Video Creator’s Channel Techno Dad

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Shauna do your techno dad here? And in this video I’ll be giving you my final thoughts on the rel 1508 Predator. Now. I have two of these subwoofers and I gotta say right off the bat man. It’s been awesome but before we get into that let’s hear a quick word from our show sponsor the hi-fi summit. If you’ve always wanted to attend an audio trade show to check out all the cool new products that your favorite brands are releasing well now is your chance to join up for the hifi Summit 2020 quarter four.
We Had The First One In June And
it was a great success. There were a lot of attendees, a lot of brands and even I as the host. I learned a whole lot about what goes into designing products, their design philosophy and basically. They try to make the best product for you. The consumer.
Its A Great Show And Its
a great way to interact with people from your favorite brands directly. The Hi-fi Summit is the World‘s first online Hi-fi trade show and in quarter four. The dates are October 22nd to 26th. So you should secure your ticket now 29 for all five days of the show not only will you get to check out cool products. You will probably make some lifelong friends in the lobby chat and the video chat, which is what everybody loved last time in the show and of course I will be djing four of the five nights so make sure you are there for the Hi-fi summit 2020 quarter four and I’m back all right ladies and gentlemen so here.
We Are With The Review Of The 1508
Rails and I know I said. This review done in a month but with everything going on with like you know Covet and all that there’s been like kind of tough kind of tough, especially with everything else that’s changed like. For instance, you know, I’m trying to film all this stuff and my wife keeps like yelling from the other room Can you turn it down because she doesn’t seem to understand exactly how loud these things can get and honestly like these things. I’m pushing them and they’ve got way more tank in the gas than my space needs and if you’ve been with the channel before you know that I have this like really big open living room and the living room area is pretty much. A rectangular prism with a triangular prism on top of it and cubic foot is like around 4 200 cubic feet in just that area.
It Also Opens Up To A
kitchen so that space is not um calculated for and neither is the stairway going or stairwell. Shall I say going downstairs so that is not calculated into the um. You know cubic feet of the room so bear that in mind like I only have these things set up at 11 O’clock. So yes both subwoofers are set up at 11 O’clock on the level meters on the back okay so that’s where we’re at. I remember um talking with the guy at rel and he’s like just wait until you turn it up to three o’clock and really no.
I I Dont Want To Do That.
I I don’t want to break my house that’s really why I haven’t to say these subwoofers are good is an understatement to say that they are not cheap is also an understatement coming in at. 1800 each for a sealed 15-inch with 800 watts amplifier. They are not cheap at all now if you guys are looking for some sexy b-roll of the subwoofers check out my unboxing video. Unfortunately, I don’t really have too much sexy b-roll in this video unless we’re talking about me hey that was stupid so I know there’s the Youtube audio elite out there that’s what I call them.
You Know They Use Crappy Cameras
and they use the wrong microphone for the job. But they seem to know all and be the end all of audio, but you know besides the fact that they don’t know how to make videos anyway. They say that you have to have measurements and you got to double down on measurements and i don’t really think that way but then again. I’m, a music producer and um you know an engineer. I use my ears and you know when I go through my arch genesis video which I should have up in a week or two .
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- hifi
- woofers
- woofer
You Guys Will Get What Im Talking About
there, but you know I. I think measurements are good, but it’s always great to confirm with your ears first and then um. You know have the actual measurements as backup but you know there’s a lot of people that just don’t know what they’re hearing so I on the other hand. I know exactly what I’m hearing because I’ve been training for it for like 30 years anyway. One of the things I really like about arc Genesis is that they give you all the measurements and graphs that you could ever want when you run the anthem room correction if you guys were wondering why I was talking about audio return channel I’m.
Not This Arc Is Anthem Room Correction Not
audio return channel so i’m not talking about Tvs. We’re talking about subwoofers, especially so let’s look at what anthem um room correction has measured and how it’s going to affect the base on these predator 1508s all right guys so here’s a really cool part of arc genesis. We can go to any of the speakers and check out exactly what has happened here are all the measurements. It took 10 positions in my living room with the subwoofer Now we’re to just get rid of all that and show the combined measurement unaltered so this is what we’re we’re getting to now we’ve got a nice peak here at about was this 40ish. Hertz Hertz frequencies down here at the bottom and this is coming in at maybe like 73 72 db 20 Hertz is down here you know.
Rel Measures These At 24
Hertz is where they go down to which would be I guess somewhere around here. So let’s go to Anthem has a combined measurement with level adjustment and base management. So. This is the one we’re going to kind of like look at right here. Our target curve is this guy right here in black.
