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Today We are going to review the rhythmic L12 direct Servo subwoofer. I got a call from a buddy recently and he had bought a pair of these and he was willing to let me borrow one so I could make this video special thank you for that I’ll be honest. When he told me he had a pair of rhythmic subwoofers. I was really hoping he was going to say he had the f-12 because I’ve had my eye on that one for a while and I’ve never heard it. But he didn’t.
He Had The L12 Which Is Kind
of like the cheaper brother. If you will so I called rhythmic right away because I wanted to know a little bit about this subwoofer kind of from the horse’s mouth like where did this come from why do they make it. right and what they told me was a little bit impressive because they said the F12, which is about a thousand bucks is kind of like their standard baseline subwoofer and they didn’t actually have any plans to make a more affordable version. The reason they made this subwoofer is because a lot of their customers continuously asked for a more affordable subwoofer that had the same deep bass low frequency extension as their more expensive subwoofers and as you would imagine that’s probably fairly challenging to make a subwoofer that digs just as deep plays just as low for a cheaper price, But here we go they were able to do it. So I’ll tell you about its specs, some pros and cons a little market context.
Ill Compare It To A Few Other Subwoofers.
I’ll tell you how it sounds then we’re going to wrap this up okay. So what we’ve got is a 12-inch paper cone A 300 watt RMs class D high pack servo-controlled amplifier. The frequency adjustment is a little bit interesting because they give a few different measurements on the back of this amp. There are three bass roll-off settings, music low home theater option and I believe a high option as well I don’t know if it’s music high or home theater high anyway.
I Used The Music Low Option With
line in and they say that has a minus 3 db point of 18 hertz to 100 hertz. Note minus 3 db is just a little bit of a tighter tolerance than the plus or minus 3 db measurement. The plus or minus 3 db measurement for this goes down to 14 hertz, which is rather impressive. We have two slope options 12 and 24. .
The Frequency Adjustment Knob Lets You.
30 Hertz and 120 Hertz. Its height width and depth are 14 inches by 14 inches by 15 and a half keep in mind that 15 and a half depth that includes the grille and control knobs on the back moving on what do we have here so it’s weight guys. This is a hefty 58 pounds and the reason that’s so impressive is because that is 20 pounds heavier than the Svs SB 2000 pro and 20 pounds heavier than the rel HT 1205 so for my friends that are interested in like build quality and things like that. This has very very good build quality.
It Is Honestly Built Like A
tank, so it comes in black oak matte black gloss white and cost 559. i’m gonna say that’s a hell of a deal. You could buy a pair of them with a five percent discount. I think. It comes out to around a thousand sixty bucks Anyways market context was a little bit challenging because at five hundred sixty dollars it’s a bit of an odd price with its features and specs.
I Couldnt Really Find A Lot
when I look for market context. I try to find stuff that’s fairly similar same design. Similar output stuff like that I couldn’t find much really just the Svs SB1000 that is a 12-inch driver. It’s a sealed cabinet 300 watts RMs. The only main difference is that doesn’t look to go as low in its frequency.
Its Plus Or Minus 3 Db
point was 24 hertz. Other subs around you know if we expand between 4 and 600, then we have a few more options of course but the designs are pretty different like the Polk HTs 12. For example, it’s like 450 bucks, but it’s a. Sub we have the RsL speed woofer at 400 bucks that’s supposed to be pretty good but that’s another ported sub so you know if you know any market contacts leave it in the notes, I didn’t really find a lot moving on Pros and cons so pros excellent sound quality paired with good output that was a big pro. I listed the reason.
I Say That Is Because At This
price point usually you’re getting good output at least from the reputable brands right you’re getting a lot of output typically or as much output as you can get for the money you’re usually not getting really really good sound quality paired with that and if you are like. In the case of the bowers and Wilkins asw 608 that’s got amazing sound quality for 500 bucks. Unfortunately, it’s just an eight-inch driver with about a hundred watts so. can’t play very loud. It seems like you usually get one or the other at this price point now I’m not saying the other subwoofers that can play loud like the SvS SB1000 sound like crap that’s absolutely not the case.
Most Of The Subwoofers From Reputable Brands
sound fairly good but in comparison the sound quality on this is more like the Bowers and Wilkins asw 608, which is tonally very pleasing very accurate very articulate and very very good honestly at any price point moving on another probably listed was it’s a deep bass low frequency extension for its size and even size. Aside it digs really really deep. The bass is very impactful and it extends very very low. I was a bit surprised when I talked to brian over at rhythmic and he said this had the same low frequency deep bass deep bass output. As their larger models, I thought you know at the price and the size that’s like kind of doesn’t make sense, but he wasn’t lying like it really extends very very low.
