Video Creator’s Channel Zero Fidelity

This Is The Uk Sb3000 A Sub-Will
for that quite frankly has received a lot of praise so what I’m gonna do in this video is. I’m gonna share some information with you guys about this. Then I’m gonna talk to you of course about how it performs. But first I need to lay down a couple important. This claim or starting with number one.
If Youre A Home Theater Enthusiast Then
honestly you’re not going to find this video very useful because I’m only going to talk about this sub as it relates to 2-channel stereo performance. If you’re looking for that kind of information. Then I would encourage you to check out youth man and that home theater guy or Majestics because they’ve already done a good job of covering this product from that angle and then number two. I know a lot of people in sub. are looking for frequency response graphs and comparisons and quite frankly.
Im Not Going To Be Able To Do
that for you. All I’m gonna be able to do is to talk about how I think this sub performs into two-channel stereo applications. So with those disclaimers out of the way let’s get to the review okay guys so here it is and look there’s a lot of information to go over so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna break everything down into sections. First I’m gonna go over a little bit of history with you guys about UK then I’m gonna share some information about the design goals and the features of the SB3000. Then I’m gonna talk about how it performs so yeah let’s get right to it alright so one of the initial questions that I had from my contact at UK is what does UK.
Stand For And I Was Told That Theyre
the initials of the original founders only he couldn’t remember what their names were in fact I supposed to be getting that information soon so in case you’re curious about it just click on description box below and I have it down there. Meanwhile, I’m gonna call out my contact Nick dude, what did they even pay you for anyway it’s moving on the story behindNK] is actually pretty simple. They were founded in the early 2000s by two guys in a garage in Youngstown, Ohio, who said hey we want to build subwoofers that’s gonna compete with the big boys and it’s the classic success story because now here they are and that’s gonna be my smooth transition to the UK 3000 alright so getting right to it. TheNK] 3000 is a compact sealed subwoofer that’s designed to satisfy. to satisfy home theater enthusiasts who are limited on space and/or music lovers who want something that offers deep strong, yet precise bass and in order to do this.
They Had A Number Of Challenges First
and foremost. They knew they wanted something that was compact. They also knew that they wanted something that was and their words indestructible. It had to be strong enough to satisfy home theater lovers while at the same time being precise enough to satisfy discerning two-channel enthusiasts and this is more or less what they ended up with and it all starts with picking a cabinet and what they ended up with is. A cabinet that’s almost 18 inches in depth, a little over 15 inches in height and a little over 15 inches and width and of course they had to turn their attention towards the woofer now instead of using something like.
Classic 12-Inch Wolford, They Decided No
we need a little bit more radiating surface area than that so it could hit harder and dig a little bit lower, so they had this 13-inch driver custom-made purposely to fit this cabinet and I asked about what its xmax was and they responded saying it was a nice 45 millimeters which is pretty respectable. This cone can move so what I’m going to do is I’m going to turn the sub around so you can look at what’s on the back. We’ll go over some features and then I’m going to throw some boring specs your way okay so here we are and there’s a lot to go over here. So let me just dive straight into it and I think the best place to begin is with the amplifier because with a sealed sub like this you need a lot. And indeed, this amplifier delivers quite a bit of it.
Its An 800 Watt Amplifier Thats Capable
of delivering 2500 Watts peak. Now this is going to be a Class V design, but that’s why I said now we want a little bit more that Class A B sound so they put UK in there and that does a pretty good job of maintaining the kind of character that a lot of people like out of Class A B amplifiers now let’s go over the features First. We have a little input here for a wireless card in case you want to go that route we have our classic UK inputs. Outputs are UK and you’re going to notice Bluetooth. This is actually Bluetooth capable and one of the selling points behind this subwoofer is that when you buy it, you can download an app that will connect directly from.
Your Phone To The Subwoofer And This
will allow you to make precise adjustments with the low-pass filter with the phase and I would love to show you it except let me show you this I can’t because ain’t no app download into this so instead I’m going to encourage you to check out UK hi-fi guy. He did a review of this subwoofer and he showed off the app. It seems to be pretty intuitive anyways moving on this is gonna be our low-pass filter. This is gonna be our phase. It’ll go from 0 to 180 and there’s really precise steps here so you can really dial this in and in case you’re wondering how to actually set up your subwoofer in your system in the description box below are gonna be some tips from UK that’ll hopefully help out as you can imagine there’s gonna be built-in.
