Video Creator’s Channel Audioholics

Welcome Back My Friends, Im Gene Del Salad, President
of Audio Holics and today We have Keigo Rivera, vice president of marketing and welcome to the show that never ends it is truly the show that never ends my friend Hey once again. We have a nice piece of equipment over here, What can you tell us about this well guys and girls out there. This is the UK Audio E1 12c sub and it’s a brand new line of subwoofer for some UK Audio. They have two subwoofers in the E sub line. It’s the E 110 and the E 112 and Hugo.
Of Course Were Gonna Have The
E-112 model the decked up point the jacked up one miss. It has the 12-inch driver the bigger amp the bear enclosure and it just gives you more output as a result Yeah I mean this looks really really. Team, what can you tell us about it? You know It’s a very interesting design actually the first of all the cabinet is constructed of 3/4 inch UK beautiful finish. The regular sub in black ash comes in 1904-1904. The e 112.
This Is The Gloss Black Finish.
It’s only a two hundred dollar premium and in my opinion it’s really worth it. It’s a beautiful looking finish on it. I mean it’s very smooth. You get a lot of these lacquered finishes you see orange peel on them.
You Dont See That On This This Is
a Pecola finished product. This looks really high-end. We did look at it. I mean you take it out of the box and you see all this go through like whoa yes impressive absolutely you know M by the way when you take it out of box. I have to say this.
A Pretty Heavy Piece Of Equipment
over here I mean this is like 75 pounds or something Oh yeah you get your workout just carrying this guy around for sure absolutely I didn’t notice the front baffle is not UK you know you’re a very keen absorber my friend well thank you that’s why you’re in this business with me yes absolutely the front baffle of the e sub both of these so I’ll just made out of steel and it’s it’s interesting because this is the only sub that we’ve ever seen that the actual driver and the baffle are one in the scene MmM so the drivers molded into the baffle and I you know I asked UK I sent them an email. I never really got a reply from them. The Oh. The reason why I could think they did this is because this driver inside of. This box is so heavy yeah and they wanted such good rigidity that they made the baffle the steel.
You Know They Made It Fixed Into The
subwoofer. The woofer driver itself is also braced and it’s mechanically coupled into the cabinet. So I mean this thing is not moving and you know we did our subwoofer tests on this we have a full battery of measurements and you know we did rattle tests as no noise that comes out of this thing. It’s well behaved all the way to the extreme output that it’s capable of delivering. You know gene.
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- amp
- speakers
- redesign
This Looks Extremely Powerful.
What can you tell us about the bass a holic rating because this this to me looks like a large rating. This is a good good eye again. You go in fact, this is the only single 12-inch sealed sub that we’ve ever tested. In audio history that has received our large base of Holic group size rating and there’s many reasons for that number one is they don’t skimp on the driver they don’t Skimp on the power amp.
You Know I Think We Should
start out with the driver. This driver is really jacked and this driver has a four-layer voice coil two inches in diameter. It’s got two spiders on it okay and you’re probably saying what it had two spiders. I really never seen too many subwoofers with two spiders. The reason why is this thing.
S Got A Three-Inch Peak-To-Peak Excursion Capability
that means it’ll travel three inches total from front to back and in order to reduce what’s called Bobbing rocking mm-hmm sounds like a pretty cool dance term or so yeah for sure anyways in order to reduce the bobbing rock and and also linearize the response of. employed two spiders on it and let me tell you man this thing. It’s like watching it pumping in and out is like a pure full art form. It’s just really beautiful it really beautiful. It really is some people are going to see this in action over here in the next minute or so but for sure it’s like that thing just goes Oh yeah yeah I mean you know having a large driver like that you’re going to need a really hulking power amp to push it and this has a 1500 watt.
They Dont Tell You That Its
continuous rating. It says short-term UK so we know it’s a powerful lamp. It received a large base. A holic room-sized rating it’s a switching amp. It’s very efficient and you know it’s space-efficient the heatsinks on the back.
All The Controls Are On The
top it’s got a. It’s got your crossover and the interesting thing about the crossovers I didn’t just throw a cheap analog filter on this thing. They actually put some thought they put an active filter in here link what’s Riley which is perfect phase coherent. So if you’re using the line level inputs and outputs and plugging this into a small pair of satellite speakers, you’re going to get very good blend between the subwoofer itself and your satellite speakers and that’s. You know a lot of subwoofer companies kind of skimp on that they didn’t do that here and they did a really good execution with that it looks like a really complete subwoofer Is there anything that you will have recommend that that they improve up on yeah you know quite frankly.
