Video Creator’s Channel Mike Lozano’s Custom Model Shop

Okay Folks Hello Im This Is Mike
I’m back with another review This time it’s a review of My Clips 450 watt-powered subwoofer and this subwoofer has a 10-inch subwoofer driver in it and for just being a 10-inch speaker. It really shakes the house. It’s really powerful and I know that you can get figure subwoofers obviously there’s so many of them on the market and but this particular one is very powerful for what we need it for it. As I mentioned it has 450 Watts a power amplifier in it, and it’s actually more than enough for what we need in our home. Our room here actually is not really that big.
We Have This In Our Bedroom Basically
where their entertainment center in here and it more than enough provides a lot of subwoofers sound for our small room. We have another entertainment. Center downstairs in our living room and we also have another click subwoofer just like this one and I had to do a little bit of placement for this speaker because we used to have it over in this corner over there where this fan is sitting. Unfortunately, it had a lot. It was giving a lot of rattle.
There Was Something It Was It Was
making something rattle on the wall or something and it was very annoying and so they say of course speaker placement is very important and particularly subwoofer placement. So you know we had to find out where the best place was so we moved it over to this side of the room. We just got a sitting on a desk drawer here and of course, we didn’t want it to rattle on top of the dust or soil if we put a towel on. It to minimize anything like that and it’s been working pretty good a very good as a matter of fact compared to where it was sitting so as I mentioned. This has a 10-inch woofer in it Subwoofer and I know of course.
There Are So Many Sizes Of Subwoofers That
you can get with different size speakers. Cliffs also makes you basically make subwoofers with 12-inch speakers. They make them with you know 15 inch woofers. I’m sure those are for much bigger rooms than we have here The rooms that we are having these in are you know as I mentioned moderately sized so this 10-inch subwoofer. This in this is as I said more than enough has enough subwoofers sound to it really kicks it shakes the house you know handles the walls you know earthquake sounding subwoofers sound and the back here is kind.
- subwoofers sound small room entertainment
- subwoofer subwoofer 10 inch
- living room click subwoofer just
- eclipse 450 watt powered subwoofer
- clips 450 watt powered subwoofer
Typical For The Controls On The Subwoofer
you have you probably can’t see it very well The light isn’t very good. I’ll see if I can light it up a little bit better here okay here you have your you have your two plugins your UK inputs that you can route it back from behind your receiver which that’s the way I have it set up or you can have it So you have a couple of speaker terminal lines there that you can put just bare wires on it too, but and then of course you have you’re on the top there you have the on and off switch and below it. You have the phase switch which we don’t need that’s for if you have two subwoofers set up in the same system and then of course below that you have your volume and then below that you. Have your low-pass knob for setting it to whichever you know you have 80 Hertz, 10 or 20 Hertz, hundred 50 Hertz and down at the very bottom. You have 40 Hertz so anyway.
Im Going To Play A Little Sample.
I have a movie soundtrack that I’m going to play. So you can hear what it sounds like and as I mentioned it really shakes the house. It’s very good sounding and so here I’m going to go ahead and we’re going to need reinforcements. We haven’t been able okay anyway.
Im Hoping That Translated Okay Through The
low microphone. I’m using I have a lapel microphone that plugs straight into my phone and I can record from its two lapel mic in it sounds really good. I’m hoping that that sound reproduced through this microphone okay. I get another review of another product in it it sounded pretty. Through it, I would not record this using my phone microphone.
I Mean, Even Though Its A Good
sounding microphone on my androids, but I’ve got a galaxy S7 edge and the microphone on it’s okay, but it’s not the best. You know so I wanted to make sure that the sound was recorded good enough so that you could hear it is the best way to hear This is going to be probably through headphones or if you plug it through a good sounding stereo you can hear what I recorded so anyway as you can hear it sounds really really good. I didn’t even have it turned up very loud, which of course you in this size a room. You don’t really have to have it up that loud. But if we want it wanted it to be loud, it would definitely fit the bill along with the.
Rest Of Our Surround Sound System
that we have I seen a lot of other videos where people they like to demonstrate how the subwoofer speaker just vibrates the hell out of it. When you have a really strong subwoofers signal going through it and they like to show it vibrating the speaker itself and then they put a piece of paper back in the sound hole and they like to show it vibrating the heck out of the paper. You know I I don’t really see the for that. I just I think it’s best to be able to demonstrate what it sounds like in a theater type of mode where you’re watching a movie. You can hear how well the subwoofer sounds that way which you know.
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- woofers
- amplifier
- speakers
Im Sure The Speaker.
If you want to see it vibrating and you want to see how the you know the air comes out of the sound hole that’s okay, but I prefer a real-world type of a review where you can just listen to how it sounds in a movie theater experience which you know I mean that’s similar to going through to a movie and the movie theaters. Of course they have the top-notch speaker system. You know you’re they have the 7.
1 Channel Surround Sound And Everything We Dont Have
we’ve got a 5.1 channel surround sound here in our upstairs, Entertainment center and downstairs It’s the same. But this is my review of My Eclipse 450 watt-powered subwoofer.
My Clips 450 watt-powered subwoofer has a 10-inch subwowoofer driver in it and for just being a 10 inch speaker.& It really shakes the house.& As I mentioned it has 450 Watts a power amplifier in it, and it’s actually more than enough for what we need in our home.& Cliffs also makes you basically make subwoofers with 12-inch speakers.& They make them with you know 15 inch woofers.& I’m sure those are for 15 inch speakers. & Mike says of course speaker placement is very important.& So we had to find out where the best place was so we moved it over to this side of the room.& We just got a sitting on a desk drawer here and of course, we didn’t want it to rattle on top of the dust or soil if we put a towel on. It to minimize anything like that and it has been working pretty good compared to where it…. Click here to read more and watch the full video