Video Creator’s Channel Gogetyours Reviews

Hello Guys And Welcome Back Hey Guys Im Really
excited today as we not only get to test out and reviewed a brand new majority. Albus One microphone Yep from the same company that brought us those super unique looking majority two-fail earphones and are ready to upload majority on headsets, but you know what I get to announce At the end of this video that we will be giving one of these hours. One microphone kits away to one Lucky winner Yeah, a member of the go get yours fine but first before we get into that let’s check the microphone out foreign so the majority arborist one is an affordable condenser microphone that I think could be suitable for gaming setup for live streaming with your buddies or if you like me for doing any type of voice over segments as we open it up everything comes extremely. packaged and presented we get our simple user manual where you can get to know a few facts about the microphone. We are supplied with a 1.
7 Meter Uk 3.
0 to type C audio cable that would indeed plug into the rear of the microphone. I’ll simply show you guys in the mini yep that cable is certainly lengthy enough to root wherever you might need it and also within the same package. We get the three-legged compact mic stand, which is suitable for table tops and flat surfaces. Ah.
It Looks Like Weve Got No
type of Pop filter. Though I didn’t know this might be a bit important when it comes to those positive sounds from your voice. When you’re sitting pretty cools up to the mic. Hopefully fingers crossed we might not need one but hey let’s take a closer look at the mic itself. This microphone.
A Sampling Rate Of 16 Bits
48 kilohertz. It features a cardioid pickup pattern which means that you should be speaking and recording directly into the front of the capsule with that type C power port facing to the back nope. There’s no volume monitor or mute buttons upon the microphone and rather than it sitting within a shock mount well. This microphone sits within a u sheet positionable mounting bracket. Let’s quickly get it set up by simply screwing in the Arvest one into the little tripod by the way just a quick note guys.
You Can Go Ahead And Unscrew That
attached threaded adapter and you will then be able to use this microphone capsule direct onto an aftermarket as a stand should you wish no. I think We’ve got to be a bit gentle when extending out the legs on that tripod stand in all honestly. They don’t feel too sturdy when pulling them out when they are fully extended, though while the microphone just sits really solid. Considering that the microphone capsule itself does weighed 230 grams. Lastly.
We Can Now Plug In That Type C
end of that audio cable into the back of the microphone and boots that way out to wherever you may need it connecting it direct to our laptop today, making sure that all that even though it does have Auto setup that the microphone settings are set to our preferred device within the Windows setup so yes now it’s all set up let’s go ahead and test it out alright guys so the Rs1 microphone just now we are set around about 6 to 12 inches away it. Is the preferred distance to sit and all the ambient noise is a winning in the background, such as this laptop and the UK being under the background too basically, it’s just to show you guys how well the microphone performs at blocking out those backgrounds noises Hello Hello, Hello guys testing testingNK] UK yeah yeah I know some simple test right well. Let’s take a listen to the background static and take a close listen to that sound floor Hmm not too shabby question is can you sing or rap with this microphone well let’s break to the test? Shall we post that just the way I like it bring me the subtle way to your face swinging their raw swinging it right bringing it down onto the end of the night, saying it could be the best to be the best way yes UK yes thank you. You UK no No no no, no, no, no, no, no, no no no alrighty then we have now plugged in the arbor Swan into theNK] console and it was really Swift to set up now. We’ve had the opportunity to listen to a few videos back already and with regards to the audio to be really truthful.
We Actually Thought That The Microphone Pickup
overall was real good, but tell me what you guys think in the comment section down below me. I certainly don’t think that those plaused letters UK UK resulted in any type of extreme or noticeable Distortion, but what do you think I do think it’s worthy to stream with and the audio sounds Nice Crisp and clear considering that price tag now. We did think that it was real fast to set this desktop microphone up right out of the box but one. One thing we have got to know try from the off is that you have to bear in mind what service you’re placing this microphone upon as most likely it’s suitable to be placed up on the elevated area up on your desk. Just so it’s close enough just above your chest height.
- just make sure microphone
- really solid considering microphone
- microphone foreign majority arborist affordable
- condenser microphone think
- microphone think suitable gaming setup
In Order For You To Experience
the best preferred audio pickup Yep you can go ahead and add an aftermarket foam filter should you wish just for added protection against voice Distortion, but other than that just make sure that the microphone levels are set to your desired suitable level for what you’ll be using this microphone for now. It’s that time the giveaway first of all I want to thank everyone for the past couple of years. For all you guys that are still stuck around. I really do appreciate it, but if you want to try and get your hands on One of these mic kits well here is how to enter first you need to like this video. And subscribe to the channel.
Just Now I Will Be Fully Checking
on the requirements out carefully so please make sure to subscribe or we may need to do a re-roll of the giveaway in order to find a winner next. If you go over to Instagram or to the majority Instagram page here. It is just here and give them a follow not only that give our go get yours review page a funnel too and yeah it’s as simple as that I would in fact be choosing a winner in the next two weeks, so you will have up to two weeks to get your. In so be fast about it again. I will be checking all the requirements out and I have to note certain crunches may be void from this giveaway based upon what’s happening within certain countries in the world, just now not only that based upon the comment strike action that’s happening with Postal Services here within the UK.
- microphone
- mic
- headsets
- audio
- recording
There Might Be A Few Limitations At The
moment, but I will in fact Endeavor to send out the item as soon as the lucky winner is chosen. Now. All of the giveaway requirements are listed within the video description down below please please follow these rules carefully and if you are in fact looking up to be chosen, then it will only be me contacting you so if anyone gets any type of emails asking for a postage payments. I don’t ask for no Postage and you you get any of. Those emails they will in fact be fake anyway Guys I want to thank you all for watching this video today.
You Can Check This Microphone Out For
yourself. I have left a handy little Link in the video description down below for you guys to take a look if you have liked what you’ve seen within this video. You can go get yours but yes I hope to see you guys on our very next video coming very soon stay tuned and peace.
The majority arborist one is an affordable condenser microphone that I think could be suitable for gaming setup for live streaming with your buddies or if you like me for doing any type of voice over segments . At the end of this video that we will be giving one of these hours away to one lucky winner . The Albus One microphone is from the same company that brought us those super unique looking majority two-fail earphones and are ready to upload majority on headsets, but you know what I get to announce that one of this hours is a chance to get your own microphone kits away from the sale of the product . The winner will be a member of the go get yours fine but first before we get into that let’s check the microphone out foreign so the microphone is the microphone that you can check out the microphone. The microphone has a sampling rate of 16 bits 48 kilohertz and a cardioid pickup pattern which means that you should be speaking and recording directly into the front of the capsule…. Click here to read more and watch the full video