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Hi Everybody Its Andy Barrar Aka Handyandy From Handyandymedia.
com and Today I’m doing a review for Best buys blog on these two bad boys. This is from a brand I’ve never heard before called Mission we’re looking at their sound bar and wireless subwoofer now. This is perfect for anybody who was setting up a home theater system because the auditory experience is really part of that whole experience of watching a movie or playing video games. So let’s go ahead and begin this review by taking a quick look at the design of the mission Sound bar and wireless subwoofer now as you can see it comes in two pieces.
- subwoofer
- soundbar
- surround
- hdmi
- audio
The Sound Bar Itself And The Sub-Woofer
now the sound bar measures about 34 inches long. It’s I’d say about three inches high and four inches in depth. The connections and all the controls are that you would. Connect to your television are located on the back those where you’re gonna find all the ports there. You’re gonna find a coaxial connection.
Youll Find An Auxiliary Connection.
An optical HDMi arc which stands for audio return channel and two HDMi ports. So a variety of different ways to connect it with wires, but you could also connect it via bluetooth and we’ll talk a little bit more about that in a bit now the the actual subwoofer well you can see it is quite big. It measures. I’d say about 14 inches high or tall and about nine inches wide and nine inches in depth.
- soundbar subwoofer wireless subwoofer gonna
- mission looking sound bar wireless
- design mission sound bar wireless
- sound bar sub woofer
- sub woofer sound bar
The Actual Sub Itself Let Me
see if I can show it to you is located right on the bottom and what’s really cool about that is. It will basically send the signal to the floor so the actual floor will vibrate to. Give you that you can almost feel the bass like I used to play in a rock band and when I play the guitar bass guitar. I could feel it on the on the on the floor well. This pretty much does the same thing now now that we’ve kind of looked at the design.
Lets Go Ahead And Talk A Little
bit about the setup. So I set this up in my high tech themed airbnb suite because I have a dedicated projector, a projector wall and just recently soundbar shelf because my last soundbar melted. I kid you not it melted because I put it just above a baseboard heater and over time that heat just melted the sound bar so what I did was build a dedicated shelf. I took my replacement sound bar away and put these two bad boys in so the setup was super. Easy I just had to place this on the shelf plug it in place This it automatically paired once the subwoofer and the soundbar were both plugged in it has to be within six meters for that connection to happen automatically.
After That I Turned It On And
Lo and behold I was having flashbacks from the 1980s watching Knight Rider because the car kit. It has that same screen on the front. A kind of like a 8–bit kind of a screen that shows you all the different inputs whether it’s the HDMi or optical. I switched on to bluetooth because I have a really cool hack for my projector, which then goes through the roof to HDMi splitter, which then is connected to a bluetooth receiver, which then sends that bluetooth signal to the soundbar, so the setup actually took about 10 minutes to get this up and. I was trying to get some sound um literally within 5-10 minutes now that we’ve talked about the setup.
Lets Talk A Little Bit About The Actual
performance of the sound and the customization abilities from the controller that it comes with so to test this soundbar and subwoofer wireless subwoofer I was gonna do what anybody would do. I was just gonna play movies on netflix and to really get a feel for the audio quality and the experience the auditory experience of this duo and I have to say it was very very impressive now What’s really cool is. This is a 240 watt 2. 1 channel so we can do surround sound on the controller, which is super user friendly. I should give a shout out to this controller.
Its Just Like Very Very Basic What
you would expect in a controller. They have a surround button and. can turn surround sound on or off what I did is? I just basically closed my eyes and I turned toggle between it so I didn’t know which one it was and to be honest with you. I did enjoy having surround sound on during movies because if there was like a gun battle, you could kind of hear bullets and stuff because like movies were designed with surround sound in mind, so you get that mix in there and if you have the ability with your audio video equipment you’re going to be able to hear that and I like the fact that you don’t have to set up a perfect 5. 1 to hear certain things.