- favorite brands directly hi fi
- releasing chance join hifi summit
- thoughts rel 1508 predator subwoofers
- summit world online hi fi
- sponsor hi fi
This Is What We Want To Have Here
is the corrected curve with base management boom look at that let’s get the target curve up here and let’s remove this other curve and let’s just go back and forth and you can see this is spot on yeah He had a little bit. You know in the what 18 to 15 Hertz area here that’s off a little bit um. But this is this is hugging that black line pretty much on point. This is what we’re working with. Ladies and gentlemen and I am going to run through some demos and the demos are going to be going through the AvR and so this is what we’re listening to we’ve got the two subwoofers dialed in and one of the things I love about Anthem room correction is you get to see these graphs and the new arc Genesis has this little viewer situation where you can you know like I said you can see everything I’ll just load it up here.
You Can See Everything Thats In
here and exactly how the speaker is working in your room anyway. We’ll be going over Arc Genesis another time in another video. But I did want to show you guys that because that is really the only measurement I took of the subwoofers while I was doing the anthem room correction. So I put some demos together and. I did record audio with the microphone a little bit further back so you can kind of hear the stuff rattling in my house Because you’ll get a whole lot of rattling there’ll be anything that doesn’t sound clear will be some sort of weird rattle.
So I Turned Off My Amplifiers For The
ear level speakers and for the high channels. So you’re literally just getting both subwoofers again They’re both um set to 11 o’clock. I’ve got some other little tests for the subwoofer and we’ll get into that in a minute so let’s start off with the Lord of the rings. So here we go let’s move on to a quiet place. This happens at the very beginning shaking everything in my house, especially the windows.
I Think That Windows Is What
you hear rattling all right let’s move on to the edge of Tomorrow intro. That was nice, but I think I could bump up the subwoofers to like maybe 12 or 1 o’clock. For this I they they really didn’t seem to be working too hard. All right now let’s play my song again. It’s pretty much just a steady kick drum, but the bass is tight and punchy never were these 15-inch woofers slouching you know paired up with the eight-inch woofers that are in the Martin Logan’s like this is a really really nice setup I’m totally loving it totally all right so on the rel website.
It Says The Subwoofer Can Go Down
to 24 Hertz and you know I know there’s a lot of other subwoofers like I had the SvS PB 4000, which was going down to 16, 18 or 13 depending on where you had the port plugs um so instead of trying to measure it because you. Already got the anthem room correction um you know did a measurement. I decided to just play some you know frequencies through the AvR to the subwoofers to see exactly what we got here So I’ll put the you know number of Hertz on the screen and you guys can get an idea of course listen to the things that are rattling. I tried to get that room microphone in the right position.
So You Guys Can Hear All That
because the bottom line is honestly if something could get down to 13 Hertz cool if something can get down to 15 or 18 Hertz cool but you really gotta have a keen ear to the way things rattle in your house to actually know what frequencies are being hit otherwise it’s just it’s just shaking it’s just shaking road now after that you know 18 15 there’s something there. It’s still shaking the house once we get down to like 12 10. You know the woofer’s moving but there’s not a whole lot going on the um 100 Hertz to 10. Hertz sweep was kind of cool because I was just doing that with my thumb.
So It Was Like.
I was just you know controlling the entire house shaking with my thumb. It was pretty pretty sweet. I got to tell you it’s a lot of fun.
My Wife On The Other Hand
didn’t really care for that she really hates loud noises and then she was also saying she was getting a little nauseous and I gotta admit after like two hours of this. My ears were like like really stressing like there was a lot of pressure and I think that was one of the biggest um things I noticed off the bat was that these. Two 15-inch woofers like they just pressurized the room like like the Svs just couldn’t and of course we’re talking about a 13-inch driver compared to two.
Hi-fi Summit is the World’s first online hi-fi trade show and in quarter four. The dates are October 22nd to 26th. You should secure your ticket now 29 for all five days of the show not only will you get to check out cool products. You will probably make some lifelong friends in the lobby chat and the video chat, which is what everybody loved last time in the show and of course I will be djing four of the five nights so make sure you are there for the Hi-Fi summit 2020 quarter four and I’m back all right ladies and gentlemen so here. We are with the review of the 1508 Rails and I know I said. This review done in a month but with everything going on with like you know Covet and all that there’s been like kind of tough kind of difficult, especially with everything else that’s changed like.& I’m pushing . I’m pushed to the review. I’m trying to film all this stuff…. Click here to read more and watch the full video