Video Creator’s Channel Shane Lee

- subwoofers
- subwoofer
- foam
- spikes
- cord
Whats Up Guys Today Were Going To Be Checking
out a pair of appearing audio Bravos 2 12 Ds all right so let’s get this thing unboxed and we’ll see what we get inside so shout out to apparent audio for sending these out for review. I actually have two of these two these guys in inside right on the top here we have a box with the owner’s guide right there cleaning cloth very nice power cord and a plethora of feet sorted feet so we got some rubber feet and then we got some spike feet as well. These are these spikes so spike feet very nice and let’s take this out the box. Then we’re gonna flip it upside down and this thing is packed quite robustly is encased in foam. I’ve never seen a subwoofer encased in foam before, but you know that is going to.
Be Protected In Transit.
I feel more people should encase their subwoofers and foam and speakers and foam. It’s a nice little bag here, which for some reason they tied into a knot sorry appearing on but I’m gonna have to cut your your knot Once you take it out you’re gonna be greeted with a 12-inch driver right there this guy is rated down to 22 hertz on the opposite sides here on the left and right side of the subs of this sub you’ll get another 12-inch there’s a 12-inch passive radiator on this side. It doesn’t look like this grill comes off on the opposite side. There is another 12-inch passive radiator so we’ve got on each side.
This Is The Front Of The
sub. You can tell by the logo so we have a passive radio here another passive on the side and. The active driver is going to be on the bottom. This is their matte finish, so it’s a anti-reflective well. It’s got a little bit of sheen to it.
- speakers foam nice little bag
- subwoofers foam speakers foam
- ve seen subwoofer encased
- seen subwoofer encased
- feel people encase subwoofers foam
So If Youre Going To Put
this in your dedicated theater room. I always like to have black as matte as possible. So it doesn’t reflect light coming off of your screen your television screen or your projector screen on the back. We’ve got a switch for the auto power on off phase either zero or 180 degrees got the crossover which is variable got the volume knob we got your RCa inputs left and right or LFe right there and then we have your um your high level inputs here. Then of course, on the bottom we got your main power switch on off and then your Ac line in size wise it’s fairly compact.
Its 15 And A Half.
wide by 15 and a half inches deep by 17 inches high and it does weigh about pounds. I’ll put the specs up on the screen to let you guys know exactly what it is, but we do have two of these guys. In for review, I’m gonna hook this up in the theater and we’ll come back. I’ll give you some thoughts and impressions for setup.
Ill Be Placing The Subs In My
dedicated theater. One’s going to go in the front right corner and the other in the opposite left rear corner. They’ll be hooked up to a channel altitude processor and I’ll be using a class scape and as a PD media player for demos. I’ll be turning off any room correction in the processor and using only what’s available on the subs for a list of all my review equipment you can find it in the video’s description. I come to find that 12-inch sub seemed to hit pretty hard in my space.
So I Wanted To Throw On The
intro to the greatest showman on the glad escape. The start of this movie is a straight banger yeah. These things can bang no doubt it’s like watching a baseball player swing at a pitch and all of a sudden. You get that crack. When the bat hits the ball, you get that same build up with these subwoofers than that immediate punch.
Theyre Fast Smooth And Can Move A Good
amount of air that being said yes they can crack hard, but not from a major league baseball player. It’s more like. A wiffle ball player okay that’s probably a bit dramatic what I mean is They don’t have the same snappy tactile kick that I’ve heard from other subs granted those subs cost more but the appearance can definitely punch. I just felt it was a little soft. The next demo we’re going to check out is monster hunter on the Zapiti.
This One Is Like 90 Insane
base all the way down to 20 hertz these things rock above 30 hertz. I actually thought I had damaged one of the subs because there was all this rattling coming from it, but it was just whatever was inside my walls. It was crazy and these aren’t really big subs just like the quick punchy nature of the greatest showman. I got the same sensation with all these gunshots. They made my floor shake and the walls vibrate and these aren’t really.
Big Subs Where These Fall Short
is that 20 Hertz rumble you feel right before Diablos pops out of the ground with larger subs. You can feel the air vibrate before you actually hear anything you know below 20 Hertz still though everything above that gives you a big theatrical feel and last but not least is the intro to edge of Tomorrow on the clyde escape in Dolby atmos let’s put I’m not sure if we’re even on the air as we’ve established with monster hunter. These don’t reach down into the infrasonic levels so that air vibrating hair on your arms moving low frequency extension doesn’t exist with these subs to be fair, even much larger subs and more expensive subs can’t do this demo justice it still did enough to make my chairs shake and piss my neighbors off downstairs. So these subs are no slouch I. did take a few measurements of my space on my main listening seat Keep in mind that these are my responses.
I Got From Myspace, So Its Likely
going to be very different for yours for the front sub alone. I got a dip at 60 Hertz and for the rear sub. I gotta dip around 40 Hertz. This is normal for my room both subs combined. I got a smoother response and they do drop off around 24 Hertz.
At The Time Of This Video.
A single Braavos 2 12d is 9. 99. I wasn’t sure what to expect from the sub since I wasn’t familiar with the brand, but I’m glad. I got the chance to check them out.
I Know Theres A Ton Of Options
in the under 1 000 category and I’d put these guys near the top as I mentioned earlier. I felt that these were. Quick and punchy, but did feel a bit soft up top I suppose it could be a result of having passive radiators to enhance their extension. If this was in a sealed cabinet, it might be a little snappier due to this. I’d say this isn’t as refined sounding as some other subs I’ve heard and again those were pricier subs at this price point.
Though It Still Has A Musical Presence Which
did the greatest showman some justice and it was a knockout for huge action movies. I personally feel that these subs excelled more for home theater rather than music. They can deliver a bombastic huge theater-like experience and will loosen up whatever’s inside your walls. They’re somewhat compact and easy to place and at a thousand bucks.
I Feel Should Be A Worthwhile Consideration
if you’re in the market for a new subwoofer and don’t want to break the bank so what is on your list of great sounding subs under a thousand bucks and have you heard the appearance subwoofers? If so leave a comment down below and let us know if you do want to pick up one of these subwoofers or want some more specs. I’ll leave a link for them down below in the video’s description as always guys thanks for watching be sure to like this video. If you found it useful and subscribe if you haven’t already and we’ll see you guys again in the next video.
A pair of appearing audio Bravos 2 12 Ds were sent out for review by apparent audio . The subwoofer is encased in foam and is rated down to 22 hertz on the opposite sides here on the left and right side of the subs of this sub you’ll get another 12-inch there’s a passive radiator on this side.& This is their matte finish, so it’s a anti-reflective well.& I always like to have black as matte as possible. So it doesn’t reflect light coming off of your screen your television screen or your projector screen on the back.& So if you’re going to put this in your dedicated theater room, it’s got a little bit of sheen to it.& We’ve got a switch for the auto power on off phase either zero or 180 degrees got the cros. The sub is powered by an automatic power on on-off phase or on-the-switch for the Auto power on-switch ….. Click here to read more and watch the full video