Video Creator’s Channel Home Theater Hobbyist

Whats Going On Everybody Here Has Another Look At
the home theater Hobbies and this week we have our four view of this subwoofer fromNK] audio. It’s the Windsor tin so let’s get to it first of all. If you are new to the channel welcome on this channel you’ll find things like product reviews, unboxings, product comparisons, talk about streaming media and basically all things home theater, so click that subscribe button and that notification bell so you’ll be alerted any time we upload new content so here it is the Windsor tin from UK H audio. This is the smallest part of the subwoofer family from UK audio. It also includes two 12-inch subwoofers, the Windsor 12 and the Stratton 12.
Now I Got This From Worldwide Stereo.
They are a home theater retailer and if you are looking for Koh audio products or clips or. or Samsung or Denon or basically anything else for your home theater click those links in the description below and you can find out more about the products that they sell now Let’s talk specifications for the Windsor 10. It has a frequency response from 32 Hertz all the way to one hundred and sixty Hertz. It has a CLass D amplifier that outputs 150 watts UK and 300 watts of peak power.
It Features A 10-Inch Front Firing
driver and it is ported the air escapes through a rear slot. Its dimensions are just over 14 and a half inches tall, just under 13 inches wide and just over 14 inches deep. It weighs 32 and a half pounds. It comes in one finish and that is a black oak vinyl moving on to design as you can see I’ve got the black oak finish, which is the only. that they offer for this subwoofer and I think it looks really good.
Its Got A Nice Depth To The Grain
that gives it a nice sense of texture and it looks pretty good. I really like it. I also like it on the Koh quincies and the Koh story, which is their center channel. If you want to find out more about those I’ll put a link in the description below because I did do a full review but moving back to this This is a nice compact case. It’s got this little base here at the bottom, but it doesn’t add a whole lot of height so 14 inch subwoofer.
Its Nice And Compact I Like That
as you can see I’ve got the grill on it and you’ve got that Kalish logo on the bottom so that’s all that is on the front of this subwoofer. Those. note that nothing flashy or anything like that to pull the grill off you just pull it off and they’ve got these little. I guess you’d call them steaks or prongs here on each one of the four corners and they go fit nice and snug in these little holes. This grill is nice and sturdy.
I Dont Have Any Issues With
it there and you can see through it just a little bit and it’s cloth now talking about the front of this as you can see you’ve got that black ash finish all the way around and you’ve got that big 10 inch driver right there. The surround of this is nice and thick. It’s Nice thick rubber so it’s really high-quality but for the most part that’s it there’s nothing flashy about it Doesn’t have that copper like Klipsch is known for and it also doesn’t have like let’s say a logo on the dust cap like let’s say an ass for me yes so it’s nice and simple. It does have the rounded edges on each one of the sides and I like I just think it’s a nice design q but otherwise it’s just a nice simple sub moving on to the rear as you can see you’ve got the black oak finish that surrounds the control panel just below that you got your slotted port that allows air to escape from the subwoofer as the wolfram moves in and out and just below that. Obviously you have to base moving on to the control panel you got your auto on switch.
Youve Got Frequency Adjustment Phase Adjustment Level And
your UK cables so you can connect this to a receiver or something that has a sub-out like a sound box on the right hand side you’ve got your power switch so you can turn on and off and you have your UK there. This comes with the power cable but it does not come with a subwoofer or line in cable so you want to provide your home now. Let’s talk about the bottom of the speaker. This is the base on which it sits and on each one of the corners. You have little rubber pads to give you a little bit of isolation from the floor now to my knowledge.
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- speakers
- surround
- audio
These Rubber Pads Dont Come Off.
They feel like they’re glued on pretty tight. I mean I guess if you worked at it maybe you could get them. Off I didn’t try that with this review unit but for the most part it works really well and the rubber feels nice and high-quality. Now let’s talk setup and setting this up.
- tin uk audio smallest subwoofer
- inch subwoofers windsor 12 stratton
- windsor 10 frequency
- subwoofer family uk
- content windsor tin uk audio
I Set This Up Just Like I
normally would with any subwoofer. I put it in my main listening position crawled around the room. So I could find the sweet spot for the subwoofer. Then I ended up putting it right next to my television because that’s where it sounded the best and it was easily accessible. But then I connected it to an UK cable to my receiver and I ran through the auto calibration software so I could set the level right around 75 UK from volume.
