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Everybody Carry Spring Day Here With Another Performance.
Auto and Sound video review when a brand with all the history and accolades MB Cortez says this is the best sounding woofer We’ve ever built You just have to sit up and take notice the woofer they were referring to is the all-new premium series PwM 304. The woofer is said to be designed for the music enthusiasts who has graduated from the UK phase and now wants to listen to real music. My first look at the new premium Woofer told me. This indeed was something quite different for him before instead of the typical poly cones found at this price point.
The Pwm Uk Uses A Combination
of 2 different layers of woven glass fiber material. The Main cone is formed in a red colored fiber and then a large diameter concave dust cap in the same material, but now in black provides not only a distinctive two-tone appearance, but also a very strong, rigid, yet lightweight cone. Looking under the cone reveals a few more unexpected tricks and features not normally found at this price point dual mirror-image spiders in UK court red are used to provide linear control of the woofers moving assembly in both directions of travel and are sandwiched in a special raised spider landing made of red UK. Another excellent feature is the ultra simple and elegantly implemented wire terminal impedance jumper. Although this is a dual voice coil woofer thanks to a brilliant design idea it only needs a single pair of terminals just above the spring-loaded terminals is located a removable jumper terminal pulling it out of the socket on.
- woofers
- woofer
- pwm
- glass
- cones
Reveals Four Electrical Contacts That Connect The
dual 4-ohm coils in either series or parallel depending on the orientation of the jumper to make things super easy. The jumper is built in such a way that when installed the woofers impedance is printed out right there in front of you at the heart of the woofer is a two-and-a-half-inch four layer high-temperature aluminum voice coil formed from premium imported wire. The coil has a winding length of almost 40 millimetres for lots of linear excursion and is wound on a vented black anodized aluminum former with a spun lace Nomex collar for maximum heat dissipation magnetic energy to drive. The coil comes from a 100 ounce magnet sandwiched between a 10 millimeter thick top plate and a cold forged monolithic vented yoke. A smooth molded rubber magnet bumper trims out the motor nicely and gives a well integrated look to.
It All I Could Wax On About
how the UK Quart UK 304 performed impressively with very good articulation of the base notes well-defined chord changes and great detail even on subtle things like the impact of a kick batter on the drum head, but what it really did well was simply play music in the right sealed box. This is a musical woofer designed for someone who really appreciates sound and not just UK while I can’t say if this is actually the best sounding woofer they’ve ever built. I can’t agree that it does sound very good. Indeed. This is a woofer for a serious listener.
- box musical woofer designed really
- series pwm 304 woofer said
- premium woofer told quite different
- series pwm 304 woofer
- musical woofer designed really appreciates
Someone Who Knows Music And What It
should sound like if you simply love well reproduced music and you’d gladly trade some UK and boom for sound quality. This Woofer should be high on your list of woofers to audition so as always thanks for watching this exclusive performance. Auto and sound video review we’ll catch you next time you.
MB Cortez says this is the best sounding woofer We’ve ever built . The PwM 304 uses a combination of 2 different layers of woven glass fiber material . The Main cone is formed in a red colored fiber and then a large diameter concave dust cap in the same material, but now in black provides not only a distinctive two-tone appearance, but also a very strong, rigid, yet lightweight cone . Dual mirror-image spiders in UK court red are used to provide linear control of the woofers moving assembly in both directions of travel and are sandwiched in a special raised spider landing made of red UK . Another excellent feature is the ultra simple and elegantly implemented wire terminal impedance jumper . The jumper is built in such a way that when installed the woofer is printed out right there in front of you . The woofer is a two-and-a-half-inch four layer high-temperature aluminum voice coil formed from premium i-shaped aluminum voice…. Click here to read more and watch the full video