Video Creator’s Channel Tech Savage

Hey Guys Were Back Again Unboxing Video On The
Polk Audio subwoofer and it’s the new model by the way it’s the UK 10-inch subwoofer power with power port technology. See that there deep bass for home theater systems and then and music you busy to get better bass it says right there you see the details. It’s 200 it’s ready-200 watt that’s a long receiver does a hunter game 85 watt, but it’ll be compatible. It’s good you can see here. It tells you got the classic classic D amplifier for more for a powerful deep bass yeah for it so you got that and then there’s all the details you see plus a little bit.
So The Power Port Technology Just Tells You
the bass response and then here’s all that you get a built-in control for volume and low-pass filter and then UK controller. 12 volt triggering then it comes with Alfie or us UK Alfea’s the new technology to the new receivers that’s why I have to focus okay. There is a powerful feature 8 those about it so basically it’s a power port and then technology. Inter maining finds a port for deeper bass tells you that they’ll show you in all the sides of the box where I just bought it from from Best Buy and the prices price was one second guys go for it see here its own so it’s 299 at Best Buy so 299 knows it this way it’s on sale today for July 12 ends so it ends exactly I July 12 so anyway yeah I’ll link in this subscription to get it. You know I’ll show you the sides what it looks like.
I Think This Is The English Son
suspect look it says you. can expect great sound this tells the details okay okay it’s about bosses doing here. One second tells you what’s in the ball that’s pretty neat I like hope we have their box block and here’s all that tells you the details since what’s in the box subwoofer grill power cord it’s not focusing why is it doing that there you go that and their Hertz for the power supply Don’t do everything here that’s what the speaker looks like okay we’re gonna unbox it focus okay so we’re gonna box up top here Pretty nice packaging H oh yeah and okay. The first thing you get is the power cord is to be attachable like that let me poke audio at the new mall does that super house the groundwater no it’s just to like plus and minus standard like plug neat though it’s pretty long. I’ll let you.
- bass home theater systems
- amplifier powerful deep bass
- 10 inch subwoofer power
- subwoofer new model way uk
- video polk audio subwoofer new
See That In The Camera Two
terminals and Yeah so it’s pretty long quarter late that’s illogical it’s good for playing buying new UK and stuff. Yeah I’m gonna treat your power cord powers tells you about itself alright for warranty the best thing that your register is something you win something yeah you register for warranty and then tells you what the tenant your tennyson They come in 12 inch but tennis is good for my for my size room tells how to talk it up and stuff here we take out the sub itself. It’s pretty big Yeah I’m gonna make you more easy guys easy to see this better. There’s a subwoofer to me pretty good packaging Wow look look at that they got it like okay amazing that also you see it much better here’s the packaging Hey well athletes Pocoyo nice wood touch that is. Some nice wood touch I’m gonna start it then you port they were talking about oh.
They Have Like That Stuff To Detect Oh
boy That’s me okay Let me show you the front the sub-guys pretty Neat design actually wow it looks amazing let me get closer to that there’s your poke in the front there logo I like that that’s neat Oh yeah and they have like so yeah. You can make it yourself like the tank well that’s neat looks pretty. I like how it’s metal neat there’s the speaker okay let me show you the speaker there’s a port on the bottom pretty wide and for I like that now let me show you the group we’re going to go to real gentle yeah it’s a pretty girl all comes off pretty easy, actually Wow whoa really nice nice start setting it is this copper. So you got rubber over here you can see the rubber surround So you got some rubber surround and there’s like the metal it’s. It’s type of metal yeah.
Its Metal It Looks It Feels Its Exactly
copper material me here’s the pour okay. Let me show you the size of this guy let me put my cover back up Neat pretty neat cover well protected late and look they have insult look at this the insulation with some foam so it doesn’t rattle nice good job Polk Audio for this one never seen darling any grill that’s Neat see this put all like ah Oh Yeah Both sides to know you can figure that out where its suppose and it goes on really neat that’s really neat okay. Let me show you the side of the wood. It’s like a nice greatest touch color pretty solid it’s pretty heavy. I do that’s neat and there’s the port so you got four in the front for it four in the back.
- subwoofer
- amplifier
- bass
- receiver
- polk
This Thing Has A Really Deep Pore
and there’s your feet okay let’s show you the backyard guys So there’s your details. Let me show you that first and there is your UK input so you got your UK for factory use only I don’t know that’s something I think soft or something I’ve never seen that but there is your UK controller. You’re lying in L left and right there’s your bull pass pretty nice knobs. There’s your volume and there’s your face hundred eight to zero and there’s auto and then UK control leave a normal and there is the bottom. It tells you everything here on the science brain it’s up there’s your you put your plug in here the one that came in well there’s.
A Fuse Theres A Few Options To Disguise
there’s a fuse on the bomb. So if anything happens you change that fuse you go to like a source or like a few saw yeah source or that’s right to get a fuse to change that that’s neat so if anything happens you went down to yourself pretty cool before I show you the port you there is the port and I don’t know if you ever seen that okay let me move the ball so I don’t think it’s C that pesky Oh so oh do not let’s put my camera in that angle. There’s the poor do you see that low like it looks like a mountain it’s pretty neat let me zoom out so you see it much better there you go I like how oh yeah let me show you the bottom guys I didn’t show you. That yet so you got rubber feet way better material like it’s very thick rubber solid on the bottom.
Theres Your Where The Poor Exactly
is It’s a pretty hefty pour it’s pretty big in there. If you can see that there you go that’s a pretty big port. It’s pretty neat that’s the new port technology that’s pretty much old folks like and subscribe and see you again on our boxing video.
Polk Audio subwoofer is the new model by the way it’s the UK 10-inch subwoofer power with power port technology . It’s 200 it’s ready-200 watt that’s a long receiver does a hunter game 85 watt, but it’ll be compatible . It tells you got the classic classic classic D amplifier for more for a powerful deep bass yeah for it so you got that and then there’s all the details you see plus a little bit. It’s on sale today for July 12 ends so it ends exactly I July 12 so anyway yeah I’ll link in this subscription to get it.& Inter maining finds a port for deeper bass tells you that they’ll show you in all the sides of the box where I just bought it from from Best Buy and the prices price was one second guys go for it see here its own so it was one last guys Go for it See Here its own to buy it see its own.& It’s 299 at Best Buy…. Click here to read more and watch the full video