Video Creator’s Channel Techno Dad

Whats Up Techno Fam Just A Quick Video For
you guys today with my final thoughts on the rel T9x. I had two of these were sent in a little while back actually and they’ve been in this room for quite some time and then I just did some evaluation up in the big room upstairs So we’ll talk about that in just a minute before I begin I want to thank all my patrons on Patreon Thank you guys so much for supporting the channel and helping me acquire some of these pieces that I just have to buy so thank you guys so much if you want to become a patron help out the channel check out the link down in the description all right some basic stats here, We’ve got a 10-inch woofer with a 10-inch passive radiator on the bottom right so front firing. Woofer and passive radiator on the bottom and a 300 watt class A B amplifier. Now Most subwoofers will be using a class D amplifier so it’s interesting that rel went this route and for some people. They think that’s great that it’s an a B amplifier.
Some People Probably Dont Like It.
I don’t know now if you want like a full list of specs and like all that other kind of stuff. I’ll put a link to my previous T9x video down in the description and with the card up top but for the most part let’s get into my evaluation and before we begin my evaluation. They are on sale right now for I think 250 off so they’re down to 12. 49 each and if you want to check out what rail subwoofers are on sale.
I Have A Link With All Of
them that are on. sale right now and I think there’s more in the HT line like the HT1508s that I have upstairs in the living room. Those are also on sale along with the T9 x and that whole series all right so for my evaluation in here this room is 1200 cubic feet right. It’s 11 by 14 with eight foot tall ceilings. Now I have a lot of people always ask me questions.
I Have A Room Thats You Know 15
by 10. You know what kind of subwoofer should I get or how big subwoofer should I go and really you need that third number you need the height You need the volume. You need to know how much cubic feet, how much air that that subwoofer is going to have to move for you to get a good experience in that room and in this room I had one. Subwoofer here in the back of the room and I had the second T9x up at the front of the room here in this little space down at the bottom there and like in this room let’s see I had it connected up to anthem Mrx720. I had it connected up to a denon 6700 and I think I had it connected up to the Yamaha when the Yamaha was in here as well and in all of those situations like those two subwoofers for this size room cubic foot wise whatever was just nuts like it was shaking the crap out of this room.
My Wife Was Like Like I Watch A
couple of like movie clips in here and I go upstairs and she’s like damn what were you watching down there because it was just crazy like it was just shaking the out of this room and. She would notice it upstairs while she’s watching whatever you know Tv that she’s watching as well so um that’s definitely good and I did have a different experience. Though when I moved up to the living room. Now the living room is like if you imagine a rectangular prism with a triangular prism like on top of it right the right hand side of the room, eight foot tall ceiling left hand side of the room 16 foot tall ceiling, so it’s a big angled slope. You know it’s like a you know like a triangle, so it’s a rectangle and then a triangle on top of it.
Were Talking About 4 300 A Little Bit
more than 4 300 cubic feet that’s a lot of air and that doesn’t even include the kitchen. It opens up to or the stairwell that opens up to that’s just the like. Living room area right 4 300, 20, 43 20 something something like that right so a lot a lot so dual 15s no problem dual tens yeah I have I really have never reviewed a 10-inch level for they’ve always been 12 inch and above Because I already knew for the living room. You know we’re gonna need something bigger and for the most part that seems to be the case here as well not that the you know subwoofers are bad and even though they do have that 10 inch passive radiator on the bottom. There’s a little bit of trouble moving a good amount of air in the living room, and I already knew that like that room is just way too big for two 10-inch subwoofers, so if you’re thinking about these subwoofers, they’re on your radar for your room, whether it’s a two-channel music room.
300 Cubic Feet.
This room is way too big way too big for these subwoofers and like here in this room 1200 cubic feet. These two subwoofers are too much so we’ve got 4 300 cubic feet. You know too much for these subwoofers 1200 feet is too little of a size for these two subwoofers. I would say somewhere maybe between 2 000 and 2 500.
