Video Creator’s Channel TheSmokingTirePodcast

Ive Recently Gotten On Our Instagram A Lot
of notifications that we’re being tagged and shared in a clip of you talking about the story that you heard about people leaving bricks and rocks. Oh Yeah on a highway exit ramp right in order to entrap people with giving them a flat tire or damage to their car in order to potentially Rob them so great yeah that’s our most viewed podcast clip of the Year yep there we go superlative of all the things we’ve done tried to be funny try to be informative sure that’s like when people come up to me in the street and they go. I loved when your dad is on the show that’s my favorite thing ever. I go 20 years of trying to get out from under that shadow and yeah, but I haven’t done it. You know we review cars glad.
Im Glad The Shadow The Tree
still looms tall and dark. Your favorite content We’ve made is about business not Cars. What’s up folks welcome to the smoke and tire podcast Ag1 is here athletic greens. It’s a product I’ve been taking it every day and I started taking Ag1 because I can’t always eat the healthiest foods throughout the day. I want a better gut health and more energy work on my immune system because we got the the try pandemic.
The Triedemic Is That What Theyre
talking about now. It’s like UK and Covid and the flu The triple demick. It’s bleep up but we need Ag1 to optimize now. This is not a vaccine just so you know it’s not a cure but you want your immune system working as good as it can move and I hated taking pills and vitamins. I want a supplement that.
Takes Great Chug It Down Real Quick
in 10 seconds and be done with it I’ve been on it for a few months and it is great it’s got this sort of tropical taste. Have it right in the morning before my coffee. It is delightful way to start the day plus I used to not drink water in the morning before my coffee. The Ag1 also kind of forces me to drink some water right. I have one scoop of Ag1 in the water.
75 High Quality Vitamins And Minerals, Superfoods, Probiotics
and adaptogens plus you’re drinking water First thing in the day and water is good for you. It’s lifestyle friendly right keto paleo vegan dairy free gluten-free. It’s everything free except vitamins and adaptogens and all this other good stuff. It contains less than one gram of sugar with no UK chemicals or artificial anything while tasting. It’s affordable less than three bucks a day and anyway you’re investing in your health and it’s cheaper than a cold brew habit and they’ve got over 7000 in five star reviews recommended by professional athletes entrusted by Leading Health experts so right now it’s time to reclaim your health and arm your immune system with convenient daily nutrition.
Its Just One Scoop In A Cup
of water every day that’s it no need for a million different pills and supplements. So Athletic Greens is going to give you a free one-year supply of immune supporting vitamin D and five free travel packs with your first purchase just visit athleticgreens. com Tire again that’s Athletic Greens. com Tire to take ownership over your health and pick up the ultimate daily nutritional Insurance last but certainly not least get in our patreon. You want to listen to our podcast ad free you want.
Listen To It The Same Day Its
recorded instead of only waiting till Tuesdays and Thursdays. Do you want a a a a optimized listing experience and do you want an extra podcast every month that’s right a ninth podcast every month. Then you want to go to Patreon. com slash the smoking Tire podcast ask us questions during the show and all of that good bleep Patreon. com the smoking Tire podcast all right guys.
Its A Cruise Show Today.
Our last show of the year we talk about the UK artura we do a deep dive on the MercedesNK] and I talk about my first road trip breaking in my demand-powered Boxster Spider plus we explore what happens when we seek out engagement in short form video and how now that might actually be bad for society plus we define success and we take a little look back at. 2022 it’s the last Cruise show of the year on the Smoking Tire podcast We Exist Yep We exist all righty folks. It’s a Sunday and Zach and I are at work because days of the week Don’t mean anything to us they don’t They never really have actually no that was part of the benefit of this job benefit. It’s a yeah it’s a benefit if you can actually take off whenever you want it’s also it also can bite you in the ass sometimes, especially when your spouse has a normal schedule because then sometimes right yeah, yeah and both of our spouses well.
Until Mine Got Fun Employed.
Both of our spouses have normal schedules so it can be a little you gotta sometimes do a little little dance right you know but we went to film a couple cars. This morning Supra Manual and the Civic. Type R and we will not be talking about that on this program because we have learned from the data people that it is bad to talk about things on the podcast before the video comes out talk about it afterwards and so we can talk about the videos the cars that where the video has already come out, such as the UK Artura which I drove in Vegas and the Mercedes UK, which we drove in the the Canyons here in La a couple weeks ago, but first I want to bring up something I’ve observed you know since we started having these these this small team of people post our podcast Clips right and you see them on our Instagram. You see them sometimes on the on the Twitter feed and you know that’s what they sound like.
