Video Creator’s Channel Five Star Car Stereo

Today Video Want To Talk About Pyres Do A
little swim Mount amplifies cool subwoofer enclosure This is the UK UK 70 da stay tuned so what we have here today is pioneers latest in the micro subwoofer self amplified enclosure market yeah Yeah baby what we’re talking about is something that is going to put out some form of bass that is going to be small enough to be out of the way so you don’t see it or doesn’t get in the way or doesn’t obscure your lifestyle as it were. This guy is pretty cool, but let’s talk about it first and then we’ll get into some of the other things about it first off it’s covered in a vinyl material that is supposed to be resistant and it can take some abuse. So you can still take groceries, or soccer bags or luggage in your car. Because it has a rugged exterior design that’ll allow you to put weight on top of it, So you can see you can still put it in the back of an UK and have full functionality of your car. Let’s talk about the size.
This Guy Is 33 And A
half inches long. It is three and three-quarter inches tall, but real sin and of course it is 12 and 3/4 deep yeah so we got 12 months recorders from here to here here’s a water bottle next to it just to give you some scale. You can see pretty small box and put a light bed clip goes with the bottle yep there you go very tiny very tight um here’s what it looks like in the back of a car now what kind of power does this have This has an internal amplifier built into it It has. power of 200 watts and how that’s broken down is to one hundred by two because there’s two six-inch dual voice coil subwoofers in this now both six-inch woofer is 2 Ohm and here’s what the woofer looks like now nominal power which is more than likely what you’re going to get out of this thing is 100 watts 50 by 2 which is fine. I mean there’s six inch woofers.
Its Not Like You Need A
million watts to power them so let’s take a look at what you get when you buy this what do they give you as far as installation goes so with that it comes with a bag of three. Of course. Your yng card yep it comes with a one-year warranty you get your instruction manual. You get some straps so that you can strap it down in place, but also they give. Hard work, They give you some screws some okra.
- overdrive subwoofer obviously going build
- subwoofer obviously going build like
- headache big subwoofer enclosure
- subwoofer self amplified enclosure market
- amplifies cool subwoofer enclosure uk
It Comes With The Power Wire
and remote turn on and a plug that plugs into the side of it. Okay, so you have your power plug input. You have your external subwoofer control input. You have a reset button. You have the high level low level switch as well as the gain normal or high Now.
Pioneer Says That If You Have A Power
outlet in the back of the car, you can go ahead and hook this thing up-it only draws ten amps of current, so any power outlet in the back should be enough to power. This it doesn’t have a remote turn on as well as high level input or low level input. This is the low level input here it just plugs into the UK so you do have to hook it up to. to a speaker take a second strap and if you do more important. This is the base knob.
Right Here Now Lets Take A Look
at it closely take a look at the bass knob as you can see on the top. It has a volume control next is going to be your crossover frequency along with your phase normal or reversed and then your base mode. It has two bays most deep and dynamics now depending on the type of music you like to listen to you. You may like deep or dynamic. Deep is going to be from 200 to 250 Hertz.
Dynamic Is Going To Be A
little higher. It’s 40 to 250 Hertz deep is described as rich deep bass sound quality. Dynamic is described as emphasizing powerful, strong and dynamic bass sound okay well let’s go ahead and hop to a car and let’s take. A listen to see what this thing actually sounds like so what we found is like The volume is not as sensitive as you’d like it It’s like, but it’s it’s still responsive it’s just like goes low alone and off so there’s kind of a gap there the other oddity is every time you adjust the crossover point there’s like a pause and the music it goes pop pop pop you know or pause pause pause as you turn it so even though it’s a smooth dial. There’s actually dedicated crossover points in there it’s not like you can pick a like 66.
The Phase Really Doesnt Do Much There Again.
I really I didn’t think it would typically these things I don’t even know why they do them they don’t they don’t really do much now the bass mode it has to it has deep and dynamic dynamic. was definitely the winner winner Chicken dinner gave it a substantially better bass sound. Now we’ve maxed this thing out now This is to six-and-a-half Mind you and it’s pretty good. I mean I would definitely not shy away from this for any reason and supposedly Pioneer stuff.
- subwoofer
- enclosure
- subwoofers
- bass
- woofers
This Has No Blow Technology Meaning
that as you turn it up if it distorts it automatically lowers the volume in the amplifier to prevent you from damaging the to six-and-a-half Center in there and I can say that yes it’s definitely doing something because we’re pounding the heck out of this thing and it’s not clipping or distorting or making any funny sounds that these small little goofy subs typically make so they definitely figured out their two thumbs up on that let’s play some more song not really the creature for their dedicated point for sure I don’t know if this is going to work, but we’ll turn it back you need dynamic is definitely the better of the two personally. If I was putting this in and it was mine. I’d probably set it at like 80 Hertz turn the volume all the way up leaving a dynamic and bury this thing. I.
Have Any Need To Get To It
personally Let’s take a look at the speaker’s moving in the box shell We at this the end-all-be-all subwoofer. It’s to 6 inches in a box. I mean it’s it’s what it is for sure that’s cool yes. I mean if you’ve got an UK or a small hatchback and you are taking tons of stuff with you and you don’t want the headache of a big subwoofer enclosure then yeah.
This Is Not A Bad Alternative.
It actually puts out some decent paid yeah now. The one cool thing about this is that anti-clipping circuit that’s built into this so it doesn’t clip I was impressed. We drove the crap out of this thing trying to get it to clip and it did not clip basically.
Pioneer Describes Is It Auto Level Control Once
it detects that the subwoofer is doing. It automatically lowers the volume from the amplifier so that you don’t overdrive the subwoofer so obviously you’re going to build something like this You want to make it so some dude play some Quad city Djs on it just like you know I said what for blow man Yeah no yeah okay I never comes up yes all right so that’s the UK X7 UK yes hot damn all right Fernando thank you for watching odd you guys can find us on Facebook here in UK in n Instagram and we appreciate you guys a lot we do these five days a week please subscribe you guys are awesome for subscribing share tell a friend if you got other car you dude let them know where you know hey whatever cool as usual. You guys have a great night and we will see you later next time bye.
Pyres is pioneers latest in the micro subwoofer self amplified enclosure market . This has an internal amplifier built into it It has. power of 200 watts and how that’s broken down is to one hundred by two because there’s two six-inch dual voice coil subwoofers in this now both 6-inch woofer is 2 Ohm and here’s what the woofer looks like now nominal power which is more than likely what you’re going to get out of this thing is 100 watts 50 by 2 which is fine.& I mean there’s six inch woofers.& It’s not like you need a million watts to power them so let’s take a look at what you get when you buy this what do they give you as far as installation g . Pyres do a little swim Mount Mount amplifies cool subwowoofer enclosure . This is the UK UK 70 da stay tuned to our latest video series on iReport. Back to the page you came from…. Click here to read more and watch the full video