Video Creator’s Channel Parker The Basshead

What Is Going On Youtube Thank You All So
much for checking in to another video in the Kicker series that we are going through if you all saw We first had the regular kicker comp. Then we had the step up from that which is the comp c so that means today we have next up the comp Vr so we’re gonna test this thing out run it through its paces and see how it does we’ll see if it’s worth the extra step up in price from the comp and the Compc stay tuned guys thank y’all so much for checking in to a another video thank you for checking in to this kicker series that I am going through at the moment we’re going through all the regular 12-inch kicker subs except I’m probably not gonna go through these shallow mount subs just because I don’t really. Shallow mounts on this channel a lot but yes we have the regular comp the comp C, now the comp Vr and then we’re gonna have the comp r, but let’s get into this guy right here now before I get into it guys if you all could please smash that like button that helps me out so so much it allows me to buy all these subs kicker is not sending me any of this stuff. I’m paying for all this out of pocket so if Y’all could smash that like Button that helps out a lot if you enjoy this content and you want to follow the rest of the series and many many other insane videos that are going to come up on this channel. This coming year please subscribe that also helps out more than you guys know I would greatly greatly appreciate it so thank.
You So Much Lets Get Into Looking
at this sub-first off as I’ve mentioned in the other videos. Kinker always makes a nice-looking box and over here. They kind of show the optimal RMs power rating which they have at about 400 watts RMs, as opposed to the comp c that was 300 watts. Now what’s really neat is they give you a cutout right here so you can place this over your box trace it out and cut out the hole if you’re building a custom box that is really really nice. The others had a punch out, but this actually has it already cut out so that is really really handy.
We Get Some Kicker Stickers And Then
we get a cool little manual actually a little booklet here. Let’s take a quick look at this let’s go over how to wire up a sub in. parallel or series, we have the CVr 12. The fs is 32. 6 Hertz RMs 400 watts.
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- want pick kicker sub box
- allows buy subs kicker sending
- kicker comp review stay tuned
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- gonna
Sensitivity Is 86.
9 db. Here are some of the other specs. If you want to see that the x-max on this one is 14 millimeters, as opposed to the 10. 3 that I believe the other two were and we have the outer diameter mounting depth and all that and the frequency response is 25 to 500.
Then over here they give you some dimensions for building a box. This has been going from 1. 75 to 2. 25 for the optimal box space, so we will be right perfectly in there.
My Box Is Two Cubic Feet.
All right here is the sub. Of course we have that nice red stitching setting it apart from the other subs. Now I actually had a comp vr in my subaru I had a 10 inch back a. Couple years ago and I had that thing for quite a while and I really liked it Overall.
It Was A Great Little Sub So
excited to be testing out another one for Y’all We’ll give you all a little look around at this thing. We definitely have a bigger looking motor and then we have all the terminals kind of at each corner here so that’s kind of neat now. This sub definitely resembles the regular comp. We have the same style cones flash dust cap up here as you would see here. We have the same style plastic cover around here we have the same basket We have the same boot over the motor.
However, This Guy Definitely Has A
bigger motor on it. So that is really really good and then I’ll show you all in a minute. There’s actually some different venting going on in here. And of course, this is a dual voice coil as opposed to this being a single voice coil sub and this does have a bigger voice coil as well. Let’s get a look at this thing as I said very very similar cones up here plastic of course very similar surrounds.
However, This Surround Does Stick Up A
little bit higher than this guy that could because this is broken and it sank a little bit. I’m not sure but this surround does stick up a little bit more. We do have the red stitching as opposed. We have the white stitching here and the yellow stitching here and then down in here. You see we have some venting holes right in through there which is kind of neat.
