Video Creator’s Channel Man Discovers Tunes

In This Video, I Test The T9I By
Rel against the T9x also by Rel. There will be a full review coming soon once I feel I have tested these two subs enough to give a final verdict. There are timestamps in this video, but if you want to buy either of these subs. I recommend watching the whole thing through also get yourself a pair of headphones because I took the time out of my day to record binaural just for you so if you want to hear the recording properly you need headphones speakers won’t do thank you now what I’m going to be doing. I’m going to be testing the T9I on the platform.
Im Going To Play Some Music With
my monitor audio Studios. I’m then going to take actually the next thing. I’ll do is you know actually the next thing I’ll do is I’ll. Swap to the T9x and I’ll put that on the platform and then after that I’m going to take the T9I and put it on the floor and then the T9X on the floor and we’re going to compare the two so all the four let’s say so here we go I’m going to play some music now we’re going to start with a song which is good for bass tests. It’s called flight of the cosmic hippo I guess it’s like the answer to the the base answer to the flight of the bumblebee.
I Imagine But Anyway Here We Are With
the T9i and we are at-17 db for reference so that frequency there that boom that whatever it is there totally the wrong note that note there that’s about 35 hertz or so so this is quite low for a normal track and it glissando’s down. If you hear that that it goes it starts at a frequency and then it goes down there so really we’re in like the 30 Hertz region now maybe even a tired under by the way I’m recording binaural Now so people you should be using headphones. If you actually want to hear you can’t play this back on speakers guys play this back on headphones. I’m recording binaural Now I’m going to go to another one by it’s actually a Youtuber called Charles So Youtube bass guitarist who’s actually very very good do do and now I’m going to play this 40 techniques in one base solo. Hey do do so that’s that and now I’m gonna play there’s a piece why so serious which is in the Batman movie.
You Can Find It On Like
spotify and things like that and Yeah It’s by Hans Simmer and Zimmer as the Germans say um Hans Zimmer as we say and yeah it’s basically it’s got a very very strong baseline at one point so I’m just trying to find that now it’s usually around three minutes. I think I’m gonna play that quickly no that’s not what we’re playing today okay so that’s all I really want to hear with that now We’re going to compare the T9x with these same songs Here we go the Rel T9x bloody hell. This was a mission. This is the T9x is set up now on the plinth so let’s play these pieces back again at the same level. So that’s that there I mean I’m slightly aware of a bit more bass just a bit it’s like very very slight, though it’s.
I Remember This Thing Is Like Double The
price almost what you can buy a T9i for now foreign so in this one foreign okay do we are back with the T9x. Now it’s on the floor. I’ve roughly marked out on the floor where the center of the driver is so we can match up the T9i later let’s do this again. So I’m a bit more aware that the base is sounding like it’s filling up the room. I can hear like the slightest vibrations around the room, and I guess that’s because the energy is freely transforming, transferring sorry or flowing into the floor.
So Thats The First Thing I
can recognize there’s like this kind of sense of like the base is. a bit kind of flabbier now in some regions like I could like there’s a particular note here like it’s hanging a little bit. So maybe with DsP at the moment I’m not I haven’t got the DsP on up with this receiver that I’m running this all through so we’re hearing the raw sound basically I have calibrated it by ear using my my knobs the back of the subwoofer so yeah let’s move on to the next one do okay that’s that I’m getting this sense of um I’m getting the sense that while the bass like with the isolator pad it sounded a bit clearer that with the isolator pad removed we’re getting more bass, but it’s kind of got like a phasey a phasiness to it like a more expansiveness to it like the room sounds a bit bigger than it is, and I’m guessing. That’s to do with how it’s coupled with the room so yes that’s one thing I’ve noticed and like I could tell when the drums were playing in that there it kind of sounded a bit more like a live concert at the expense of hearing the details of the drum one is like you’re at microphone level. Let’s say with the with the pad it’s more like you’re close to the drums and you’re hearing it localized whereas with the pad off I’m kind of getting the feeling that I’m now further back from the drums, but the drums kind of bass frequency is is free to go around the room that’s that’s that’s the thing I’m kind of feeling right now it’s almost kind of like the difference between a monopole speaker and then a dipole speaker as you can see up there.
