Video Creator’s Channel Fix My Bleep!

Hey Everybody Im Greg With The Fix My Bleep
channel thank you for joining me today and in this video I will be unboxing the Klitsch R112SW subwoofer and then I’ll be doing a full-on review setting this up in my theater room and hooking it up to one awesome Yamaha receiver so stay tuned let’s check it out and see how it goes all right here is our mesh cover for the actual subwoofer here. Fish cover very nice looking check that that right out for now very well packaged tip it up on its side here extremely heavy as you can only imagine very well packaged. The only thing left in the box is our power cord. Some instructions there go ahead and put that grill back on check it out a look at that all right you guys. I’ve gone ahead and lugged this subwoofer into the theater room of the house here and just wanted to give you a good look at the back of this before I get it all set up so on the back you’ll notice you’ve got the on auto switch You’ve got the phase switch you’ve got the low pass the gain you’ve got an s video port that’s where the optional wireless transmitter can go on this unit that I’m going to go ahead and hook up next and you’ve got your um lying in which is going to go to your Yamaha receiver whatever receiver you would hook up to it.
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- yamaha
- r112sw
- receiver
If You Dont Have The Wireless
transmitter and your power cord of course and let’s go ahead and get this bad boy hooked up. So I did get the optional wireless subwoofer kit from Klipsch so. This is the main. piece right here that actually goes on to the back of the subwoofer, So the clips subwoofers come with these little mounts right here already and the kit is really simple. You have your sending unit your receiving unit everything that you need basically and the sending unit basically has this little um cable right here that plugs into the back of your clip subwoofer so we’re gonna go ahead and plug this in so basically just it can only plug in one way so you get that plugged in nice and secure and then it should mount looks like it literally mounts right there right on those two little brackets that they’ve got now.
If You Didnt Have The Wireless Unit
you would be plugging in to these line the line in right here and then you would go into your receiver into your subwoofer on on the receiver. And so that’s all all there is to it as far as getting this wireless kit going on the subwoofer side let me show you on the other side all right so the other half of that unit is the clips receiving unit. I’ve gone ahead and mounted this on the inside of the component closet frame. Because it works a little bit better if it’s up a little bit higher and I found the line of sight works a little bit better just experimenting with this kind of holding it in different places around the room. I’ve got the subwoofer all the way down to the front of the theater room and I’ve kind of held this in different places.
Just Testing It And So Kinda Had Run
the cables for the unit. I’ve got the cable plugged into the back of the Yamaha receiver. So I’ve got a. The A or the RXa 2070 Yamaha receiver and it just goes into the front subwoofer that’s marked front subwoofer and we’re going to go ahead and power this thing on like I say I’ve got it mounted onto the wall. Here got these cables marked out and go ahead and test this baby out unit powers up and the other thing you got to do is sync these up once they’re plugged in with the wireless solid green light on both the subwoofer sending unit and the receiving unit means you are golden both synced up okay.
Ive Got The Clip Subwoofer All Set
up here and ready to go. I’ve got the cable management done as you see they’re plugged into the surge protector and I’ve also placed it at the front of the theater room in a corner. They seem to do a little bit well if. You can place them into a corner where they’ve got a place to fire towards your audience and something solid behind them. so let’s check it out let’s do a little test here and see what we got okay verified.
- okay verified subwoofer powered ready
- video unboxing klitsch r112sw subwoofer
- subwoofer kit klipsch main
- r112sw subwoofer ll doing review
- yamaha receiver just goes subwoofer
Subwoofer Is Powered On Ready To Go And
wireless is talking and of course, what better movie to verify. This is actually working than Thor Ragnarok. The Yamaha receiver is set to build the atmos and 9. 2 channels ready to rock and roll let’s check it out I lost my hammer like yesterday so that’s still pretty fresh and then I went on a journey of self–discovery but I met you hello. The Goddess of death is invaded as God Oh I’ve missed this and you and I had a fight recently did I win no.
I Won Easily Doesnt Sound Right Well.
It’s true Asgard is dead and it’ll be reborn in my image. I thought you’d be glad to see me. I need to stop her here and now to prevent Ragnarok the end of everything.
So Im Putting Together A Team
like the old days surprise This will be such fun. He’s a fighter here We go I’m not a queen or a monster. I’m the goddess of death, What were you the God of again UK so as always Klipsch does not disappoint. This is an awesome subwoofer.
Really Deep Rumbly Sound It Shakes The Whole
room. I mean I got in trouble the wife come up and yelled at me. You know imagine that so again if you’re thinking about buying one of these. I would give it two thumbs up definitely do it um.
They Go On Sale Every Once
in a while there’s a link in the description. hey be sure to like and subscribe check out these other awesome videos. I’ve got going on and thanks again for watching.
The Klitsch R112SW subwoofer is the latest in a long line of Klipsch subwoofers . The subwowoofer comes with an optional wireless transmitter that can be attached to a Yamaha receiver . This is the first time we’ve seen the subwoformer in a full-on review of the Klitschwoofer in this video . We’ll review it in the next episode of Fix My Bleep on Monday at 10 p.m. ET on My . Check out the video below to see how it sounds out of the box and unboxing it . Click here to watch the full video of the full review of this new model of this model of the Kitzwitzerwoofer from this model from Klitschwitzwoofer. Click here for all the latest edition of this edition of Fix my Bleep’s complete coverage of this week’…. Click here to read more and watch the full video