’ll wrap it up so stand out features there’s there’s a few wild ones here guys but the first I want to talk about the aesthetics that I think are pretty cool a little bit of a beveled edge on the sides gives it a unique look then. There’s this bezel that goes around it’s you know the same color as the rest of the subwoofer and it gives this nice just kind of nice bezel. You know it’s just a bezel. I guess you could say but it’s it’s cool.
Its A Little Design Touch.
Now this black piece you see which is normally just the front part of the cabinet the baffle. If you will is not what you think it is as you can see in that picture. It is a part of the basket. This is cast into the basket.
Its A Single Piece So If Youre The
kind of customer that wants rock solid build quality and rigidity in your subwoofer. This has it guys moving on to the back. If you look the plate amplifier has its own sealed off section, so it’s going to be a little bit better protected from. heat and vibration that’s produced from the driver. Likewise, the driver has its own enclosure as well and you can see it takes up damn near the whole thing.
This Is A Very Long Stroke
design. There’s two spiders a huge motor section. This thing is built like a freaking tank ladies and gentlemen. So another standout feature is going to be the top mounted controls. I think those are pretty cool.
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- e110
- speaker
- speakers
They Have A Nice Little Cover That
goes over them and you can adjust phase and polarity independently so that’s all cool and stuff and yeah. It’s got like 1200 watts RMs, which is a hell of a lot of power and a nice compact enclosure and it looks good and how does it sound though right because like those are all cool things but like if it doesn’t sound any good who cares right well. I’m happy. To report it sounds pretty amazing It does some things differently. It’s got some unique characteristics and those are the things I want to talk about before we get into the comparison.
So Lets Be Clear About One
thing first with the other parts of the frequency spectrum. Mid–range top end and trouble and things like that we all know and agree that there’s different sounds and those different sounds don’t make a product better or worse right. We know if someone likes clarity, a lot of clarity and detail retrieval. They will appreciate a speaker like focal but at the same time if someone doesn’t like an analytical presentation or a cool mid-range well, then they will not like focal. Neither situation makes focal a good or a bad speaker.
Its Just If Its Right For You Based
on your taste same with mid–range. Some people like a warm. Mean a speaker with a lean and cool mid-range is bad. It’s just not suited to their taste and it’s the same with bass. There’s different kinds of bass performance and presentation and if a subwoofer does one thing and not another that doesn’t make it good or bad.
It Just Helps You Decide If
it’s for you or not so stay with me because this bad boy does some things in an incredible way that I think a lot of people are going to like, and it might do some things that some people may not like like all subwoofers right and I say this because what I’m about to talk about is sq subwoofers and spl subwoofers and I think because sq sounds better than spl. A lot of people think Spl means bad no Spl just means sound pressure level. An spl subwoofer is one that can. Incredibly loud have a dominant amount of extension attack and authority and all of those things. Most subwoofers are actually SpL subwoofers.
Most People Enjoy Spl Subwoofers Quite
a bit, but there’s a slight difference in the way they deliver bass compared to an sq focus design and we’re going to talk about that so the bass coming from the JL audio E110 is going to be a little bit heavier tonally. You’re going to feel that weight and slam hit your body. As this subwoofer pressurizes the room if you’re the kind of person that likes bass that is a little bit in your face base that is strong and impactful attack from a small cabinet you’re going to like this thing a lot. Another cool thing is that start stop behavior is incredible. Most spL subwoofers Don’t have the best start stop behavior not this guy Holy crap.
When This Thing Is Called Upon
to produce base, it does so with authority and immediacy and when it’s called upon to stop it does so with immediacy that really surprised me next let’s talk about um you know like the note to note distinction right. This is another area where generally spl subwoofers aren’t the best they don’t have the best note to note distinction. They can usually hit like a hammer, but when the bass frequencies change it’s it’s not super obvious it more sounds like a volume change not here. The JL audio E110 has really good bass articulation even in the higher frequencies up to 80 Hertz. In fact I used this during some of my listening impressions when I was reviewing the Arendelle 1961 bookshelf speaker and that’s a small sealed speaker that only goes down to about 75 hertz so I had to cross.