- subwoofer going good experience
- think great amplifier people probably
- class amplifier interesting rel
- subwoofer room second t9x room
- radiator 300 watt class amplifier
- subwoofers
- subwoofer
- amplifier
- speakers
- woofer
Maybe 2 300 Cubic Feet Probably Be
the sweet spot. So if you have a room that’s like 2 000 cubic feet and below. I think two of these guys would probably rock that without issue now I have them running upstairs connected up to the pioneer LX 505. I ran direct room control again and then you know went into listening to music and movies and I gotta say music like tight punchy articulate bass. You know I loved listening to the.
Classics, You Know Hotel California You
know a little bit of you know the weekend and of course, you know some Giorgio Moroder or some Daft punk. When I went over to movies and tried out you know my favorite things like you know the sine wave base drop in um you know Lord of the rings and all that kind of stuff. There was definitely something you know left to be desired in that large of a space. You know when I did it here the same scene like it was great so again like your space is going to be the determining factor on you know how much you know base you’re going to get from this or you’re going to perceive or whatever now I know a lot of people say well rel subwoofers are aren’t rated to go super low, but if you are a person. That likes DsP like they can still get pretty low like my HT1508s.
They Dont Go Down That Low, But You
know when Joe did some DsP in his magic bean settings. You know we got those two to like hit 15 Hertz with authority so yeah they can do it and if you like to add DsP, then you probably be you know pretty well off with these guys of course, you know room size dependent and I didn’t really have any space for these up in the living room, so I just kind of put them in front of everything you know I had a little ir extender so we can control all the components. One of the things I do like about. These subwoofers is that they are actually pretty small um that’s one of the coolest parts like they are very very compact so if that’s. Another thing that you’re looking for compact if you like that black gloss? I kind of don’t but you know whatever to each their own I know A lot of people were complaining about all of the rel logos on the feet on the you know subwoofer.
Those Thats Like Logoed Out Oh
my gosh and I think it’s just something that you know people just like to complain because well people like to complain. However, when you’re sitting you know wherever you’re sitting in the subwoofers wherever it is you don’t see it like in the studio Here I didn’t see any of the logos. I think you can kind of barely see the logo on the actual driver. While the grille is on but that’s really a non–issue in my mind and in my evaluation. I was using these with the new focal setup that I have going.
Ive Got 10 Focal Speakers, 5 Ear
level and then five height you know for Auro 3d Whatever in running these two subs connected up Lfe to the pioneer Lx505 I did not use the high level input. I was actually very surprised about the amount of bass coming out of these guys again not as much impact as I would have liked and that’s just due to the room size upstairs um but down here in a smaller room like man crazy bass crazy so um very impressed with these compact subwoofers. I don’t think they’re considered compact but man they look compact. I think my dog is like taller than the subwoofer and my I got small dogs. They’re tiny anyway um.
I Definitely Think If You Have
a room that’s around 2 000 cubic feet, and you’re looking at getting one or two of these preferably two. you’d be totally happy with the results whether you’re going 2-channel No Dsp or you’re going like you know 5. 1 5. 2 7. .
2 7.
2. 4. Whatever I think you’ll you’ll be happy with the home theater aspect of it in the right sized room anything bigger and you’re you’ll be like ah. I should have got something with a 12-inch or 15 inch but again you know my living room is ginormous so two 15s much better than two tents.
It All Depends On Your Space.
These subwoofers are definitely very well made a lot of quality parts like you can totally tell like there’s a lot of attention to detail The base is great and the added benefit of having that 10-inch passive radiator is that you know you don’t get any port chuffing sound so that’s nice no farting from the subwoofer. I love it again if. Guys want to check out what Rel has on sale click my amazon link down in the description and see what is up well that’s it quickie review and I am done and these guys are going back so yeah see you next time peace you.
Techno fam just a quick video for you guys today with my final thoughts on the rel T9x . I had two of these were sent in a little while back actually and they’ve been in this room for quite some time and then I just did some evaluation up in the big room upstairs . I want to thank all my patrons on Patreon for supporting the channel and helping me acquire some of these pieces that I just have to buy so thank you guys so much if you want to become a patron help out the channel check out the link down in the description all right some basic stats here, We’ve got a 10-inch woofer with a 10 .inch passive radiator on the bottom right so front firing.& Woofer and . a 300 . watt class A B amplifier.& Now Most subwoofers will be using a class D amplifier so it’s interesting that rel went this route and for some people.& Some people probably don’t like it.& They think that…. Click here to read more and watch the full video