Theres Two Subs In This Market That In
my opinion are the class leaders and sealed affordable subs. This. Is one of them the E 112 E 110 great products. The other one is the UK UK 13 Ultra and for about four or five hundred dollars less. You get a sub from UK that’s very similar output to this but it has balanced connections and it’s got an UK built into it.
So Im A Little Bit Disappointed That The
UK Audio doesn’t have that but you also have to realize. This is a sub that soul through brick-and-mortar means not through internet direct right so the profit margins are a little different of course, but the bottom line is there’s no other subs in the market in this size in a sealed enclosure that could produce this level of output that’s how good these subs are yeah. In fact, We used to have the fathom F110 from UK Audio in here in our family room system In the audio help showcase those were great subs to a little bit more money than this, but they had a little bit better build quality just really you know to the NtH degree but these guys David the redesign of these drivers in my opinion is light-years beyond what was in the fathoms Okay. These things are flat to 120 Hertz, which makes it very good to blend with a satellite speaker. They’re more efficient I mean we measured we did an in room response measurement putting two of these subs in place of our F1 10s.
- audio subwoofers sub line 110
- new line subwoofer
- e1 12c sub
- uk audio subwoofers
- e1 12c sub brand
We Have Like 10 Uk More Output
below 30 Hertz and my wife will tell you man well we a movie in here you know her head starts rattling the walls start rattling it’s just. loving experience you could share with your whole family as a matter of fact with a little bit of the testing you were running earlier today. I thought that the whole house will crumble to be quite honest with Nuria. I mean this stuff is powerful. This is the kind of sub that you know if you’re really into bass but not just power.
Its Not All About The Output.
It’s about the quality. These things are tight in our measurements that Josh ran the full battery of tests on Josh Ricci. The group delay is really low on them. There’s no overhang.
They Dont Sound Like A Tub.
You know a lot of sealed subs that are high excursion. Small enclosure they sound like a one-note wonder Yeah not the case here man these bait. These subwoofers are articulate. They’re clean and they’re beautiful to look at it Yeah.
Theyre Not A Boom Box Obviously And
most importantly just a plug to us a. These guys are fully built designed and engineered in our backyard here Yeah Miramar Florida so I mean, how could you beat that no you can’t it’s like American Muscle right here that’s me that knife exhibit exactly what exemplifies this product that this is good. This is good large audio Holux basically grading yes double of line awesome anything else you would like to add about this. I think we covered all the bases I would suggest that you read our formal written review. We have a battery of measurements listening test you name it it’s all covered anything you want to know about this product.
Youre Going To Find It On
audio holics. You know what on that note gene I think it’s important to our listeners to also visit audio Holux comm. for more very thorough reviews like this one myth-busting articles too and in addition, you can sign up to our weekly newsletter which we send out at least once a week, and you also get our top 2014 UK guide which you elaborate on right thanks you go yeah basically once a year. We come up with a list of products that we recommend based on what we reviewed what we know what we tested and it goes on performance goes on value so if you’re looking for a new receiver.
Youre Looking For A Blu-Ray Player A
subwoofer. We give you a very concise printable format of a guide to print out and just take it with you on the go do your shopping absolutely so on that note also, if you like this video please click the thumbs up below also share it with your friends and comment. us know what you think on what other type of videos you’d like to go ahead and see from us and until next time keep listening.
This is the UK Audio E1 12c sub and it’s a brand new line of subwoofer for some UK Audio . It has the 12-inch driver the bigger amp the bear enclosure and it just gives you more output as a result . It’s only a two hundred dollar premium and in my opinion it’s really worth it. The front baffle of the e sub both of these so I’ll just made out of steel. It’s it’s interesting because this is the only sub that we’ve ever seen tha.& A pretty heavy piece of equipment over here I mean this is like 75 pounds or something Oh yeah you get your workout just carrying this guy around for sure absolutely I didn’t notice the front baffles is not UK. The E-112 model is the decked up point the jacked up one miss. The regular sub in black ash comes in 1904-1904.& This is a gloss black finish.& It’s the regular sub is the gloss black…. Click here to read more and watch the full video