Video Creator’s Channel Auto Dad

Whats Going On Guys Allen Here Welcome
back to the channel and today’s video is another installment on the budget stereo system on the BMW . When I say budget I’m trying a lot of new things. like I said before this is um almost ebay all ebay stuff almost got some amazon stuff but today um There’s not a whole lot of bass with the five and a quarters in this car. So it’s missing a little bit of a sub so I got onto Rockville. com who has very budget priced stereo equipment including subs amplifiers um So what I did was I picked up a powered sub for the trunk on the Z3 and we’re gonna see if it’s any good cheap telling you.
This Thing Is Cheap.
This thing was 100 and I used a coupon code too so I’m getting it for like 115 bucks. shipped so let’s get this thing unboxed, See if it’s really worth it or if it’s just junk check it out all right. How are we going to open this bad boy right here open. I don’t know if I said it already or not.
This Is A 12-Inch Powered Sub
okay. I need two hands now trunk. I already got everything pre-wired um all done another way you guys. Don’t need to see that you already saw that with that one kind of I guess but anyway if you guys need to know anything let me know but I have the constant the RCa’s the ground and the remote already done so let’s get this bad boy laying in the trunk well take a look at it first looks huge yeah it’s 12 d. So this is a behind the seat box I don’t remember 1400 watts.
1200 Watts Dont Remember But Theres
your powered sub connections on the side here so let’s see how it’s going to lay in here HMm I’ll be easiest like that because all the cords are on that side. Let’s just see if it fits on the other side just for giggles it does kind of fit snug. I don’t know which way I like better it fits snug, but it doesn’t feel like there’s a big gap here. I don’t like that I’m going to turn it yeah just like that gives me a little more room and then my wires are already right here. So I’m going to get to hooking those guys up so in here this is your remote boost knob and then your wire so for right now testing purposes.
Were Just Gonna Leave It In
the in the trunk and all at a later date. run it up front if this if this sub works out okay, so the knob has your min and then your max on it. I’m going to turn it all the way down. Right now plug your one end into the knob and then the other end into the sub okay. So now you can see we have the sorry for the lighting um.
We Have The Ground Wire The
remote wire. The constant 12 volt then the Rca‘s left and right and then your um your base boost knob plugged in there last but not least I’m going to put my fuse in there now because I didn’t put a fuse in there just because you want to do all this first and then hook up your disconnect your battery do all this and then reconnect your battery well. I already had the fuse out of there so we’re. Good so now I’m gonna push it in place and I will put in the fuse. I’ll tell you what it’s a hot one today guys but it’s kind of funny because I know I put my fuse up and because I was like well.
Im Gonna Put It Here So I
know where it’s at when I need it and do you think I could figure out where I put it You guessed it. I can’t oh there it is there it is I found did put it in second time’s a charm all right let’s get this bad boy put in my ball please okay see if this thing powers on now key is on now I do not have the subwoofer activated there. It is she’s on okay. I don’t have it activated yet with the um radio so I’m gonna go do that I just want. To tuck these tuck these a little nicer there’s too much too much wire just hanging out here I don’t like the wire edge, Oh look at that knob Knobby lighten up green go blue Okay Let’s turn on the car subwoofer level All the way up okay next step find some music that I won’t get demonetized for okay.
Guys Definitely Need That Bass Boost Controller Up
here definitely do so but it sounds good okay here she is. Then I can turn it up too you know okay that’s all for now. I’m gonna run that into the car because I need that definitely all right guys so it has been a while um and in here we have the Rockville 12-inch powered sub so I have moved it out doesn’t really matter. I think long term I’m going to clean out the bottom where the tools are. The battery I’m going to put the battery here and then I’m going to put the sub-down in The cut out of the trunk just to give it more air space because in this Z3 there’s hardly a trunk hardly any air space for this , which muffles it it does um but that’s just Z3 life but let’s turn this bad boy on oh hang on I gotta find some music first so I won’t get copyrighted so let me find it key on come on radio takes a minute to connect to and then we are going to turn it on Bluetooth audio Yeah I know it’s not connected right now now it is all right so and here is where I mounted the powered sub so hopefully you guys can hear this pretty good and this is kind of an overview of the whole stereo.
- stereo equipment including subs
- rockville 12 inch powered sub
- budget stereo bmw say budget
- okay let turn car subwoofer
- trunk z3 gonna good cheap
System Ill Give It To So
then it muscles pretty good and hopefully. You can hear everything pretty good tweeters. It’s about to get loud. Oh come on.
- subwoofer
- bass
- stereo
- trunk
- z3
Oh Stinking Wi-Fi.
I hate it come on okay enough of that hopefully that turns out. I don’t know I got a pretty good mic my wife just yelled at me. Oh all right there it is guys all right so on a budget great product longevity.
I Have No Idea.
We’ll find out um but for 120 bucks or whatever I want to pay for this after my coupon totally worth it for a small footprint totally worth it so hopefully. This video helped you guys out Don’t forget to like share and subscribe We’ll see in the next one later Foreign.
Allen is testing a new sub for the budget stereo system on the BMW Z3 . Allen says he’s trying a lot of new things and is almost ebay all ebay stuff almost got some amazon stuff but today he’s testing out the sub . Allen: “There’s not a whole lot of bass with the five and a quarters in this car.& So it’s missing a little bit of a sub so I got onto who has very budget priced stereo equipment including subs amplifiers . Allen has the constant the RCa’s the ground and the remote already done so let’s get this bad boy laying in the trunk . He says the sub is a 12-inch powered sub that fits snugly, but it doesn’t feel like there’s a big gap here.& I don’t like that I’m going to turn it yeah just like that gives me a little more room and then my wires are already right here. It does kind of fit snugly….. Click here to read more and watch the full video