Video Creator’s Channel Matthew Finlay

Do You Remember From The 90S The Billy
fig mouth bass where it slapped its ass tail to the beat well We’re going to be doing the same thing here today I guess I’m gonna have to be the bass in this instance All right today I’m going to be installing a Rockville Ss8 under seat subwoofer and amp combination. Now I chose this unit for two very specific reasons number a well. It’s got a good price point that’s that’s it. This is actually the Third Ss8 P. The P stands for P Howard sure it does whatever you say Rockville even and I’ve ever purchased the reason is I just like them.
They Work Really Good In Like Classic Cars,
but you just need a little bit more when the center dash speaker just for the 60 hertz and below this right here is the outside of the box wow that’s reasonable but past experience has told me that the cool things are usually on the inside of the box. So there it is it’s made out of cast aluminum. So it’s a it’s a thick chunky boy where you’d expect this to be plastic and well feel like China. It doesn’t now don’t get me wrong. This aluminum is probably whatever is laying around at the the mill that day, but it feels nice.
Its Got A Good Weight To It
and just I I’m actually shocked at the price point and at only three inches nice thick well it can go in places you wouldn’t expect we’re gonna test it. out with a couple different genres of music later, but it gives a nice extension to what regular speakers are lacking Instead of using individual power connection lugs. It actually uses a nice quick connector. It also comes with a remote base knob well I’m more of a set it and forget it type gal. It’s a nice feature to have if you want to adjust it on the Fly we’re also going to be taking a look at their installation kit now.
This Isnt Included With The Unit, But It
actually is worth mentioning because it’s reasonably priced, but I put this on a competition rig and use it to start a vehicle no not quite there yet quality wise but some decent power cable fuse holder 12 gauge speaker lead UK connectors that don’t look horrifying some amp turn on wire and the thinnest crappiest split Loom I. have ever seen in my life, but it gets some credit because well the wires don’t all fit in the loom So I’m not really not really sure what the Looms for, but I do like that the whole thing came in a cardboard box. I am so used to the blister pack plastics for all these things and then you just have a whole bunch of plastic waste recycled cardboard Rockville nice touch a man after my own thing that you’re into on my body, whatever whatever that is now the installation in your garbage charger is going to be different than the installation of my garbage charger Our amp is just going to go on the package tray on the back of this 63 Buick rear and it’s got a trunk mounted battery Oh yeah deep. Insider then we’re just going to run the power on ground to. Now we’re going to run the amp turn on wire up to the head unit up front my head unit has an amp Turner wire if not run it to a power antenna wire.
Some Ad Units Have That If You Cant
find good action there just send it to some ignition, but ignition sense is usually the last option I’d go with because when you have a head unit. When you turn your ignition on it takes it a few seconds for all that Razzle Dazzle to figure itself out emotionally, but your ignition turned the amp on immediately so when your head unit sends out its signal and it pops on for the first time. It usually sends a thump to your subwoofer think of as just a silly order of operations thing where you want your head unit to always come on first before your 7 amplifier. gets powered up now The first thing on our options list is Phase control basically if it’s louder when you have it on or off or in phase out of phase, just leave it on that basically just swapping which way your power and ground are connected from your speaker leads or UK for all intensive purposes. Don’t read into that too much now your next setting is going to be Auto on if you using the high level inputs UK hooking to the speakers and running leads down like that you could use it to turn it on automatically and not hook up a remote wire, but if you’re using an UK input from aftermarket head unit Sorry kids just to run that remote wire next up it’s going to be your low pass filter I have mine set exactly to 121.
- subwoofer
- bass
- amp
- speakers
- aluminum
7 Hertz Ish Actually Thats Kind Of
right. Where my speakers and my rear deck taper off according to their sounds sheet but the just and Jelly sandwich is this as your speakers from inside the cabin start not being able to reproduce sound you want this to start being able to produce sound so play with this until you get the right amount of you know highs and lows going through this thing but believe me it does not sound good when you send vocals to a subwoofer next up on our agendas. The controversial subject of bass boost we’re going to leave ours pretty much set to zero if we’re gonna have the knob up front, which will basically do the exact same thing but from a potentiometer mounted nearby, which brings me to input gain now Don’t go honking all this thing all the way up that’s that’s not well that works but that’s not. the way to do it? My personal way of setting input gain is to sit in the car listen to it with it on low if it’s not enough. I’ll go and pop it up a couple dings and see how it feels Don’t go too crazy or you’re just going to enter Muddy water and that’s unfortunately where a lot of people review this thing and they just call it muddy swamp bog well.
I Have A Feeling Theyre Trying
to get too much bass out of something that’s only got 100 Watts UK and cranked input gain and bass boost knob and standard subwoofer install that kind of tuning setup would sound like trash unbelievable. I believe it actually so get in there little guy let’s go do some listening UK all the things I missed it UK UK UK foreign basically when I heard the song the first time in here didn’t all I could hear was the little wind chimes in the background really didn’t hear the bass line at all and wow now it is just murder in that Baseline Everybody Loves Raymond keyboard sound effect is just amazing but we got let’s stop this so what have we learned today You answered basically nothing well do that thing. Oh God that was a big one anyways that you know I like and then I’ll exchange that for some sort of crypto Doge coin. Then you’ll get new videos delivered fresh into your crypto coin Wallet based credit card every day of the well more like every couple of weeks but get. ready because the last reason Hey I installed this subwoofer setup as well.
We Wanted To Do Some Testing
for trunk sound deadening. We’ve got a video series that highlights all the fun different areas. I’m selling sound enter and then we test it with a decimal meter afterwards to see if we did any better-ish good but sound deadener actually helps keep the base inside the car what better way to test it than a base machine so buckle up well don’t buckle because we don’t have one of those but get ready for that video Oh My God something’s idling and there’s a baby crying and I just identify with the baby right now but the gist and jelly standard sure basically just hatched out a UK Blaster can for my and get it get out of it get it but get it back in it just do. You think needs getting it?
- bass instance right
- guess gonna bass instance right
- subwoofer agendas controversial subject
- ss8 seat subwoofer amp combination
- installing rockville ss8 seat subwoofer
Rockville Ss8 under seat subwoofer and amp combination . It gives a nice extension to what regular speakers are lacking . Instead of using individual power connection lugs, it actually uses a nice quick connector . It also comes with a remote base knob well I’m more of a set it and forget it type gal. It’s a nice feature to have if you want to adjust it on the Fly we’re also going to be taking a look at their installation kit now. It isn’t included with the unit, but it actually is worth mentioning because it’s reasonably priced, but I put this on a competition rig and use it to start a vehicle no not quite there yet quality wise but some dece quality wise . We’re gonna test out with a couple different genres of music later, but we’re gonna Test it. It doesn’t quite be there yet. We’re going to test it. I’m actually shocked at the price point and at only three inches nice thick well it can go…. Click here to read more and watch the full video