Then I Went Ahead And I Broke It
in for about 24 to 30 hours and then I started my review process but let’s go ahead and let’s. On and let’s listen to a couple of sound samples so you can hear how this level 4 soundNK] keep absolutely still specialist based on movement all right so those are the two sound samples now I’m going to rank the subwoofer in a few different categories from one to five, one being the absolute worst and five being the absolute best the first category. I’m gonna rank is design in the design category I give this a three and a half out of five mainly because it is nice and compact. Sometimes you get a subwoofer and they are huge. I mean they’re like small refrigerators in your room well.
This One Isnt Like That You
can kind of put this anywhere. You want your room and not worry about it too much and it’s got nice rounded edges that I like now. Now some people say that the design is a little bit subtle or simple and it is. I mean it doesn’t have a whole lot of flash here, but if you’re not going for something flashy, you know this will work and if you are going some flashy, but you do like this maybe you can add some I don’t know UK lights around the front or something like that to you know flash it up I guess but it’s nice and simple and to be honest that’s not a bad thing in my opinion. The next category I’m going to rank is features and controls and this gets a 3 out of 5.
It Has All The Features That You
want from a subwoofer. It’s got frequency adjustment. It’s got phase adjustment and it has a volume adjustment along with an auto on/off so it’s not always on and. It kind of comes on whenever it needs to come on, so it handles the basics. Now it doesn’t have anything fancy like an app or wireless controls or anything like that.
But Once You Set It Up Itll Work
and it works just fine. The next category. I’m gonna rank is sound quality and I give this a 2 and a half out of 5. It plays detailed and it plays well with like the aims bookshelf speakers and it also plays with more detail than let’s say the Koh Korn sees for standing speakers from Koh, but it doesn’t play any deeper than those speakers and that was my main issue with it It doesn’t really have a whole lot of depth. I was able to hear it At 20 Hertz I’ve gotta play the twenty Hertz tone and I was able to hear it but it just.
There Wasnt That Much And Then
at 25 Hertz I was a noticeable jump in output which was nice but again it doesn’t play very deep. It also doesn’t have a whole lot of punch in the areas in which it does play and so again it’s just it’s just kind of is there but it doesn’t add a whole lot to the presentation like you would expect from a subwoofer, especially when you’re dealing with the floor-standing speakers When you’re dealing with like the Eames bookshelf speakers it does sound really good. It actually adds a lot of bass to that. But if you’ve got the quincies doesn’t add as much and so that’s why I have to give it a two and a half out of five. The next category in Iraq is value and from a value standpoint.
I Have To Give This A Two
and that’s. It doesn’t sound all that good in that four to five hundred dollar subwoofer wrench. There are a lot of good ten-inch subwoofers and that includes the UK UK 1000. It includes the UK speed, but for 10s the monolith monoprice the eclipse UK 100. All of those I think sound better than this test in that price range or let’s say below $500 in tinge and so that’s why this gets a value score of 2 overall.
This Is A Nice Compact Subwoofer.
It has all the features you need in a modern subwoofer, but where it falls down is the sound quality and the value it just doesn’t have enough depth and detailed sound to really recommend it, especially if you’re going with larger speakers. Like let’s say the UK Quincey’s so I can’t recommend it at this time, but if you would like to purchase this. Or anything else from Kl8 or really anything home theater related use those links in the description below Thank you guys for watching please like subscribe comment we’ll talk to you next time.
This week we have our four view of this subwoofer fromNK] audio . This is the Windsor tin from UK audio . It also includes two 12-inch subwoofers, the Windsor 12 and the Stratton 12 . It has a frequency response from 32 Hertz all the way to one hundred and sixty Hertz. The Windsor 10 has a CLass D amplifier that outputs 150 watts UK and 300 watts of peak power. It features a 10-inch front firing driver and it is ported the air escapes through a rear slot. Its dimensions are just over 14 and a half inches tall, just under 13 inches wide and just over . over 14 inches deep.& It comes in one finish and that is a black oak vinyl vinyl . The black oak finish, which is the only.& that they offer for this sub woofer and I think it looks really good. It’s got a nice depth to the grain that gives it a nice sense of texture and it looks pretty good….. Click here to read more and watch the full video