Video Creator’s Channel Five Star Car Stereo

Hey Guys In Todays From The Install Bay Were
going to talk to you about putting a little bass in your car So stay tuned so we realize everyone doesn’t want to throw big 212 s or 115 or two tens or quite frankly even a 112 Porter for that matter in the back of the car plus they also don’t want amplifiers and all that as soon as you start talking they all get crazy in there I don’t want to do all that well. If you’re that guy Rockford’s got something for you they make this guy here, which is the P 310 and the P-300–12. Now what’s unique about these is it’s an all-in-one sealed enclosure with an amplifier built into it. What you get in the box is some velcro you get a base knob you get the input plug This is high. low level inputs, so if you’re keeping your factory stereo, you can use one of these.
- amplifiers
- amplifier
- bass
- speakers
- plugs
If You Have An Aftermarket Stereo You
can use one of these comes with a power plug input as well as the extension cable for the bass now Now the nice thing about these is that everything plugs into the side so that if you want to take it out it’s very easy or if you buy the 10 and you feel like you wish you had the 12 it’s the same plugs so let’s take a look at the plugs. You have your main power input plugs in right here. You have your audio input goes right here. You have your external supplement line control goes right here. This first switch right here is remote turn on if you’re hooking it up to an aftermarket radio.
You Can Hook It Up To
remote if you’re doing it a factory radio I’m going to do a high level input. You can either select UK offset or audio sense and that will generate the its own remote turn on so you don’t have to run one. You have your level input either low level, which would be aftermarket or high level, which would be factory. You also have a phase 0 180 degrees out of phase over here you have a bass boost which is 0 to 12 UK low-pass crossover, which is 50 to 200 Hertz and then your input sensitivity control also known as a gain is right here all right, so this particular customer wants to do the 12. They want to do the bigger one so we’re going to go ahead and get this wired up and show you what we do in order.
Wire Up May Look Pretty And Easily Removable
as far as the input goes They’re going with an aftermarket radio, so we’re going to do a low-level hookup. Basically were just going to plug our UK into here. If we were going to do to a high level. We just simply cut these and then we can hook them up to our speakers from there for high level installation.
So Lets Get To Work Making This
thing look pretty for this install we’re going to use the sound quest a hundred percent a gauge copper-kidd all right so we have our wiring harness all made up easily unplugged, so we need to take this into the car and get it installed. You now it’s time for a little test ball alright guys that brings us one to an end test bump was successful had plenty of base for the customer. Going to call this one a day. We’re going to go ahead and load her stuff back in the car and get her out of here.
- bass boost 12 uk low
- 12 unique sealed enclosure amplifier
- hook speakers high level installation
- aftermarket stereo use
- plus don want amplifiers
If You Guys Have Any Questions About This
video please feel free to leave them down below you guys like these videos please subscribe if you want to know more about us. You can find us on Facebook UK and Instagram otherwise. You guys have a great night and we’ll see you later next time Bye for this install we’re going to use the sound gate grab if you have any questions leave them down below blumin.
Rockford’s P 310 and the P-300–12 are all-in-one sealed enclosures with an amplifier built into it . Everything plugs into the side so that if you want to take it out it’s very easy or if you buy the 10 and you feel like you wish you had the 12 it’s the same plugs so let’s take a look at the plugs . You have your main power input plugs in right here.& You also have a phase 0 180 degrees out of phase over here you have a bass boost which is 0 to 12 UK low-pass crossover, which is 50 to 200 Hertz and then your input sensitivity control also known as a gain is gain is . Stay tuned for the latest edition of this week’s iReporter’s weekly Newsquiz at 10 and 11:30 p.m. ET on Facebook and Twitter updates from iReport. Back to the page you came . Back to Mail Online home ….. Click here to read more and watch the full video