We Do Not Have Those On The Regular
comp and I believe this is a 1.5-inch coil and I believe. This is a two-inch coil. Y’all can go fact check me on that but the coil definitely is bigger here and then of course we have our tenta leads sewn into the spider there and we do have four of them because it’s a dual voice coil sub and then we have that big old motor down there quickly compare this to the comp c as well as you can see the motor here a good deal bigger and just a much much different sort of build but both are dual voice coils. However, I do believe this guy again has a bigger.
I Do Believe This Guy Has
a bigger two-inch voice coil as opposed to this guy having a one and a half inch as well as the regular comp well. This definitely This definitely looks like a nice upgrade over the regular comp for sure and also over the comp C. This is like an overall, a little bit, tougher and more robust sub having that bigger voice coil and bigger motor. So really really excited to see how this thing does we’re going to throw this in my box and get the test in her out now I always get people saying Oh the sub would have done better in a better box Blah Blah blah guys. This box is two cubic feet tuned to 34 Hertz, so it should be absolutely perfect for this particular sub let’s get this guy in there and get the testing here so we don’t get it like this oh so let’s take this well.
It Definitely Can Handle More Power Than The
others and having that little bit of extra excursion really really does. seem to help with the output and just overall performance of the sub so overall definitely more impressed with it than the others. Again there’s only 120 dollars sub here so so far doing pretty good but let’s run it through some tests. We’re going to do a db test. See how loud we can get this thing and then we’re gonna do our musical RMs test.
See If Itll Make It Through A Full
song as close to its arm as power as we can keep it and just see how it does we seem to get the best of response at 45 Hertz so let’s go ahead and put that through it see how it does puts about 700 watts thrower and look at that 136.9 almost 1300 watts. We got a 137. 1 500 watts there and a 137. 2 seem to be kind of maxing out but let’s.
Give It Another Shot 3 800 Watts
Wow look at that 138.9 maxed out pretty bad there but look at that 5 5447 watts, and we got a 139. 5 just shy of 140 db on a little 400 watt kicker sub not bad at all this thing definitely can take some power kickers of course are made exceptionally well the R d They’ve put into these things over the years is just insane, especially compared to a lot of other companies, but yeah I’d say overall not too bad well let’s get into the musical Rms test my overall opinion is it is definitely a decent sub definitely tougher than the last two subs that I have shown and having that extra x-max in my opinion really did seem to help with the overall performance of the sub. So I was pretty happy with it especially having one of these.
In The Day In My Subaru,
it was cool to have another one and when I had that one It lasted me over a year of me, pushing on it pretty good on like a thousand watt Rms Amp so overall decently impressed with this guy. If you love kicker you’re gonna love this sub and it’s definitely not bad at all for the price, but if you’re not absolutely just in love with kicker I would definitely at least make sure you look at some of your other options anyway guys. Let me know what you all think would you spend your money on this guy and do you think it’s worth the extra money um as opposed to the kicker comp c let me know what you all think guys and I cannot wait to get the kicker comp r review out to you so stay tuned for. That if you want to pick up this kicker sub or the box that we used in this video.
I Will Have Links In The Description
below those are affiliate links. So if you do click on those and it brings you to amazon or eBay and you purchase something after clicking on those links. A little bit of that commission goes to me, which just helps out the channel more than you guys know anyway Y’all I really really appreciate you guys please please stay tuned for more videos coming soon and y’all keep basing on oh.
What is going on Youtube thank you all so much for checking in to another video in the Kicker series that we are going through if you all saw We first had the regular kicker comp. Then we had the step up from that which is the comp c . Today we have next up the comp Vr so we’re gonna test this thing out run it through its paces and see how it does we’ll see if it’s worth the extra step up in price from the comp and the Compc stay tuned guys . If you all could please please please smash that like button that helps me out so so much it allows me to buy all these subs kicker is not sending me any of this stuff.& I’m paying for all this out of pocket so if you enjoy this content and you want to follow the rest of the series and many many other insane videos that are going to come up on this channel, please subscribe that also helps out more than you guys know I would greatly greatly appreciate it…. Click here to read more and watch the full video