Video Creator’s Channel King Goodz

- watts
- specs
- 1600
- max
- watt
Hey Guys Its Good Scare Hey Ill Be
showing you my clicker anon boxing videos my kick at cars I got this in the mail a couple days ago. It’s a 12-inch. This is the 124th tell this 100 floors. I’ve got these from Amazon Sarah UK 100 max wipes just 1600 watts.
I Know The Legitimacy That But
that’s what amazon says the specs are the boxing’s come the stickers and stuff. I got a Rockville or UK and T 3000 watt colonies things game probably said it halfway for this the thing is extremely very switch when you go for them too long tie them go to home for this one see this thing is like again. I said this thing is extremely heavy in just the old model of the top part first time you connect before here. See if you’re writing them yeah I got two.
Them For Rock Behalf Of The B
box for atrium Yeah So spec says 1600 Max what is UK but the other specs for this one for par kicker says 500 UK Max watch there’s a thousand each so honest I shouldn’t get him around 2,000 next washings by a thousand UK particular but params I should be getting 32 hundred watts. You know 1600 UK so we brought to see the Baroque meter up once I get these hooked up so I’m gonna make an update video for them so guys that question like comment subscribe this is good out.
- kicker says 500 uk
- 32 watts know 1600 uk
- uk specs par kicker
- uk 100 max wipes
- max wipes just 1600 watts
Hey guys it’s good scare Hey I’ll be showing you my clicker anon boxing videos my kick at cars I got this in the mail a couple days ago.& I’ve got these from Amazon Sarah UK 100 max wipes just 1600 watts. I got a Rockville or UK and T 3000 watt colonies things game probably said it halfway for this the thing is extremely very switch when you go for them too long tie them go to home for this one see this thing is like again.& This is the 124th tell this 100 floors.& See if you’re writing them yeah I got two.& them for rock behalf of the B box for atrium Yeah So I’m gonna make an update video for them so guys that question like comment comment subscribe this is good out.& You know 1600 UK so we brought to see the Baroque meter up once I get these hooked up. I should be getting 32 hundred watts. But I should get him around 2,000 next…. Click here to read more and watch the full video