Video Creator’s Channel Asher Nasir

- speaker
- speakers
- metallic
- grill
- black
The First Time I Looked At This Product Online.
I fell in love with the way it looked. I wanted to get a speaker that only looked good, but also sounded good and I think I found it we’re going to go ahead and test it so stay with me till the end of the video and we’re going to test this thing out. This pulk 200 watt speaker comes in two colors. There’s a walnut finish and then there’s also this black finish.
I Personally Like This Black Finish And
chose it the way it mounts on the cover on top. It basically fits in just like that and like a lot of other speakers that have a magnetic grill that would have been nice to have, but also with the way just sticks on that’s pretty cool you do have to fiddle around just a little bit in. order to get it on I prefer having it off and just looking like that so if you don’t have little kids that can poke it or anything. I would suggest leaving it off. It has a nice finish to it.
When You Look At The Product Close Up.
You can see that finish. It has a very nice luxury feel to it and that is the thing that I fell in love with Where it looks very nice so it’s a polk speaker and on the bottom. You can see that technology that it has for the air movement and it looks very neat on the bottom. The way it has a frequency sound curve illustrated on the bottom and these speakers they are very high quality finish.
- wanted speaker looked good sounded
- magnetic grill nice way
- black finish personally like
- thing pulk 200 watt speaker
- love looks nice polk speaker
If You Compare It To A
regular base. You can see it’s not like the silk cover it has this is. Actually copper or metallic on top so that makes it very nice and smooth. That’s one thing that makes it sound really good too but once you feel it it will feel pretty solid and even if you push on a little bit, it still feels pretty good. The side is like that so it’s a pretty thick speaker even for a 10-inch speaker.
Im Going To Show You The
back side and on the back side. You can see it has a volume control where it goes from max and then you can also take it down to minimum so I keep it on the 75 range, which is the range that I like it has the low pass where you can go to different ranges and then you can change the phase from 0 to 180 degrees Here. I have it hooked into the line in and. You’ll see I have a t splitter on the back, but then you have other things. You also have the LFe that’s how I connected downstairs to my audio system, but you can switch it on and off from here, but it’s an auto speaker, but when I unplug this you’ll see that I only has two pins and I wonder why it does not have the ground pin usually a lot of products that I see have that ground pin inside it, but we’re going to test it out in a little bit and we’ll see how it sounds um you can see how I have it hooked up.
It Runs All The Way To
the back and I have that t in there where it’s coming in from the computer and it’s coming out like that so. I’ll have two volume controls and that’s basically how it’s hooked. Up and you’ll see that I’m going to put these in and I showed you in the beginning of the video because it’s gonna get pretty loud and we’ll try and see how it looks once it’s on and also how it sounds so. I’m gonna play a music audio in a little bit. But first let me put these ear plugs in and after that what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna go to my computer first I’ll turn it around so that you can see how it looks while it’s on and the music is going to go from a little volume to a higher volume so be prepared with your headphones or speakers so it’s going to start now so so so foreign so guys as you saw it’s a very powerful and strong speaker.
Im Going To Go Ahead And Stop
this video before I hear. My wife knocking on the door, but it was good talking to you guys and reviewing this product. If you like this video leave a comment and also subscribe to my channel thank you.
The pulk 200 watt speaker comes in two colors. the first time I looked at this product online. I fell in love with the way it looked. I wanted to get a speaker that only looked good, but also sounded good and I think I found it we’re going to go ahead and test it . Stay with me till the end of the video and we’re . going to test this thing out. The way it has a frequency sound curve illustrated on the bottom and these speakers they are very high quality finish. It has a very nice luxury feel to it and that is the thing that I fell . into love with where it looks very nice so it’s a polk speaker and on the . bottom . The side is like that so it is a pretty thick speaker even for a 10-inch speaker. The side of the speaker is like . The . side is . like that . It’s a very thick speaker. You can see it . The back side and the back side….. Click here to read more and watch the full video