Video Creator’s Channel Adventures With Vehicles

- amplifiers
- amplifier
- subwoofer
- amp
- subwoofers
Welcome Back To Avengers Vehicles Im Joe Um
Today We are going to be talking car audio. I have four scar audio SvR tens dual voice coils with a . The scar audio amplifier which is 2500 watt. Do not know the exact part number on that I will put it in the description for highs. I’m running four Boston acoustic four and a quarters and two scar audio six by nines which I will leave part numbers in there as well.
The Head Unit Is The Sony
here that is the X-Av Ax 7000. I am not running an amplifier on my highs right now. I will be in the future. The box is tuned to. I believe 30 to 38 Hertz as you can see here.
Its Just A Simple Design.
I haven’t finished the center console piece yet I need to get new hinges that open. up and clear better um but let’s put some royalty-free music in here and which the music will probably suck because most of the royalty-free stuff does so we’ll put that out there and play a couple different tracks, so you can hear them see if this is something you’re looking to get and hopefully. My video is helpful with you and hopefully you and help you decide what subwoofer you want to buy. I used to only run Boston acoustic back in the day and I ran into scar audio and they were cheap and they had decent sound for the price.
I Mean I Was Shocked.
I’ve always ran Boston acoustic before in the past and I got these scar audios and I was impressed for the dollar amount what I paid for these because they’re a very inexpensive speaker. I got them off amazon and they’re they’re. Sounding subwoofer for what I paid for this one. It says it has no copyright.
- audio amplifier 2500
- amplifier highs right future box
- scar audio svr tens dual
- voice coils scar audio
- amps hopefully ll sound better
Well See This One Rattles The Truck
a little bit now mind you. I have this truck dynamited like crazy, So max, how far away do you live? You heard this area in your house. What you live like two three houses down and you can hear it in your house so that’s what like probably about 150 yards from here probably probably 150 yards probably 100 yards. We’ll turn this one up see what it sounds like all right. We’re gonna try another artist here and see how this thing sounds um I wish I could play music that wasn’t have copyright claims on it that way you can actually hear how well this sounds and be able to get the true potential.
Out Of These Subwoofers, I Dont Have
much copyright free music. on my phone because unless I’m using it for editing purposes, but for right now this will have to do as soon as I find the song I just lost. I just watched the damn thing. This one says it’s copyright free UK so so all right well that’s it for this episode of adventures with vehicles hopefully you guys enjoyed my scar audio subwoofer review hopefully it was helpful for you. I wish I had some better music to play with you um maybe next time.
I Will Put Bigger Batteries In The Truck
and once I get the amplifiers and stuff in here and put all new highs in here. I’ll do I’ll come back and do a review on my audio as well. because the head unit just doesn’t keep up for what I’m trying to do so. I’m gonna put a four-channel amp in here and I will revisit this also with a larger amp because I do not have enough amplifier for these subwoofers.
Im Probably Going To Get A Second
one of these 2500 watt amps and hopefully it’ll sound better more crisp, but there’s probably gonna be a little bit of distortion. Hopefully there’s not um through the camera so hopefully. This video helps you out and thank you for tuning in catch you on the next one.
The head unit is the sony here that is the X-Av Ax 7000 . The box is tuned to.& I believe 30 to 38 Hertz as you can hear here . We’ll see this one rattles the truck a little bit now mind you.& We’ll turn this one up see what it’s like to hear in your house. So max, how far away do you live? You heard this area in your . house.& What you live like two three houses down and you can . hear it in . your house so that’s what like about about 150 yards from here probably probably 150 yards probably 100 yards . The video is helpful with you and hopefully you and help you . decide what subwoofer you want to buy.& It says it has no copyright.& My video is helping you decide what Subwoofer for what I paid for this one. & I will be in the future. I’m not running an amplifier on my highs right now….. Click here to read more and watch the full video