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Today, I Have A Nice Video Today Going
to be talking about the 12-inch shallow mount subwoofer from NVX. The s series subwoofer stay tuned go ahead and dig in first going to do the unboxing review, so this is the s M w 12. . This is the shallow mount simple for s series from NVx. They also come in a 10-inch but I’m focusing on the 12 today, so if you want to know any more details about this subwoofer anything I don’t make out of or I bring up in the video everything will be in the description on the links.
I Recommend Checking Them Out And
be sure to give it a like a lot of dedicated time to put into this and shout out to NVX for making nice NVX products. A nice subwoofer shallow mount subwoofer here we’re going to be able to. Look at today, I’m really excited to see how it sounds as well. At the end of the video you’ll see that so I’m going to go ahead and get it out of the package real quick right under 8 pounds. I can definitely tell it is a lighter weight subwoofer, but it has to be expected to do that to be able to fit in a small constrained space and it is only rated at 400 watts Rms, which is really conservatively rated.
Im Going To Be Putting It
on a 1000 watt monoblock amp today at 21 but you’ll see that later in the video so looking at the side of the box here you can see it’s rated at 400 watts Rms. This is the 12-inch shallow mount comes in a 10 inch as well. All the main features you can check out link in description. For that ultralight and durable poly polythene cone versatile shallow mount depth design as you saw the thumbnail showed the depth as well. I’m not going to give you all the specs on it because everything that I can read on a manual.
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give you the key points so looking at the size here the side view you can literally see that the size of this depth is insane. It is very small really shallow. It has an x-max of eight millimeters with a Fs of 29 Hertz on the 12-inch and 34 hertz on the 10-inch. A little bit lower frequency response on the 12. .
The Frequency Response Is Actually 25 To
350 Hertz is the bandwidth of this subwoofer depending on your enclosure, but the fs is right at 29 Hertz is what the manual shows I really like the carbon fiber. appearance of the aesthetic cosmetic look of this subwoofer the light might be showing a little bit on this to make it look a little weird, but really nice fine touch to it so go ahead and flip it over set it flush on the flat surface. Here no scuffs on the cone. The size of my hand. The manual says net weight of 11 pounds.
I Thought It Was Around Eight Holding It
physically so maybe I was a little few pounds off and another thing keynote that I see here that a lot of people would want to know is what is the side’s coil diameter so the coil diameter size is 2.5 inch on the 12 inch and then the 10 inch comes with a 2 inch voice coil diameter sub so definitely going to be able to give you a good enough base throw to give. You more than just what your speakers are going to put out and you can go to put this in any area that you want whether it’s under your seat in the back of your trunk car in a tight space underneath the seats of your truck and your seat truck or the back of a single cab vehicle or really anywhere you want or even if you want to put it in a small ported or sealed enclosure as well so a lot of different options to put this thing The Smw 12 D4 from NVx the s series. I really like the feel and look of this as well. It is definitely have a different cosmetic look than a lot of shallow mount subs.
Ive Seen In The Past As Well
and as always we want to have something that can be able to be fitting in a tight space so definitely going to be a nice touch on that from NVX with the s series so now I’m going to go ahead and look at the manual real quick a couple of key points. If you want you can pause it if I’m going a little too quick. I like to get as much as I can out in these few minutes before I get into the next part of the video. So main thing I didn’t mention is the overall diameter. This is the 12 or it’s right at 12.
The cone size is right at 12 inches. Though the actual depth is under 4 inches as you saw in the thumbnail so that’s right a 12-inch mounting depth of under. four inches. It’s 3.
82 Inches.
It says right there and the 10 inch is 3. 23 so another half inch from that so really really tight space to be able to fit in your enclosure, and it recommends a sealed box to get optimal output. Of course, you can put it into ported as well, but being that it is a shallow mount. They usually shine more in sealed enclosures as it mentions so that’s it let’s go ahead and get this thing wired up and get some subflex action.
So I Got The Subwoofer Out Here
going to be doing a wiring discussion for about a minute and then we’ll go into some subwoofer flex tests so i’m going to go ahead and flip it over it’s easier to explain that way this is on a clean flat surface, so it will not damage or puncture the sub in any. way as long as you lay it perfectly flush on something soft and smooth. It won’t affect your cone and it’s a little easier to discuss wiring as well with doing that okay so this is a 12-inch shallow mount. They also come in the 10 inch just like I mentioned earlier for shallow mounts. This is a dual 4-ohm voice coil subwoofer.