- podcast
- tire
- ag1
- reviews
- drove
They Are Clips From The Podcast And Then
and it’s. It allows you to kind of get a Vibe for the show on social media, but we don’t tell them what Clips to choose what Clips to post where to cut the clip beginning and end. You know it’s their job to to make an engaging clip and a couple times that has Gone very well for us the the mo this recent clip of Larry Chen talking about Travis Pastrana nearly breaking his back has done very very well right 177 comments and 22 000 likes that’s pretty good for a podcast clip sometimes it’s you know it’s just an average post. Other times it goes as my the my ayg pals would say true to roof through the roof and one that has Resurrected itself and gone true to roof recently and it coincided a bit with me reading that that book The Chaos Machine and. The Chaos Machine is a book about how algorithms feed extremism and tribalism um and and how the UK the Facebook and the Twitter algorithms can rapidly feed you in a certain Direction and and and typically that direction is to the right.
Typically This Is According To This Book, The
Chaos machine it’s it’s more often that than it is the other thing and so if you were to look up something like actual scientific studies of vaccines. You know and and are there risks associated with vaccines. You are very quickly routed to anti-vax Pages groups and content, etc. Those tend to have more engagement yeah more comments correct because yes right whether people are for that or against that the engagement with those pages and posts is higher and and and so that it just wants to funnel you that way like and if you if you start with Joe Rogan, then you’re quickly routed to Jordan Peterson and then you’re quickly routed to like incel bleep and then you’re routed to bleep the three percenters or whatever right and so you know and one of the things that happens in social media is a lot of people talk bleep about cities, especially Los Angeles. Because of the problem we have with homeless and or or whatever and news stories and stuff can get sort of the truth can be stretched a little bit like remember when the trains were getting robbed and that was like a big.
- smoking tire podcast exist yep
- podcast ag1 athletic greens
- tire podcast ag1 athletic
- folks welcome smoke tire podcast
- tire podcast ask questions good
Thing But It Wasnt Accurately Represented Well.
The story was like Oh My God look at all these packages that have been stolen from trains which they had. But some of the news was trying to blame that on the UK and crime in LOs Angeles right, but they had omitted the fact that the train companies had reduced their security Force by a huge percent right so that yes that’s basically the the gist of that so do you remember when and I’m getting somewhere with this I’ve recently gotten on our Instagram a lot of notifications that we’re being tagged and shared in a clip of you talking about the story that you heard about people leaving bricks and rocks. Oh yeah on a highway exit ramp right in order to entrap people with giving them a flat tire or damage to their car in order to potentially. Rob them and you base this story based on thatNK] M5 you saw at a shop correct heard a story from the guy from the owner of the car right from the owner of the car, who was not robbed.
He Suspected, But He There Was
no attempted robbery there true. He said the police told him that’s what’s happening okay so police told a guy a guy exhibited some kind of similar but not identical pattern. He then told you you then told it on the story right that Oh boy clip has been shared not viewed shared on Instagram 135 000 times whoa and I looked into some of the shares and it’s typically shared alongside the see what a bleep La is this crime-ridden hell hole so our people following things that might be engaging our team cut this clip and positioned it and that’s not. They I don’t think that it’s their fault per se because their job is to get us engagement, but they got it in a way just in a way that I bleep Don’t We weren’t we weren’t going after that audience we were not going after that and I think let’s assume that that story is true and what the police are saying is true sure there’s people that argue against it.
But This Is How Were Taking
that to me it was like here’s a UK of something weird that’s going on of course it’s not happening every day, but it’s like hey. This is a weird thing that might happen so if you hit something be careful yeah that’s like where we were coming from was an interesting story right but what it turned into is of course. Don’t go to this bleep bleep UK because here’s what’s. Going to happen to you and you know crime is completely out of control.
We Need More Cops.
We need to crack down. You know bleep these Libs and they’re bleep out of control Crime City that’s where it ended up yeah that makes sense I’m not surprised because.
Ag1 is not a vaccine just so you know it’s not a cure but you want your immune system working as good as it can move and I hated taking pills and vitamins. I want a supplement that takes great chug it down real quick in 10 seconds and be done with it. I’ve been on it for a few months and it is great it’s got this sort of tropical taste. It is delightful way to start the day plus I used to not drink water in the morning before my coffee.& I’m glad the Shadow The tree still looms tall and dark. It’s bleep up but we need Ag1 to optimize now.& The triedemic is that what they’re talking about now. The triple demick.& Your favorite content We’ve made is about business not Cars. We’re going to review cars. We review cars glad. I’m looking forward to the smoke and tire podcast. I don’t review cars and I’m not looking at cars. I…. Click here to read more and watch the full video