Video Creator’s Channel SOBERSCUM BASSHEAD

Youtube What Up So Im Gonna Make A
short quick video kind of cool something new I had to buy it set of curiosity. I want to see it so it’s right there kind of tires kind of work, but I’ve had this for like a week. I’ve been meaning to do this video we’re going to check it out it’s the brand new EBl 8 inch sub so one box it that’s a scar ZVx 8. so we’ll do a side-by-side comparison and then we’ll hook it to my wife’s um. I believe it’s an RP 1500 not gonna blast it but I have a Usb drive with GJ rusticles um little frequency sweep and some other stuff so we’ll put some tones through it see how it moves and whatever but really want to see this thing so let’s check it out this thing is a little beast.
Blumin People Were Blumin Idiots, So We Have
cats We have awesome cats. I wasn’t cat person until we had these cats with the mom brother and sister left. I don’t know why I’m sharing this with you guys, But I see it all the time. I can’t still give a blumin about dogs. We have coyotes here but I don’t believe you should own a dog that can stronger than you there’s something that catches your dog’s attention and it blumin takes off and you don’t have the arms or shoulder or blumin legs or body to just blumin yank that dog that dog pulls you you should not be walking that dog and probably not own it.
Oh Hes So Frustrated The Dog
just crashed into my car trying to get one of my cats so. get one of my cats? So if you own big dogs, You should be a big person or in shape or not a lot of blumin One of these dogs gets a hold of my blumin animals or somebody in my family or if I see him get a hold of somebody, Then I don’t even blumin know I’m gonna lose my blumin dude. There’s a lot of people around here. A lot of dogs also blumin Coca 19. everybody wants to be outside of their blumin house all of a sudden it irks me dude.
I Know Its Animal Nature To Go
after another animal. But if you can’t control your animal you don’t have the blumin strength to do it don’t walk your blumin dog don’t own that dog if you open. Dog don’t own that dog if you open your door and it sees a cat or a kid, and it runs out the door and you can’t control it It’s a blumin problem anyways. This is one of my cats he’s a beast. He doesn’t give a blumin.
He Just Sat Under The Car While
that dog tried to get him baxter. He was gone for like a year and he came home scratches ear missing blumin I don’t know if you have a dog and you can’t control it you should probably should have known it at least not walking anyways back to this beast. I like this basket dude it’s super cool and it’s thick too it’s probably like a quarter inch thick. I really like these push terminals. They’re solid once again, though I wish they would put a bigger gauge.
- tvx
- video
- usb
- cat
- evx
A Bigger Gauge Because When Youre
you know wiring in parallel or series and it’s hard to get a decent gauge in there but stiff come on phone it’s got the evo black butt. This thing is big dude. My phone is acting shitty right now, but you see that nice copper in there I was able to put copper coils in the 12s and 15s but once again dude. I don’t understand why subwoofer companies do this they give you like no room so there’s the cutout There’s the terminals Nobody wants to blumin make a little cutout because once you do that there’s a screw hole right there no not on this one so on the ix at least the eight when you make that cut out. Out there’s a screw hole right above it and it’s kind of screwy, but it’s got smaller utensils than the ZVX It’s got thicker ones put on this Evx too man there’s the cutout there’s the terminals.
- rp 1500 gonna
- video going check brand new
- crashed car trying cats cats
- sub box scar zvx
- blast usb drive gj rusticles
I Wish Subwoofer Companies Or Audio Companies
see here’s the cutout. There’s the scrool gives you no meat to secure the sub your enclosure, especially using Mdf and blumin like that it just blows out if you use a decent screw like why don’t they extend these out like another quarter inch and move these in another quarter inch. I don’t know I don’t get it this thing is beefy man this is evx eight. It’s the brand new Evl 8. this thing is sweet dude there’s so much airflow see my wife might be getting two of these in her car so let’s check out the ratings UK so I.
I Got A Dual Dual Four
because I wanted to wire down to one ohms but six hundred Rms UK one second. Do you think it looks so sick inverted like four of them inverted Yeah This ain’t sweet Tvx eight. This is a little higher because the cardboard yeah basket is awesome here let’s compare it to the Evl 12.
Youtube what up so I’m gonna make a short quick video kind of cool something new I had to buy it set of curiosity. I want to see it so it’s right there kind of tires kind of work, but I’ve had this for like a week.& I’ve been meaning to do this video we’re going to check it out it’s the brand new EBl 8 inch sub so one box it that’s a scar ZVx 8.& so we’ll do a side-by-side comparison and then we’ll hook it to my wife’s um.& We have coyotes here but I don’t believe you should own a dog that can stronger than you there’s something that catches your dog’s attention and it blumin takes off and you don’t have the arms or shoulder or body to just blumin yank that dog that dog pulls you you should not be walking that dog and probably not own it. If you own big dogs, You should be a big person or in shape…. Click here to read more and watch the full video