Video Creator’s Channel Nobi

Alright Hey Guys Nobody Here And Today We Are
going to be hi nice man so today we’re going to be reviewing the UK Terminator 12-inch subwoofer package with a 1200 watt amp and it comes with all the cords and everything it’s a package on Amazon I will link it down below in the description, but we’re going to do a review and sound test with all this I’m going to install it and everything so if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you hit that like Button subscribe if you want to become an obi-wan Kenobi and yeah pretty much it so let’s dive right into this on opening the box um so this already these come in a second separate box. They came early for me. This comes about like I would say about four days later after that Hamp, which is Planet audio amp. watt and 8 gauge speaker wire came in so this subs itself with the box comes in separately, so let’s go get right into this alright. Let’s see um from my angle.
It Has Pretty Good Packaging.
I mean I want to say how the best packaging. It just uses cardboard that has air in it. I guess say what I want to say that the best packaging gets the job done. I guess so let’s try flipping this over try This all right turbine shot all right boil shaker there we go all right just take all the thousands of pieces of cardboard off of it speakers are right here probably like that and here they are the subwoofers.
- packaging
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- box
- cardboard
Now Its A Carpeted Wood.
I would say it’s pretty nice quality for the box anyways. I really don’t have much else to say about it really there is no. Blowhole hole I believe so I’m trying to look for a blowhole where the air comes out, but can’t find one so this box does not come with one. I suppose so keep that in mind and yeah I guess all really there is to do is to test this subwoofer out or subwoofers.
I Should Say So Im Going
to install them and then we are going to try them out and see how much based I have so stay tuned alright guys it’s. The next day. I was too tired to show how they really worked my bad but now I’m going to show you how they really worked. It’s pretty early in the morning but yeah so here let me show you how we got I’ll hook it up here’s my radio.
My Phones Hits Uk Lights For Down There
you can’t see them right now because. It’s light out and then here’s my base control for Max and all that stuff. I usually turn it to Max because you gotta love that base right but anyways let’s head to the back see what that’s about so blurry camera so here’s the amp up there it glows blue. You have seen it already and there’s pretty much what looks like in the back.
I Got It All Strung Through
the corners right here kind of underneath the carpet so it took oh let’s say good three hours to install it. You got to take apart a lot of stuff to do it and then it goes all the way across there and into there looks pretty clean when you’re all done so make sure if you do install these subs and stuff you do really good wire management so I don’t know I think it came with. Everything you really need let’s try the song alright Here we go I’m about to take your girl We’ll show you the outside so yeah guys. You could be the judge of that I guess for the money on Amazon for it I would get it if I were you honestly it’s a really good subwoofer.
- inch subwoofer package 1200 watt
- amp definitely recommend subwoofer package
- uk terminator 12 inch subwoofer
- speaker wire came subs box
- subwoofer package amazon ll drop
Its Made By Uk Audio Its The
way to go the amp. I’m a little fishy on if it does blow up or not blow up but overheat or whatever you can always get a new amp, but I would definitely recommend this subwoofer package on Amazon. I’ll drop the link at the description so if you guys enjoyed this kind of video make sure you hit that like button subscribe if you want to becoming an obi-wan Kenobi and I’ll see you in the next video.
The UK Terminator 12-inch subwoofer package with a 1200 watt amp . It comes with all the cords and everything it’s a package on Amazon I will link it down below in the description, but we’re going to do a review and sound test with all this I’m going to install it and everything so if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you hit that like Button subscribe if you want to become an obi-wan Kenobi and yeah pretty much it so let’s dive right into this on opening the box um so this already these come in a second separate box. They came early for me.& This comes about like I would say about four days later after that Hamp, which is Planet audio amp.& watt and 8 gauge speaker wire came in so this subs itself with the box comes in separately, so let’t go get right into that alright. The next day. I was too tired to show how they really worked m.& The next morning. It’s….. Click here to read more and watch the full video