Video Creator’s Channel Zero Fidelity

So Every Week I Receive A Lot Of
emails from you guys and one of the most common questions that I see are about subwoofers namely a lot of you would like to know what kind of sub is gonna pair best to your stereo system and while there’s a lot of great subs in the market. Usually my advice is if you can afford it by UK and if you can buy two of them so it’s only fitting that today. I reviewed the R UK 7i sub woofer because this gives me an opportunity to explain why I constantly give out this advice so with that said let’s roll the intro laying on the beach with sunlight in my eyes. My friends under the sky followin. I had something we’d go back over alright.
So Here It Isnt As Usual Before I
talk about the performance. I’m gonna. Briefly summarize what you get with the r UK 7i subwoofer and I think the best place to begin is to first go over what Rel is attempting to achieve with their products because once you understand their goals, it becomes easier to understand the rest of this review. So in a nutshell, Rel has been manufacturing subwoofers for many decades and their company that’s more about quality over quantity because they realized that just about anybody can make a subwoofer that has a lot of boom and with the advancement of today. ‘s driver tech amplifier tech UK and manufacturing it’s now possible to bring an affordable product to market that not only has a lot of boom, but at the same time can offer decent sound quality but to them decent isn’t good enough what they’re looking for is the absolute best sound quality that you can possibly get.
Out Of A Subwoofer And Its
not just about the low base to them. It’s also about what happens at the critical crossover point between your main speakers and the subwoofer that’s what they focus on that’s what they’re really good at and quite frankly that’s why audio files like me really like their products. When it comes to 2-channel stereo of listening applications and that leads me to the rel T7 I so This is a part of their entry-level series. It’s actually sandwiched right in the middle of the lineup and even though it’s an entry-level series I mean. This is still a premium product that carries a price of a thousand dollars and when you look at it.
It Becomes Clear As To Where
your money is going because even though it’s a compact subwoofer. The build quality of the fit and finish is done to an. Almost like the luxmo of subwoofers When you compare it directly to something like an S vs or say a su sub. Then it becomes immediately obvious that this is built to a slightly higher degree. The paint looks better instead of giving cheap plastic little feet.
- subwoofers
- subwoofer
- woofer
- speakers
- sub
You Get These Metal Pillars And
everything just feels just a little bit more solid and buttoned up and that’s gonna lead me of course to the design itself so what you’re looking at is going to be a sub that has an 8–inch active Wolfer on the front with a 10-inch down firing passive radiator on the bottom, so about the 8-inch woofer. This Wolfer took a long time to develop according to rel and what they’re going for is something that’s rigid yet very light and what they ended up with is a sub that has a true real rubber. to them should last many decades? We’re also going to have this aircraft grade aluminum plug here in the center or I should say the center cap and the white material around that’s actually going to be paper that hasn’t been treated. It’s a lot like triangle loudspeakers because they found that once you treat the Wolford you add mass to it that slows it down so ultimately they decided to leave it plain as you see right here so anyways guys that’s gonna be it for the front of the woofer Now let’s take a look at the back actually you know what real quick let me just lift this up so you can see in the passive radiator hopefully you can see it. It’s a pretty standard passive radiator.
They Wanted Decent Mass To That That Way
it can actually have just a little bit more rigidity for. that application but anyways guys now let’s take a look at the back alright. So here’s the back of the T 7i and one of the first things that you guys will likely notice is the navy blue color on the back of the plate amp Now while this isn’t a big deal because most of us aren’t really going to notice it. When the sub is in use. I nonetheless feel like it’s a refreshing change from the sea of black plate amps that we normally get from most subwoofer manufacturers again not a big deal but it’s just a nice touch.
Anyways Lets Talk About The Kind Of
power that you get with the sub as well as the features so about the power. This sub uses a traditional class a/b amplifier that will output 20 watts to the front 8-inch driver now when it comes to. Features up Top We are gonna have a port for rels wireless system look we’re not going to go over that into any kind of detail because it’s not relevant to this review. Next to that we are going to have a face which don’t adjust between 0 and 180 agrees On the bottom. We are gonna have an UK Inlet for our power cord our on an off switch up Top we’re gonna have an L-Fe input so for those of you who use a UK.
You Can Connect The Sub That
way and if you want to use the sub to adjust the volume via UK you can do it right here. We have our crossover knob so this is going to adjust between 30 Hertz and 180 Hertz. We We are down here gonna have our low level input so This is for those of you who have preamps are integrated amplifiers with dedicated PRius and you want to use this connectivity option. We also have our wine control for both the high and low-level inputs and this is going to leave me lead me excuse me to our high-level input connection. So this is going to be in my opinion.