- coming experience uk subwoofers
- channel stereo applications disclaimers
- context coming experience uk subwoofers
- stereo performance looking kind
- stereo performance looking kind information
Give You The Best Response Then Here
we’re gonna have our UK plug and that’s pretty much it so let me wrap this up with some boring specs no guys. I just realized that I already covered most of the major specifications. There’s only a few things that I’m missing so let’s get to that now starting with number one. The weight this subwoofer weighs just a little bit over 50 pounds and honestly, while that’s solid it’s not exactly back-breaking number two. This is a true subwoofer.
Itll Dig All The Way Down To 18
Hertz and possibly even lower in some rooms and just imagine that a subwoofer that can actually hit subsonic frequencies and then number three this retails for $1,000, meaning it’s not exactly cheap and if you want this luxurious gloss black finish well, then you need to add another hundred dollars to the price. It’s also gonna be a great choice for people who like dust and fingerprints no kidding. This is actually a really good look anyways now that we got all this information out of the way. We can finally talk about how it sounds okay so this is gonna be one of the most criminally short evaluations that I’ll probably ever post at zero fidelity just because it’s a subwoofer. There’s really only so much to say I mean most of what I’m listening for is taking place at or below 100 Hertz and it becomes a matter of well.
Does The Sub Pair Well With Speakers Or
not does it hit hard or not does it have good tone or not, etc etc. So I think the best way to begin this is to share my previous experience with UK subwoofers with you guys just to give you all some. context as to where I’m coming from so my experience with UK subwoofers actually began not long after the company got its start because at the time they only had three products in their portfolio, three cylindrical tubes and at the time they were getting rave just positively rave reviews and when I started to experience them in different systems. Whether it’s home theater rigs or stereo systems. I remember thinking wow these Oh my God they Rumble and man did they hit low but I can’t say I liked them with music.
I Felt Like There Were Voice For
home theater. I felt like they had a lot of boom to them, but not a whole lot of refinement or tone, and as the years went on they started introducing box solutions. I heard those and I felt more or less the same way I was like these are. Really good subs and I recommended them all the time to my buddies who are into multi-channel listening, but for critical listeners I would always recommend subs from the companies like Arielle or well. However, you want to pronounce it right and that leads me to the UK 3000.
When This Came My Way I Didnt Really
know what to expect. I mean I knew would be good it would just be a matter of would it be something that I would like to use so when I hooked it up to the system. I actually had the monoprice speakers up, which would probably be the biggest challenge because they roll off sharply at 80 Hertz and for a subwoofer. I mean that’s kind hi the reach and to be honest. I was stunned absolutely stunned by how naturally this speaker paired up to the monoprice speakers or this Jesus.
Losing My Mind Here I Know Is
he get when I’m laying down. It was a really good match and it was pretty much my first shot like most people I had to gain set just a little bit too high on the sub. But nonetheless, I mean it was a beautiful match just absolutely stunning and as I went through different speakers like the mistral Audio bow a two towers that I have the baqar s for hundreds and s-300s, the clips are P600, M’s, etc. Etc.
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- stereo
- amplifiers
- audio
Is The Same Story Every Single Time It
was a good match and more importantly not only was a good match in terms of integration, but it was great in terms of tone and I you guys know me I am big on tone so when it come to tracing like bass notes on whatever jazz recording right it did a great. There was proper weight. There was proper speed. Yeah I do feel like the sub benefits from being under or I should say on top of a solid platform in my room, having it just directly on the ground.
It Just Resonates Just A Little Bit Too
much with the flooring but on a good foundation. It’s like Yeah I I didn’t find that there was ever an issue with dynamic passages from classical music. I felt like it kept up just fine. I don’t listen that loud volume so I can’t tell you guys what that’s like but I feel like one of the most challenging John Rizzo music for a sub is actually metal because you have a kick drummer just going crazy and quite frankly.
If The Sub Isnt Quick, Its Just
gonna sound like a muddy mess and as we s just handled it and it. handled it very well now I don’t know how it sounds for theater, but I think for music it’s good it’s it’s very good. I can see why so many people like this sub and I don’t know.
This is the UK SB3000 a sub-will for that quite frankly has received a lot of praise so what I’m gonna do is to talk about this sub as it relates to 2-channel stereo performance . I would encourage you to check out youth man and that home theater guy or Majestics because they’ve already done a good job of covering this product from that angle . If you’re a home theater enthusiast then honestly you’re not going to find this video very useful because I’m only going to talk . I’m not gonna be able to do that for you. I’m just talking about how I think this sub performs into two . channel stereo applications . UK.& stand for and I was told that they’re the initials of the original founders only he couldn’t remember what their names were in fact I supposed to be getting that information soon so in case you’re curious about it just click on description box below and I have it down there and I’ll be getting it down ….. Click here to read more and watch the full video