I Prefer Dipoles For Surrounds.
in normal rooms without acoustic treatment because I just feel like they sound better and you don’t hear them directly and it’s kind of a bit like that that’s the difference you get a little bit less detail in like the typical sense, but it feels in some ways more natural. Like you’re there that’s the only way I can describe that so let’s switch back to the T9i now take into account what I just said guys I’m going to play back this recording of the T9x with the isolator five times. Then I’m going to switch to the T9x without the isolator. Let me know if you heard a difference in the comments.
Perhaps You Will See What I Mean
so so here we are back again with the this time Rail T9x and it’s sitting on the floor without anything in between it so let’s see how. This may compare yeah I’m hearing a fraction less base there On that note that’s around 30 hertz, Yeah I’m hearing a fraction less base there. On that note it’s around 30 hertz so, but this could be addressed by increasing the gain slightly on the rail T9I because we’re at look-17 db here which I’m guessing what is it gonna be it’s gonna be about 65 to 70 decibels. In this room we’ve got plenty of headroom so you could address that by turning that up you okay I’m not hearing too much of a difference in that track. I’m gonna test back and forth today after this video anyway because it’s quite difficult when you’re multitasking as I am now holding the camera.
- going compare t9x songs
- t9i just lack sub bass
- t9x rel review
- video test t9i rel
- play recording t9x
You Know Making Sure The Microphone Is All
good so you guys can hear it and then fiddling around with this but I’m not. Really hearing a difference um that’s notable. I did notice on that cosmic hippo track that that 30 Hertz range did sound a fraction louder on the T9x. I did hear that but I’m not hit I’m not hearing anything in terms of oh one’s got additional clarity or whatever the words are that people throw around too much so that’s that so yeah to me. I don’t know there’s not really much of a difference but I feel like this track.
I I Feel Like I Want To
give it to the T9i actually this one because I feel like it’s um it’s. It probably is has less problems with the room integration. Maybe because it does have that fraction less sub bass. I’m not sure but it just seems like it’s it’s a bit more articulate and I’m not focusing so much on the subwoofer there’s it seems. Like there’s a bit more like of a bit of a mid-bass kick um with the T9I but again that could be just there’s a lack of sub-bass, so it’s tricking my brain.
Im Not Really Hearing Too Much
of a difference to be honest with you so um. I think either of these subs if you’re into rails and that’s what you want. I think either of these subs will do now the question is do you want to go for an isolator pad or not that’s the question and I’m going to be talking more about this. In the review after I yeah I mean I’m going to test it some more and more. I need to make sure I’m making the right decision myself as I have another T9I over there and I’m thinking at the moment two for one is it’s just how can you.
That But There Are Other Subs On
the market too that I consider could consider around this price range. So in this test we’re gonna do a frequency sweep. We are at minus seven db minus seven and here’s the rail T9i frequency sweep against the rail T9x over there and in a future video. I will be doing a frequency sweep with the second rail T9I and see how that changes and see how that may improve or may not improve We have to see in the video so now we’re going to do this test. We have no isolation platform on the bottom and that’s because rail recommend that you don’t put an isolation pad on the bottom.
- t9x
- t9i
- audio
- subwoofer
- headphones
For Reasons I May Have Explained Already Before
here we go we’re going to run the test. Now we’re going to start at 20 hertz as you do in fact. Let’s start at 15. should I or should I not let’s do it. It’s 25 that’s 30.
Thats 35 Thats 40.
45-50. We have our room mode here. This is the spike 55-60-65 and now we’re going to go down. There we go we’re back in the normal range 70.
Lets Go Up To 80.
75. or eight is a bit of a. There you go right so that is that more or less the same position as the t9i. Let’s give it a go 15.
Hertz 20 Hertz Now 25 30.
40 45, 50, 55 60, 65 70 75-80. there we go that’s the end of the frequency sweep you.
In this video, I test the T9I by Rel against the . T9x also by Rel . I recommend watching the whole thing through also get yourself a pair of headphones because I took the time out of my day to record binaural just for you so if you want to hear the recording properly you need headphones speakers won’t do thank you now what I’m going to be doing.& There will be a full review coming soon once I . feel I have tested these two subs enough to give a final verdict. There are timestamps in this . video, but if you . want to buy either of these subs, you should . buy them . The T9i is at-17 db for reference so that frequency there that boom that boom is there totally the wrong note that note there that’s about 35 hertz or so that’s . about 35Hertz or . so so this is quite low for a normal track and it glissando’s down.&…. Click here to read more and watch the full video