I Mean This As Far As The
subs. I own like I own the SvS SB 3000 and the Rel HT1205. This extends lower than those two subwoofers honestly now listen I’m not saying it’s better than those two subwoofers overall. Because those subwoofers are more expensive. They have a lot more power and a lot more maximum output what I’m saying, though is that reasonable listening levels around 80 decibels.
The Bass From The L12 Was Deeper And
it extended a little bit lower moving on here. The small form factor I listed as a pro. I think that’s something a lot of people look at um you know what I mean I I would love to. have like huge subwoofers like the Svs, you know PB16 ultra like they’re so cool but they’re they’re so big and a lot of rooms can’t accommodate them even though I don’t have to worry about wife acceptance factor because I’m not married and even if I was I wouldn’t care honestly but that’s probably why I’m not married anyway. I can’t have a huge subwoofer in my room it just wouldn’t look aesthetically pleasing to my eyeballs and that’s a huge part of the hobby for me love.
The Size Of This Thing Next.
I put excellent articulation in the low bass and mid-bass regions. This thing is a sound quality champion honestly kind of from top to bottom. I’ve heard some subwoofers that are you know they have good articulation in the mid bass, but they don’t extend very low and if they don’t extend very low you. It doesn’t you know there’s not gonna be any detail down there either Then this has good detail from top to bottom so hats off there honestly it’s this is kind of like one of those things like when I reviewed the rel HT 1205.
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- l12
- bass
- f12
- subwoofer kind horse
- opinion really like subwoofer ll
- affordable version reason subwoofer
- told pair rhythmic subwoofers really
- l12 direct servo subwoofer
I Was Like.
I’m surprised we all made this it’s like too good for the money that’s how I feel about this thing. I’m surprised rhythmic made it it’s honest it’s like it really is too good for the money all right. I’m trying to reel it in here and be more objective sorry look. This is my channel.
Im Gonna Be A Little Subjective
from time to time. This is just my personal opinion. I really like this subwoofer. I’ll be honest with my friend who owns it who bought the pair if he is like hey you want to buy these I’m totally. Buying them? I totally will I love them cons setup is critical and I you know setup is critical for all subwoofers, but especially for this one.
Initially I Had It Set Up Improperly.
I didn’t have the phase right. I didn’t have the gain right. I didn’t have it in the ideal position and it sounded slow and sloppy and really really crappy honestly so the reason. I mentioned that is because if you own the subwoofer or bought the subwoofer and what I’m saying as far as its listening impressions.
Dont Line Up With Your Experience If Youre
like what do you mean this thing sounds sloppy to me. You probably have it set up wrong spend some time with it get it right. It’s a fairly tight sounding subwoofer that’s how it should sound at least another Con I listed there’s no gloss black option I love. Gloss black I really do um the the black oak that I have here is actually very convincing and it looks somewhat like a real wood veneer. If I’m being completely honest even from this distance, but I’m a sucker for shiny stuff.
I Love Shiny Stuff.
I really do let’s talk about its sound next output. I would say it has class leading output at this price and the reason is for 500 or 560 dollars, having 300 watts Rms and a 13 I’m sorry 12-inch driver . The only other sub would that spec was the SvS SB 1000, which is I’ll be honest. You know Svs makes class-leading subs Also you know so I can only find two subs that were you know about 500 bucks with this much power so hats off there and I know you guys keep bringing up the RsL speed woofer.
Dont Have One Here.
I know that one has a lot of power too. I don’t have one here Though I haven’t heard one yet and it is a 10-inch portage driver. So I I don’t know if people are going to cross shop that I’m supposed to get a review sample sometime In February We’ll talk about that one later okay but output very very good for the money um base detail.
We Can Also Call This Articulation.
I will say it’s excellent regardless of the price. If this was a thousand dollar subwoofer with this level of base detail. I would be happy great bass detail speed, very good yet natural sounding and when I’m talking about speed.
Im Talking About How Tight It Is
does it start and stop when it’s supposed to and things like that it definitely starts and stops when it’s supposed to. But tightness is one of those things like output people like different amounts, Is it the tightest subwoofer. I’ve heard in my whole life.
The rhythmic L12 direct Servo subwoofer is a subwoofer that digs just as deep plays just as low for a cheaper price . The frequency adjustment is a little bit interesting because they give a few different measurements on the back of this amp . There are three bass roll-off settings, music low home theater option and I believe a high option as well I don’t know if it’s music high or home theater high anyway. I used the music low option with line in an an an in- an out-an-out line . The reason they made this subwoiner is because a lot of their customers continuously asked for a more affordable subwowoofer that had the same deep bass low frequency extension as their more expensive sub woofers and as you would imagine that’s probably fairly challenging to make a sub woofer that would be hard to do it, But here we go they were able to do that, but here we will be able to get it ….. Click here to read more and watch the full video