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So Its Been A While Since I Reviewed A
subwoofer on this channel So I wanted to bring a more affordable subwoofer that’s friend for review. This is my review of the Eclipse R12 SW 12-inch subwoofer So anyway let’s get this thing unboxed. So first impressions is you definitely got that classic clips look with that like copper driver color that’s unmistakably Eclipse feature so let me let me get the grill open to see what it looks like with the grill on real quick. I guess the first impression of the grill. It’s a cloth grill.
It It Kind Of Has Like
a little notch there for the Klipsch logo to go on so let’s put it on the put it on and see what it looks like. So one thing to notice immediately is that for one again notch for the klipsch logo there even through the camera you can you can see the color of the driver right through the mesh there which is kind of cool so even if you got the grille on you can still appreciate that nice copper eclipse you know classic color that it’s that this thing has which I kind of like yeah I should probably mention that it’s got a really nice rubber surround um around it feels doesn’t feel flimsy at all it looks like it could take some abuse so um that’s another good feature that it has overall it’s a very nice driver I mean. You can see that this thing has pretty straight edges somewhat sharp edges. You know right you know it’s hard to complain when I only paid 150 for it. Since it is very quite powerful for their money and in contrast, you can see the sp2000.
Its Got Some Nice Rounded Corners Here Which
makes it a little sleeker in my opinion, but again really really good price on this thing 150 so this first impression is it’s. This is definitely a black veneer which is expected at this price point, but you know it’s it’s right it’s rather nice actually it’s at least got a little texture to it. You know you can kind of make out some texture there and here we got the the amplifier section. You got your gain knob and your I guess your crossover obviously if you’re going to use it if you’re going. to use your receiver to set the crossover you’re going to want to you’re going to want to keep it on LFe mode there and you got your phase.
You Can Go 0 0 180
degrees in phase and then I would keep it at zero. You can go off auto and on I would leave it right in the middle for auto. So it’ll just kick in when it senses a signal some line level inputs here I would probably only just use the one that’s marked LFe plugs is just a normal like two prong plug here definitely point out there’s this pretty good sized almost I can stick my hand in here size port I just wanted to give a fragrant reference. This is one of my s. This is one of my Svs PB3000s and you can see that the ports are in the front.
Svs Is Very Well Known For Making Really
good subwoofers and they really know what they’re doing so again. Svs puts their ports in the front, which is for the best so this is the bad boy. I’m going to set it up again so I’m actually going to install it on this side of my room. I actually have two SB Sp2000s also with 12-inch drivers. These are these are not ported, though they’re sealed and I’m definitely going to put mine the clips next to this so i just wanted to give a quick size comparison between the the clips sub versus the SvS sub.
Obviously, The Svs Sub Is Much Smaller
since it’s sealed. Most most of the time ported Subs are bigger, but this isn’t much bigger than the Svs it’s just it’s just a little bit taller. I haven’t set to the same. distance from the wall there you can kind of see the overlap there so again if you’re looking for like a small compact subwoofer um this isn’t too big, then again not not as compact as my little Svs is there which really pack a punch given their size let’s give you a little quick size Comparison between the PB 3 3000 and the 12 sw over there okay so I’m going to go ahead and test the clips against the Svs for a while and see how it stacks up against the Svs. I’m going to do it on the right side of the room, which is I guess close to this window Here I thought given it’s probably the better side if you only have ones.
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- grille
- grill
- r12
If I Only Had One Saw,
but I’d definitely put it on this side of the room. So just and I’m not. Gonna test I’m just gonna run it as one sub I’m gonna disconnect the other Svs um subwoofer that I have and you know see how it does I’ve listened to the Klitsch 12sw for I’d say the better part of a week and you know yeah put on my my favorite demo tracks and movies and stuff and this thing puts out a lot of output. I could tell from my just my ears and from my measurements that I’ll go into more detail Later. This thing was exceeding 100 decibels at about 45 hertz.
So This Thing Has More Of A
kind of has more of a U-shaped like bass response than flat so it’s kind of like it.’s emphasized between I’m going to say like 30 and 60 Hertz. There’s more of a bump there so not to say that this thing does play when you have. cranked up enough it does it definitely does give you some pretty good output so at around 20 Hertz even a little lower lower. I think I measured um I’m going to say 87 Decibels about 18 Hertz, Which is so you are getting the sub sub-infrasonic is that the word infrasonic.