It Was Coming Out Really Really
nice out of the soundbar when you turn surround off you start to notice that the sound is more direct it’s coming straight to you now there. Also are different modes to to listen to So you have a music mode for when you’re listening to music. You have a news mode when you’re listening to dialogue and there’s also a movie mode and to be honest with you. Movie mode sounds good coincidentally when you’re watching movies H who would have thought but so they did a really good job of that and that’s really just tweaking it with the eq speaking of eq. If for example, you’re not satisfied Maybe you want a little more high end put the treble up or turn it down or maybe you want to add more bass because you’re playing online gaming.
You Can Do That And With The
controller you can tweak it so what I did is. I just set the base on as high as I can and I actually could feel the rumble in the. Floor so for anybody that’s gaming and you want to really get into the action. This is going to do it so it was very very impressive with that low end bass so the sound very good, dynamic range very clear you know you could hear dialogue, but then when things get loud, it gets really loud. You almost feel like you’re in a theater so that was definitely a plus of this soundbar combo now as I mentioned.
I Connected This Via Bluetooth Audio One Thing
to note and this is important to note. This is using Bluetooth 4. 2 and not Bluetooth 5. . now you might think that’s not a big difference, but it can be and let me explain why see when you’re using this with say like a projector like I am and you’re watching netflix.
There Is A Little Bit Of
of latency so someone’s like. voice if you look at their mouth there’s just that slight delay um to that I don’t think a lot of people would notice it, but I was hoping with Bluetooth 5 to see if they could eliminate that latency and I have yet to review a Bluetooth 5 sound bar so I don’t know so the latency of this was very similar to the sound bar that I already have just a slight. You know delay to that only if you’re like looking at someone’s mouth or you’re going to kind of notice it, But for most people I think it’s going to be just fine that’s just something you want to know because I’m really interested in Bluetooth five because they transmit data eight times more data at twice the speed so theoretically latency should be eliminated, but it uses like I said Bluetooth 4. 2 and not bluetooth. 5.
All In All I Have To Say
I was really impressed with the mission soundbar and wireless subwoofer the MsB21. You know I have never heard of this brand. So I didn’t really have any kind of preconceived notions of of what the audio and sound was going to be like. But I found it to be very very impressive. It almost gives you that theater-like feel inside your home, especially if you have like a projector like I do you know the sound is just coming right at you and it and like like.
I Said Movies Are Mixed With Surround
sound. It’s so nice to have the right gear to take advantage of that because it really is part of the experience. If there was one con I would have loved if this was voice enabled you know, namely having Google assistant or Alexa built in but. The thing you know they used to have dongles. They used to have chromecast audio.
Even Amazon Had A Little Dongle That
you could put into any speaker to make it smart, but then they got in the speaker business and now they don’t do that and unfortunately that’s like the one missing feature because imagine you could just call you know with Alexa to know about the time or to play music on this that would be just so nice, but unfortunately because they got in the business. They discontinued those dongles so it’s going to be hard to find one. If you do find one you could you can’t hook it up to this and make that work. But all in all I would have to say other than that I was very very impressed. It was very simple to use user friendly.
The Controller Was Fabulous.
The sound was excellent and clear and it was very very loud, especially if you want some low end bass well. I hope you enjoyed this review of missions soundbar with wireless subwoofer the MsB21. If you like this review please smash that like Button and if you have any questions or comments leave that below and I will get back to you and don’t forget subscribe to this channel as well. You can find more information about me at Handyandymedia.
Com Or Hit Me Up On The
social as well. You can find me there well that’s all the time we have. I hope you like this review We will see you again next time.
Andy Barrar aka Handyandy is doing a review for Best buys blog on these two bad boys . This is from a brand I’ve never heard before called Mission we’re looking at their sound bar and wireless subwoofer now . The connections and all the controls are that you would.& Connect to your television are located on the back those where you’re gonna find all the ports there.& You’re gonna . find a coaxial connection. & You’ll find an auxiliary connection.& An optical HDMi arc which stands for audio return channel and two HDMi ports.& So a variety of different . ways to connect it with wires, but you could also connect it via bluetooth and we’ll talk a little bit more about that in a bit now the the actual sub woofer well you can see it is quite big.& It measures about 14 inches high or tall and about nine inches wide and nine inches in depth.& The actual sub itself let me see if I can ….. Click here to read more and watch the full video