Video Creator’s Channel Parker The Basshead

All Right Guys, What Is Going On Thank You
all so much for tuning in today We are gonna be looking at the scarNK]. This is the direct I’m not honest a competitor or a copy of the Sundown essay Rev3, but yeah anyway we’re gonna take a look at this reviewing it and seeing what’s got going on stay tuned all right guys now here These sub is now this sub retails for one hundred and fifty-nine dollars now. I ordered this from scars outlet store, so it did not come in a fancy box for me to show you all but that’s okay Nobody really cares about the box. The sub is what matters so let’s just take a really quick look at it now. Of course this light looks just like the sundown audio Sa rev3.
A Lot Of People Either Like
that or Don’t. Don’t like that about it? But we do have the exact same basket similar motor and whatnot that is on it but we’ll get into all that later anyway let’s get a quick look just at everything that we got going on here now This sub is rated at 1,000 watts UK and 1500 watts peak now I think that’s a little odd normally when people rate them they rate a met you know the peak is double they are mess. It’s kind of irrelevant, but this only has a two and a half-inch coil so I really think that probably it would have been safe for the rate of that 750 watts, but whatever doesn’t really matter let’s just take a quick look at this starting from the top. We of course start with our dust cap pretty stiff, but you can dip it a little bit not. A big deal and then we have a real stiff nice paper cone and then sort of a medium roll not quite high.
Rolfs Round Got A Little Bit
of girth to it though pretty Nice and then we have a real nice gasket around the edge. It’s a real tough rubber material and then of course we’ll get down here do you believe this is of course a has to Lou in a basket and then we have this big old beefy looking motor so yeah This is a 202 ounce motor really nice big old looking top and bottom caps. We do have our Center bidding and then our pole winning around the edge and then we have our terminals Real Nice terminals really good Springs in there. Nice and stiff looks like to be about 8 gauge and then inside here we do have the flat sewn. In tensile leads and there are two of them so that’s pretty cool you don’t see that a whole lot now they’re not the big beefy flat leads you’ll see on some subs.
They Are On The Slimmer Side,
but should be plenty for what we are going to be doing here will of course be testing this out to see how they perform but yeah another cool thing. I noticed is that if this has the kind of spider that screws on so looks like it would be really really easy if you did if you did have to return this just unscrew it pop out that cone and drop in the next one so really really awesome there overall really good looking sub again. This is only 160 bucks so that’s pretty cool. Let’s get this in the box and see how it does alright guys we have. The sub-in there and hooked up now I guess someone.
Unfortunately This Is A Dual 4-Ohm
sub so it’s only wired down to 2 Ohms now. Of course, we get some Impe tried while you’re seeing more ohms there but yeah we’re going to see a higher heating so we would if this was just a dual 2-ohm sub but unfortunately, this was the only version that scar had in B stock so that is what I got alright guys well there. You have it now as I said this is a duel forum sub. Unfortunately and we’re getting a bunch of the penis rise. So I couldn’t get it quite as loud as I would’ve would have liked to, but I still could get it up into you know pretty consistently in the 750 to 800 watt range without clipping and it did just fine now of course.
- sundown
- amp
- rev3
- motor
- specs
Rated To A Thousand Watts Is What
they have it rated as I wanna do What happens coil that seems to be a little bit of an aggressive rating just from what other people rate their stuff at I’m sure on clean power in the right box they could probably do it but again. I feel like that was just their way to kind of beat out Sundown 750 watts that being said Guys I really have enjoyed this sub compared to the sundown. It does seem to get a little bit lower than the some down, but doesn’t seem to get quite as loud, but yeah that’ll all be for a another video anyway. Guys please stay tuned. I have the sundown s a Rev three, which of course looks exactly like this sub back here so stay tuned.
- rev3 yeah gonna look reviewing
- sub rated 000 watts
- sundown rev course looks
- sub rated 000 watts uk
- sundown audio sa rev3
The Next Video Will Be A Direct
comparison of those. Two we’re gonna look at the of course the build of the two all the specs of the two and then we’ll play the same songs with each of them and just kind of see how they sound and I’ll tell you my opinion on which I think is better anyway. Guys thank you all so much for watching. I hope you all have a wonderful day. Guys want to thank Y’all so much for watching that before I in the video just wanted to give you all who have stayed this long.
A Quick Little Update On The
Sequoia sorry. I have been really busy the last two weeks. I’ve had finals and whatnot so just trying to wrap up all that but as soon as I get all that done we will get right back into this now at the moment I’m just kind of planning what to do next. Most people have said that they would rather me just go ahead and run some wire and hook up an amp and sub in this and honestly the speakers in here at the moment sound pretty good so I think that is what I’m going to do. I’m gonna do that and hopefully put the box with.
The 212 In Here And Then From
there I actually have some extra UK and batteries I picked up so those are gonna be going in as well and then I also I’m thinking about ordering a bigger amp of the 3000 watt amp is awesome, but what I’ve really realized that when you start getting impedance rise and whatnot your subs really aren’t seeing the full potential of the amp. You know down the 1 ohm or whatever so looking into getting a bigger amp and then well of course be upgrading electrical or whatnot to support that as time goes on but yeah that’s the plan at the moment now I do got to start pulling all this stuff out of the Jeep as I want to sell that soon so probably gonna take the little mini amp pull that out and make a video of me installing. it in here super super easy job and I think Y’all will find that interesting and yeah It’ll be pretty cool and that way We’ll get some more power on the speakers and that’ll be awesome and then from there. We’ll upgrade will apply to a simple door speaker upgrade first and then from there and we’ll look into adding tweeters and extra speakers and whatnot from there but yeah guys thank you so much that was just a quick update on project Sequoia gonna try to get back to working on this thing soon thank you.
This is the direct I’m not honest a competitor or a copy of the Sundown essay Rev3, but yeah anyway we’re gonna take a look at this reviewing it and seeing what’s got going on . These sub is now this sub retails for one hundred and fifty-nine dollars now . This sub is rated at 1,000 watts UK and 1500 watts peak now I think that’s a little odd, but this only has a two and a half-inch coil so I really think that probably it would have been safe for the rate of that 750 watts, but whatever doesn’t really matter let’s just take a quick look at it now . Rolf’s round got a little bit of girth to it though pretty Nice and then we have a real nice gasket around the edge. It’s a real tough rubber material and then of course we’ll get down here do you believe this is of course a has to Lou in a basket and then we have our Center bidding and …. Click here to read more and watch the full video