I Am Going To Be Wiring
this down to 2 wall so if you ran two of these you could run it down to a one-ohm load, but with just a single subwoofer. You want a two-way monoblock or I’ll be showing you in a minute. The amplifier that I’m testing from MDX as well with this subwoofer that’s going to be a perfect match would be a good recommendation. I’ll also put that in the description too you can check out so to. Off I want to make a jumper from both subwoofer coils so this is a DVC dual voice coil just like it says SmW12-d4 that means this is the model number.
Its A 12-Inch Size And Its
D for dual 4 for a dual 4 Ohm voice coil. So what I’m doing is I am running a wire jumper from one side to the other and then I’m going to use my multimeter here to confirm that this jump is good so what I’ll do is now that I jumped it over. It should be right around the two 1. 8 to like 2. 2 2.
4 Mark With Everything The Way It Is.
There we go all right so and that’s with the subwoofer not moving see right at the 2 mark there we go so this is wired down to 2 Ohm. The amplifier that I’m going to be. Testing I’ll go ahead and show you in about 20 seconds is going to be running at 2 ohm. The amplifier is a 1000 watt RMs Vad from NVX for that let’s look at the specs rogue time one more time on here so this is a shallow mount subwoofer, so it isn’t going to be the most loudest subwoofer out there, but it is going to be able to give you optimal output and a small space.
And I Did Read Here That The
S series subwoofers I was reading one of the manual pieces I might have forgotten to mention earlier. It does recommend actually a sealed enclosure for the S series subwoofer to be most optimal output. So you can actually fit two of these in around a two to two and a half cube box and be really well. And this is the 12 inch 10. Inch model will be a little bit smaller than that but for the actual output Rms I mentioned earlier or say it again is 400 watts Rms.
So One Of These In The Back Cab
or wherever you’re putting in the trunk under your seat or anywhere or even in your house would be good for probably a five to six hundred watt Rms. Monoblock give you a little bit of headroom or a thousand to twelve hundred watt Rms amp for a dual set of these so that’s what I would recommend for that so I’m going to be testing the 25 Hertz first and then I’ll go ahead and do like a 50 or 60 Hertz test response so we’ll do two tones on that and keep in mind that the video is not going to do justice for the actual output, but I’m going to be able. To test this out with some power get some sub excursion at the end of the video So all right now let’s go ahead and look at the amplifier all right so this is a little baby amplifier here. It looks like a baby, but it’s actually a thousand watts RMs stay tuned for a video in about one to two weeks. I’ll be posting this up with actually a full-on review of this amplifier as well as some tests to see real world power on it, but it is the Vad 1001 I’m going to be running it at 2-1.
This Is A Thousand Watts At One
Ohm 2 Ohm. I think it’s rated between 500 and 750 watts Rms. So the subwoofer is definitely going to be getting the power for this test. So I’m going to go ahead and wire it up real quick all right so. The power positive and negative so now that I have a jumper here.
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- nvx
- smw12
- specs
- lighter weight subwoofer expected
- shallow mount subwoofer isn going
- nvx products nice subwoofer
- mount subwoofer nvx series
- 12 inch shallow mount subwoofer
Im Going To Go Ahead And Jump
over to the subwoofer Here. It’s on my platform and I’m going to be able to wire this up to the subwoofer and then we’ll do two song tests 25 Hertz and like a 45 Hertz 25 Hertz was the lowest frequency range. It is a shallow amount so you’re not going to get anything lower than around that 25 to 28 Hertz range. So anybody trying to get super low deep bass. This will still do it depending on your type of enclosure, but it might not be as optimal as going with a bigger sub.
But This Is A Shallow Mount, So Its
a different concept. All right so now I’m going to go ahead and run the jumper so the way I run jumpers is twist time. Together this is up to 10 gauge wire input, but I’m using 12 gauge, so it fits perfectly in there this is LFC should work great and then I’ll confirm one more time with my make sure that the reading is right. It should be dead on dead on two on all right so now let’s go ahead and test out the two frequencies get some subflex.
This is the shallow mount simple for s series from NVx.& The s series subwoofer stay tuned go ahead and dig in first going to do the unboxing review, so this is the s M w 12.& They also come in a 10-inch but I’m focusing on the 12 today . I’m not going to give you all the specs on it because everything that I can read on a manual.& You could also read so I’ll give you the key points so looking at the size here the side view you can literally see that the size of this depth is insane.& It is very small really shallow. It has an x-max of eight millimeters with a Fs of 29 Hertz on the . 12-inch and 34 hertz on the 10-in as well.& I’m going to be putting it on a 1000 watt monoblock amp today at 21 but you’ll see that later in the video . Later on the video,…. Click here to read more and watch the full video