Im Going To Say Like Response At
that at that bottom, which is excellent for a speaker that I actually this I paid 150 for the speaker so to get that kind of deep bass for such a good price is you know really I mean it’s amazing. I would say that this room is not small. This is like a I think it’s a 20 by 35. I’ll put the dimensions below in this room so this is not a small room. I I don’t think you need two of these because this is powerful enough that I did I kept going up to the back of it to lower, lowering the gain because it was almost uncomfortable At some points.
I You Know Yeah, I Could Feel
the I could feel the couch shaking a little bit. There are some caveats here. I did have to play with placement a little. I even I even went ahead and plugged the rear port to see if that helped mellow it out a little bit, but it really didn’t make a big difference so at this point I would just suggest not even bothering if you do want to plug it. I have a big pair of like ski socks that I just stuffed in there and you know it it like.
I Said It Milled It Brought
it down but I was trying. to get that hump above 45 Hertz down and but not really affect the the lower extension, but it really didn’t It was just lowering the entire all the entire base response. So I really I don’t think it’s worth it. I also experimented with placement since the port is in the back. I pulled it out about nine.
I Tried It Around Five Inches
and nine inches, but you know you don’t want to have it would look weird to have a subwoofer like 12 you know 18 inches away from the wall. It’s not really like a main speaker. So you’re kind of I feel like you’re a little limited to how far you’re gonna bring it out into the room. But I think I would settle around between five and nine inches. So when you see the graph of the SB 2000 you’re going to see that it’s slightly.
- affordable subwoofer friend review review
- eclipse 12sw subwoofer subwoofer inches
- r12 sw 12 inch subwoofer
- look weird subwoofer like
- grille appreciate nice copper eclipse
Its A Way Flatter Graph And Thats What
you want with bass response You kind of want a flat bass response. You don’t want to have bumps, big bumps and output throughout it. So obviously the SBs is definitely a better subwoofer overall, but this one is going to for the but it’s again more money. You know we’re talking. I think the PB-1000s are currently going for 600 so you could buy four of these for for that much since I got these for 150 I think they’re normally around 300 more normally the Spss do play much lower so so it is I guess to get that kind of depth in base response you just got to pay for it definitely not as not as refined as the spss but solid.
They Give You A Lot Of Output
you’re going to have to you’re going to want to play with the gain in the back a lot play with placement see where see where it feels less boomy. I would say because there were there were some part. There were some moments where I felt that this was a little boomy and I did feel that porting plugging the port did help a little bit with that but then I was just lowering when I did that I was just lowering the entire curve so you know you. I think you’re just better off playing with the gain in the back and and just positioning just move it around your room. See where it works best for you.
I Took Some Measurements Of The
eclipse 12SW subwoofer here. This is the subwoofer five inches from the wall from the back wall. And unplugged as I noted earlier in the video. I I did plug the port in the sub to see if that helped kind of like you know mellow this thing out a little bit yeah, so this is basically the way I see. This is how most people are gonna set it up.
Theyre To Set It Up And Maybe Close
to the corner of one room and have it about five inches from the wall that’s maybe even closer so this is so this is the output so as you can see it peaks right here at 108 decibels at 44 Hertz. So that is a lot of output. You have a very good output. You know close to 80 Hertz. You got almost 100 decibels here going lower we got another peak here at about 32 Hertz and you still got you know almost 96 decibels at.
30 Hertz Were Talking Not Almost 95
and if you go down all the way down you have another little peak here at about 24 Hertz and you’re still getting 85 db and if you go to let’s let’s go to 20 Hertz. At 20 Hertz you’re still getting 80 a almost 81 decibels so solid again not the flattest bass response ever okay so this is I’m going to bring in um this is unplugged and nine inches from the wall. This is you can see I just pulled it out another.
So it’s been a while since I reviewed a subwoofer on this channel So I wanted to bring a more affordable sub to review . So anyway let’s get this thing unboxed.& So first impressions is you definitely got that classic clips look with that like copper driver color that’s unmistakably Eclipse feature so let me let me get the grill open to see what it looks like with the grill on real quick.& I guess the first impression of the grill is it’s a cloth grill.& It kind of has like a little notch there for the Klipsch logo to go on so let’s put it on the put it onto and see what is kind of cool.& You can see that this thing has pretty straight edges somewhat sharp edges.& Since it is very quite powerful for their money and in contrast, you can see the sp2000. It’s got some nice rounded corners here which makes it a little sleeker in my opinion, but again really really good…. Click here to read more and watch the full video