What Makes Rel So Different From Everybody
else, So let me explain what I mean first this sub comes with this huge cable that I swear could wrap around the world at least a couple times. This connection right here goes to the back of the sub and these speaker cables right here are literally just that there speaker cables they connect to the back of the amplifier the same map that you use to plug. your speaker’s into and the whole point behind it well. There’s going to be a few things going on Number one. Rel feels like This is the purest signal possible to get to the subwoofer and the best news is you don’t need to dedicate a preowned as long as your amplifier can use bare wire you can connect the sub to that amp, but it’s all about drinking from this same tap because the signal that’s going to leave your pre out of whatever device it is you’re using is gonna be slightly different from the signal that’s leaving your amplifier so you’re getting not only a more pure signal, but on top of that there’s gonna be the circuitry inside and this is something that Rel doesn’t really advertise all too well.
Which Is The Fact That Every Single Subwoofer
has a filter built-in. This is the knock. Unwanted high-frequency information the problem is these filters are delayed. They added delay to the signal. Most of the time it’s about 30 to 40 milliseconds with subs that use UK.
Its About A Hundred Milliseconds, But With Rel
it’s down to eight milliseconds and the whole goal is to make sure that the signal can pass to the subwoofer through the circuitry and ultimately to drivers or in this case, driver with as little alteration as possible. It’s all about correct phase speed and making sure that the Wolfer is in tune with the speakers and that’s really going to be. It is what you’re getting with. The T79 is a compact well-built subwoofer that’s supposed to last a long time look good in the room and pair up well to your speakers and that leads me finally to how it sounds okay so when it comes to performance. Section is going to be short and sweet because let’s face it.
This Is A Subwoofer.
It only has one job to do which is to play low frequency information well and as it relates to rels goals. The t-seven eye is a knockout because not only is it chock full of great sound quality. I mean if you’re somebody who’s fanatical about your basin. You want a subwoofer that can effortlessly keep up with the most complex bass passages.
This Guy Can Do It With
ease, but not only that it’s just easy to work with you. Don’t have to walk around your room trying to find the exact perfect place for the sub and you don’t have to spend hours or days or weeks trying to find that exact certain crossover point that’s gonna be perfect for your speakers. It took me next to no time to integrate. up with pretty much every speaker that I tried with it and that’s going to be the beauty of the rail and why I always recommend it to people is because it does such a great job of keeping up with your main loudspeakers and it sounds like it’s the extension of your speaker.
S Not Like It Has A Separate Tone Or
that there’s always going to be just a little disconnect and sound between your speakers and the sub itself, allowing it to disappear and to just do its job which is to supplement what you already own in fact that leads me to my experience with this subwoofer Because when it comes to sound look it’s easy its quick. It has a really good tone, its explosively dynamic for something at this size no it’s not gonna provide this kind of Rumble that’s gonna turn your insides into. liquid or to rattle your doorknobs It’s gonna be more about quality, but when it comes to the overall experience. Let me say it like this.
A Good Subwoofer Isnt Just About
filling out the lower octaves. It can also impact the rest of the listening experience when done right. For example, the usher UK 500s that I just reviewed are great little speakers Their spacious to have lots of depth. They have really good top-end good tone within the mid-range, but they’re compact and they have a lot of the weaknesses of a typical compact speaker just once some over in my room.
- subwoofers compare directly like vs
- common questions subwoofers
- uk 7i sub woofer gives
- review nutshell rel manufacturing subwoofers
- uk 7i sub woofer
This Little Guy Not Only Filled Out
the lower base or I should say upper base in the rest of the base, but it actually changed the very nature of that system. Now instead of sounding like some posh and slightly bright sounding system instead the top end. Even though it hasn’t changed fundamentally sounds just a little bit smoother with the rest of the frequencies now in place that mid-range now sounds way fuller just because that sub is in place and now a lot of the weaknesses that that little system had are no longer relevant it’s now full it’s now.
Rel has been manufacturing subwoofers for many decades and their company that’s more about quality over quantity . Rel’s driver tech amplifier tech UK and manufacturing it’s now possible to bring an affordable product to market that not only has a lot of boom, but at the same time can offer decent sound quality but to them decent isn’t good enough . When it comes to 2-channel stereo of listening applications and that leads me to the rel T7 I so I so had something we’d go back over alright. It’s not just about the low base to them.& It’s also about what happens at the critical crossover point between your main speakers and the subwoofer that’s what they’re really good at. That’s why audio files like me really like their products. The Rel T7 can be used to listen to your audio files. They’re not just a subwowoofer. They focus on what they focus on that’s the best sound quality that you can possibly get…. Click here to read more and watch the full video