The Subwoofer As High As 80 Hertz
to blend with that speaker it blended and integrated very well. Let me talk about a bass being in your face and drawing your attention. So there’s two scenarios under which bass will draw your attention Either the subwoofer doesn’t integrate well and that can happen Sometimes there are subwoofers that just don’t integrate all that well. This integrates very well so that’s there’s no issue there the other time bass will draw your attention is when it’s leading edge and its attack is very strong, forceful and impactful. Then of course it’s becoming dominant.
- coming jl audio e110
- e110 spl subwoofer
- send subwoofers youtube reviewer
- subwoofer review guys asking years
- subwoofers youtube reviewer bought bad
Your Brain Will Notice It So
if you’re the kind of audiophile that likes likes your bass to be more of an enhancement of your music right. A natural extension of your speakers without any exaggeration. Whatsoever there are other subwoofers you can buy that are more sq. focused to that task that is not what JL audio is trying to accomplish here. Gel audio is trying to kick you in your chest as hard as humanly possible from a small cabinet and a good looking one at that it is dominant with its presentation.
It Is Forceful With Its Presentation.
It is impactful. The base is both tactile, deep powerful and extremely well controlled. This is a combination of characteristics. You usually don’t find in SpL focused design and for that reason.
Im Going To Go Ahead And Say
Jail audio is like. They’re the kings of SpL focused designs because they do all the things. An spL focused subwoofer should do that kick in the chest base that strong extension control at the limit at the limit you know dominant attack, but it’s not monotone by any means. It has good note to note distinction um. It has good transient response.
It Has Good Speed .
It’s not going to handle delicate passages as well as an sq subwoofer that’s okay um, but it I mean if you came over guys and you heard this and I had a bigger subwoofer next to it you’d have a hard time determining which one was playing because the way the bass attacks right the immediacy that it kicks with is very strong. It is very forceful and I think it’s the type of bass. A lot of people are looking for. I think it’s the type of bass.
A Lot Of People Like Um.
It’s absolutely going to be killer in a home theater environment. If you don’t want big subs. Jail audio is known and you can look this up for like if you look at their cea data for the cabinet size Jl audio generally has. The most output generally, there are subwoofers with more output, but usually they’re quite a bit larger with respect to their cabinets.
I Hope Ive Given You A Clear
understanding of what it sounds like basically let me see it in a nutshell. All the things Sq subwoofers can do the JL audio E110 is pretty good at it’s not as good as its sq counterparts, but it is among the best. I have heard from an SpL focus subwoofer where it’s going to be different from an Sq focus. Subwoofer is going to be in the delivery of the bass. An Sq subwoofer is more going to be an enhancement to your music where a jail audio E110 being an SpL subwoofer.
It Will Enhance Your Music As Well And
it’s also going to have such strong authority. An attack that you will naturally notice the base portion of. The presentation you’re not going to be drawn to the subwoofer. Let me be clear your attention will not be like Ooh subwoofer right your attention will be simply drawn to the base right a lot of people like that. I I don’t mind if I’m being completely honest.
I Dont And Im An Sq Customer Generally
but I don’t mind this presentation at all because it’s the start stop behavior good note to note distinction extreme control it’s a good match for some speakers. Let me tell you so I recently got the focal canta that’s a very expensive speaker. It’s eight thousand dollars msrp repair and its attack is strong. Its treble is sharp its mid–range clarity is insane.
Its Delivery From Top To Bottom Is
strong with its leading edges. My sq subwoofer sounded fantastic with it don’t get me wrong the rel pair I have here. the rhythmic subwoofers here I have sound amazing, but I plugged in the JL audio E110 just out of pure curiosity because I was like you know what this is still a 2 000 subwoofer like it should.
JL audio subwoofer review you guys have been asking for years here we go so this is the E110 model . Despite this color being discontinued now all its internals, its guts, its design is identical to a brand new unit.& You would buy at a dealer showroom today.& So with that said let’s throw the main specs on screen so you guys could check that out.& I’ll tell you what it sounds like we’ll do some comparisons and then we’ll wrap it up so stand out features there’s there’s a few wild ones here guys but the first I want to talk about the aesthetics that I think are pretty cool a little bit of a beveled edge on the sides gives it a unique look then.& There’s this bezel that goes around it’s the same color as the rest of the subwoofer and it gives this nice just a bezel.& If you will is not what you think it is as you can see…. Click here to read more and watch the full video