Video Creator’s Channel mazda2284

Hey Youtube So Today Were Going To
check out the memphis Viv. This is a 14-inch subwoofer. It’s got an interesting surround on it and an even more interesting coil and Spider setup. It has a seven and a half-inch voice coil and a lot of people are like oh with this. It can’t hardly move because it doesn’t have any spider but remember that’s a seven and a half-inch diameter voice coil like where this starts to the outside edge like think of this as being like a surround.
How Far Is The Surround Gonna Move Thats
that big and this thing has deep deep ridges in it so it actually moves pretty dang good it’s got like this V folded surround on it and it actually moves very nice. I really like Really like how it moves it’s got a woven fiber type composite cone, it’s paper and composite. It said it’s got 320 ounce magnet on it. It’s a so the coil it’s a two-layer voice coil. I don’t know if you guys will be able to see that but what that does is.
- coil
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- surround
- magnet
It Makes The Coil Not Like Soak As
much heat because it can cool like a lot quicker than trying to soak through four or eight layers, so it moves heat really quickly and it’s got venting here In the back. It’s like direct voice coil venting or I don’t know what they call it exactly but basically it vents right underneath the coil. It’s got very nice wide Spider vents. All the connections are on one side on a terminal plate and yeah. This thing’s things monster and it actually moves really really good um.
Id Say Over Over An Inch
and a half it it definitely moves so I ran this for quite a while in my trailblazer and then like I wanted to use it. So I I had a good good idea and like how it actually performed and I seen this guy on Youtube do a video on this verse the JL-13w7 and this video is pretty interesting. He uses like this cheap handheld meter and the box. So it looked like he used the box for the memphis, but when it came to the JL. It had like this big slot ported box that was like completely different so right there alone you’re gonna have a lot different results just in the way the box and the subwoofer loads off of the trunk of the car and like I use term lab and I try to use like the same.
I Actually Built A Plate For This To
fit in like the same box that a 13W7 would fit in and this is actually louder by a lot. Another thing that I found interesting in this video is that okay so you use the Memphis amp and JL Amp for the jail well. The Memphis amp is a 2200 watt amp yeah, but the thing is is once you have impedance rise that amp is not doing anywhere near 2200 watts. It probably wasn’t even doing 1200 watts, whereas the JL AmP. Those things are awesome.
They Have Regulated Voltage So They Can
put out 1200 watts no matter what so like that kind of invalidates that because the power range like he doesn’t show the power and I wish he would have clamped it because it probably would have showed that that amp was only maybe doing 800 900. Maybe a thousand watts whereas the JL was for sure doing its 1200 watts RMs. I ran the sub on the Tarim Smart Iii and I absolutely loved it. A lot of people think like the tear amps is a dirty amplifier or whatever but when they’re set up properly they actually sound very very nice. I was clamping 30 3200 or 3150 somewhere right in there out of the smart Iii to this subwoofer and it absolutely took it and loved it and I’d still use it today No problem so for taking power like in that video that guy was like oh I didn’t want to push the subwoofer.
I Felt Like I Was Going To Blow
it well. He wasn’t putting any power to it so he was just clipping it without actually being able to push it, and when you actually feed this sub some power. It really comes alive. It sounds very linear like I would compare it to some neo-motor subwoofers like a TC sounds or a Boston SpG 555 or JBl GTi.
Its A Quality Base And Very Linear,
very clean and this thing actually does very well on the lows it’s Fs is like 29. Hertz. I believe and in a 32 Hertz box. It sounded absolutely great so my take on it is this subwoofer definitely beats the W7 hands down without a doubt.
So In My Setup I Was
metering about 145 on average sealed on the dash db drag legal style like 146 in the kick. I think it was like 146-4 is what it did in the kick. It’s not like super big numbers for a smart three, but it sounded very very very clean, so if you’re after a sub that can take a lot. of power and sound good and put out some decent numbers.
This Does It Does It Very
well so that’s my review on it. I actually really really enjoy this sub I’m I really want to get another one. If I find one at the right price you can bet you bet you for sure that I’m going to get me another one so definitely liked it thanks for watching be sure to like subscribe and all that good stuff stay tuned for more.
- magnet coil layer voice
- voice coil don know
- inch diameter voice coil like
- surround interesting coil spider setup
- interesting surround interesting coil spider
The memphis Viv is a 14-inch subwoofer . It’s got an interesting surround on it and an even more interesting coil and Spider setup . It has a seven and a half-inch voice coil and a seven-and-a-half-inch diameter voice coil like where this starts to the outside edge like think of this as being like a surround.& How far is the surround gonna move that’s that big and this thing has deep deep ridges in it so it actually moves pretty dang good it’s got a woven fiber type composite cone, it’s paper and composite.& I really like Really like really like how it moves it’s got a 320 ounce magnet on it.& It’s a so the coil it’s a two-layer voice coil. It makes the coil not like soak as much heat because it can cool like a lot quicker than trying to soak through four or eight layers, so it can cooling through 4 or 8 layers of heat ….. Click here to read more and watch the full video